Humanities Computing / Digital Humanities Academy

Invitation to 1st official teleconference

Rome, March 3, 2016 Dear Friends and Colleagues, The Centro Linceo Interdisciplinare Beniamino Segre of the Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei has granted to our Academy the use of a room equipped with skype teleconferences facility. We can now begin our activity. You are invited to participate in the inaugural meeting, i.e. teleconference, Monday, March 21st, at 4pm (Rome time) The time of the conference has been chosen (like for the previous one) to conciliate different time zones, e.g. Alberta (8am), Toronto (10am), Wahington (10am). I suppose the discussion will take not more than 2 hours. The agenda is: - Connections with other institutions - Calendar of the future meetings - Assign the Reviews of research enterprises (our "contributions") - Recruitment of new members You are kindly requested to send me a formal declaration of membership, upon which I shall send a certificate, as agreed in our previous meeting. In attachment you find: - the final text of the Statutes (with the list of the Members founders) - a pro-memoria for the efficient use of Skype. Coi piu' cordiali saluti, Tito Orlandi