@ frammento 005

HP] So when Constantine, the believing prince, died in a good old age, Constantius his son was enthroned after him, but did not remain firm in the orthodox faith, only fearing and respecting the people.

HP] Then Arius found his opportunity, and aimed at taking hold of the prince, and drew him to his own mind, and corrupted his heart,

HP] and induced him to incline the empire to his doctrine, and led him astray, till he sent and summoned Alexander from Alexandria to Constantinople.

HP] For the prince did not know the power of Alexander, nor the cause for which he had anathematized Arius and removed him from the Church.

HP] Now Alexander had grown old and advanced in years, although he was strong in sense and sound in faculties;

HP] and Athanasius was his interpreter and scribe and mouthpiece, through the power of hte Holy Ghost, on account of his knowledge of the orthodox fait.

HP] So the Father Alexander took his seat in the presence of the prince, who then summoned Arius;

HP] and Arius uttered his impure discourse, and multiplied his vile phrases.

HP] But Athanasius confuted him by the arguments which he delivered, and brought his discourse to naught.

HP] Thereupon Arius was troubled, and broke up the assembly, saying: We will have another sitting.

HP] And since Arius knew that he had no power against Athanasius, he gave money to the attendants at the royal doors,

HP] and settled with them that they should prevent Athanasius from entering with the others into the next assembly.

HP] So when the morrow came the prince commanded to bring them in; but when Alexander entered, the doorkeepers prevented Athanasius the Apostolic from entering.

HP] When the prince had taken his seat, the patriarch being present also, Arius spoke and delivered a long discourse.

HP] So the Father Alexander turned to the right and left, but could not see Athanasius, his scribe; and therefore he was silent.

HP] Then the prince said to him: Why dost thou not speak?

HP] Alexander replied: How shall I speak without tongue?

HP] So the prince knew that he meant Athanasius, and commanded to bring him in.

FY] [lac] *p. [49]* afanaCwrei.
[lacuna] se ne uscì.
HP] But when Arius saw that Athanasius had entered, he went out hastily, and would not remain.

FY] alexandros de pejaf mprro je mHt[e]i nta tkaq{ai}resis narios ywpe mmate hn tekklHsia.
Disse Alessandro all'imperatore: Forse che la scomunica di Ario è stata fatta soltanto nella Chiesa?
HP] Then Alexander said to the prince: Know, O prince, that the cutting off of this Arius took place at the council;

FY] ouhwb nbrre pentaftahof.
Una novità è ciò che gli accadde.
HP] and it was not I alone that cut him off,

FY] pekeiwt gar prro afhupograP{e} etefkaq{ai}resis auw afplasse mmof hi peparCos.
Infatti l'imperatore tuo padre sottoscrisse la sua scomunica e lo sottopose al prefetto.
HP] but thy blessed father, the prince, and all the members of the council cut him off, and the prince wrote his anathema in his own handwriting.

FY] auw ekyanyine knacine n[n]nhupomnHma.
e se indagherai troverai gli atti.
HP] Therefore if thou wilt look at the letter of thy father, thou wilt find that it is in his handwriting.

FY] anok gar noukoui nk{i}ndunos nai an pe outwy eaprro toyf ebolf ebol
Per quanto mi riguarda non sarebbe per me poco pericoloso annullare una disposizione che stabilì l'imperatore.
HP] Shall I then say of him that was excommunicated by the prince Constantine and the members of the council that I will absolve him? Nay, that would be an act of heresy on my part.

FY] malista je pekeiwt mminmmok afywpe ha t(e)fkaq{ai}resis h[e]n tsunhodos ntafsoouhn eros enikaia [[etsunhodos]].
Soprattutto perché il tuo stesso padre presenziò alla sua scomunica al concilio a cui ci riunìa Nicea.
HP] For thy father in truth wrote his anathema and his excommunication in his own handwriting, at the council which took place at Nicaea.

FY] prro de nter(e)f(swtm e)nai afYso etbe kostas pefson j(e) nnefcn loice ehoun erof hws efb{w}l nndogma mprro nftwoun ehrai ejwf.
L'imperatore dopo che udì ciò si astenne a causa di suo fratello Costante affinché non lo incolpasse di trascurare le disposizioni dell'imperatore ed egli gli si levasse contro.
HP] So when the prince heard this speech, he was afraid of his brother, that if he should break the command of his father, his brother would find in that a pretext for acting with duplicity against him;

FY] afkw ce ebol [e]n(al)exandros afbwk etefpolis ere arios yoop hn tkaq{ai}resis.
Dunque lasciò andare Alessandro e questi se ne andò alla sua città mentre Ario rimase nella scomunica.
HP] and therefore he dismissed the Father Alexander and restored him to his see. Thus Arius justly remained anathematized, and bound by the censures of the Church,

FY] neafkaas gar haeiatf pe *p. [50]* je pant{w}s fnamate mpeoou ntekklHsia hitm pamahte mprro pai ntafyopf ha CrHma.
Aveva sperato infatti che forse avrebbe ottenuto la gloria della Chiesa per opera della potenza dell'imperatore che aveva corrotto col denaro.
HP] for he had supposed that he would succeed in obtaining his desires by his power over the prince, and by giving money to the attendants.

FY] alexandros de afmton mmof hn oumnthllo e[t]nanous efjHk ebol h[e]n teCaris mpnoute.
Alessandro morì in una buona vecchiaia morendo nella grazia di Dio,
HP] And the Father Alexander went to his rest with his fathers,

FY] afkeleue mpeklHros etreukaqista naqanasios (p)diakonos (ep)efma.
e ordinò al clero di porre il diacono Atanasio al suo posto.
HP] after he had charged the priests and the people, at the time of his death, that they should seat Athanasius after him upon the throne.

