Last modified January 2008
This is a list of academic institutions where Coptic language, or literature, or art, or archaeology, or theology, etc., are taught. The colleagues are kindly requested to send information on this subject. The best way to send information is e-mail; short of that, please send a typescript so good as to be easily read by a scanner. This will very much speed the work. The list will be published periodically in the Newsletter.
The Editor has initially listed the courses of which he had become aware. This information is far from complete and up to date, but it will become hopefully so, with the help of the colleagues. Places are also mentioned, where courses might be held, in order to solicit a statement from the colleague mentioned. In this case the item is closed by an interrogation mark. When the information is supplied by the responsible people, it is accompanied by the reference to the year when the information was received.
The list is in alphabetical order of place.
(From Zlatko Plese, 10 Aug. 2001): I taught Coptic the last academic year at UNC-CH, and I plan to do it again the next academic year (2001-2002).
[The list of the courses is only in Hebrew. Your editor is at a loss. But it seems that the following is the right link:]
Dept. of Religious Studies. Corses taught by Paul Mirecki:
Christian Cannuyer, cours de copte dans le cadre de la Faculté de Théologie de l'Université Catholique de Lille
In the last three years (viz. 1999-2001), John D. Turner has offered an introduction to Coptic (Sahidic) to nine undergraduates and two graduate students
[cfr. pagina web]
From: "Sofia Torallas"
Gonzalo Aranda (13.6.97):
Beginner and intermediate Coptic. Also an annual research seminar
called the Nag Hammadi Seminar. Dr. André Gagné
is the main faculty member specializing in Coptic.
Corso di "Lingua copta".
Date: Fri, 1 Jun 2001 11:28:03 +0200
yo misma imparto cursos en Madrid (Consejo Superior de
Investigaciones cientìficas- Instituto de Filologìa)
y en Sevilla, como puede ver a continuaciòn:
- Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cient=EDficas: Seminario de
Traducci=F3n de Textos Coptos, 26 de abril al 21 de junio (20 horas).
Este es un seminario organizado por Sof=EDa Torallas Tovar y Jos=E9
Manuel Ca=F1as. Queremos convertirlo en un seminario semanal permanente
al que se puedan unir cuantas personas est=E9n interesadas en mirar
Instituto San Justino de Filología Clasica y Oriental.
C/ San Buenaventura, 9. 28005 Madrid.
[cfr. pagina web]
Three courses of Coptic Language and Literature:
Prof. D. Marek Roczkiewicz
Institut für Ägyptologie und Koptologie.
Web page 2 (graduate)
The page requires special software to be navigated.
Sorry, your editor is against such sites, so he cannot be
more precise for Coptic courses.]
Web page 2
Web page 3
Cf. pag. 23
(click: Forschungsinst. f. Koptologie und Ägypt.)
From: "Sofia Torallas"
- Universidad de Sevilla.
Dept. historia Antigua: Copto Sahidico
II (curso de extension universitaria): 26 al 30 de octubre 2001 (20
horas, 2 creditos de doctorado).
Cf. Macquarie University
Starting from 2006-2007
From: Iwona Antoniak - Katarzyna Urbaniak-Walczak
At the Department of Egyptology, Institute of Oriental Studies
1995/6 -2 years of the course of Sahidic dialect for the beginners
1995 - 1997 - 3 years of reading texts.
At the Institute of Archaeology:
1998/9 - 2 years elementary course for the beginners.