FY] ntoou de auraye. neume gar mmof efnHu ebol efbHk ehoun hiqH nouonnim.
e essi si rallegrarono perché lo conoscevano «che usciva e entrava di fronte a ciascuno».
HP] So they rejoiced at that, on account of their love for Athanasius.

FY] pai ce nterefhmoos hi pefqronos h[e]n rakote afananeue nteunou ntkaq{ai}resis narios. afoyf eplaos tHrf h[e]n tmHte nt(e)kklHsia.
Questi dunque dopo che sedette sul suo trono a Alessandria rinnovò subito la scomunica di Ario e la lesse a tutto il popolo nel mezzo della Chiesa.
HP] When he sat upon the apostolic throne, he drove the sect of Arius out of the Church, and brought forth the lettere of excommunication which was in the handwriting of Constantine, the prince, and the members of the holy council, and read it in the church before the congregation.

FY] nai de nterefsotmou nci arios afrwkh hm pefqumos hit{m} pcwnt mn pkwh.
Dopo che ebbe udito ciò Ario bruciò nel suo animo per l'ira e l'invidia.
HP] But when Arius heard of this, he was exceedingly angry, and his pride blazed up like fire,

FY] mntoige neftoms h{n} mntrefjioua nim nqe nhwrigenHs mn porP{u}rios.
E certo era coperto da ogni bestemmia come Origene e Porfirio.
HP] omittit

Ma lo spirito della Chiesa [lac]
HP] omittit

@ lacuna di 1 foglio fy

HP] and he went to the prince, and said to him:

HP] If Alexander, patriarch of Constantinople, will receive me by thy command, I shall attain my object.

HP] So the prince summoned the patriarch, and said to him:

HP] Behold, the patriarch of Alexandria has refused to receive Arius, and has disobeyed our command.

HP] But thou knowest that we have raised thee, and seated thee as patriarch upon the throne of Constantinople;

HP] and therefore it behoves thee not to resist us, as others do, since thou art good, but to take Arius to thyself, and receive him.

HP] The patrarch answered: Nay, the Church will not receive him, and it is not right that we should receive any except those who agree with her faith.

HP] For this man has declared that one of the Trinity is a creature, and has been rightly removed from the Church.

HP] The prince rejoined: That he does not do, but on the contrary he acknowledges the Trinity.

HP] The patriarch said to him: Then let him write for me a confession of his faith in his own handwriting, so that I may know what he believes.

HP] So the prince sent for Arius; for this was a thing from God most high;

FY] [lac] *p. 53* aftsane pyaje hn nlexis nhaplous nte tegraPH afjoos.
[lacuna] ornò il discorso con le semplici frase della scrittura e lo recitò.
HP] and he wrote a confession of the faith in his own hand,

FY] ntof de afwrk efjw [m]mmos j(n) mmon.
Ed egli giurò dicendo sì o no.
HP] concealing his heresy in his own soul.

FY] peje prro nalexandros je ou on pe pke oua ekouey sotmef.
Disse l'imperatore ad Alessandro: Che altro vuoi udire?
HP] The the prince said to the patriarch: What remaning objection has thou against Arius after that?

FY] peje alexandros je akkeleue auexorize naqanasios ebol je afwy mphupomnHma nneparCos.
Disse Alessandro: Hai ordinato che esiliassero Atanasio perché aveva letto gli atti del prefetto.
HP] So the Father Alexander, patriarch of Constantinople, said to the king: Verily the Father Athanasius, patriarch of Alexanderia, has read afresh at Alexandria the anathema pronounced against Arius, written in the handwriting of the prince Constantine, thy blessed father, and in the handwriting of the fathers of the council of Nicaea; and has banished his sect from his church.

FY] keleue maroujoouf erakote.
Ordina che lo rimandino ad Alessandria.
HP] omittit

FY] auw eryantmlaau ywpe narios ya tk{u}riakH tnnajitf.
E se nulla accadrà ad Ario fino a domenica, lo riceveremo.
HP] But if no misfortune happens to this Arius from to-day till Sunday, then I will receive him,

FY] tnnaeime gar hm p(ai) je apeCristos hw{tp} nmmaf p(e) auw t(e)nnas(u)nage nmma(f) pe.
Sapremo infatti da ciò che Cristo si pacificato con lui e torneremo in comunione con lui.
HP] and will invite him to association with the priests.

FY] prro d(e) afeire hina(i) afkeleue et(re) aqanasios (k)tof etefpo(lis) nfhmoos h(i pef)qronos.
L'imperatore fece così, e ordinò che Atanasio tornasse alla sua città e sedesse sul suo trono.
HP] omittit

FY] arios ce nefcwyt hHts ntsunaxis etnaywpe ntkuriakH.
Ario dunque aspettava la synaxis che ci sarebbe stata la domenica.
HP] Then Arius went away, and waited for Sunday.

FY] ntere tkuriakH de ei aftoloma afbwk ehoun afhmoos hi pefsunhedrion hws presbuteros.
Quando venne la domenica, ebbe l'audacia di entrare e sedere al suo banco di presbitero.
HP] So when Sunday came he entered the church, having put on splendid garments, and perfumed and scented himself, and sat by the door of the sanctuary, among the rank of the priests.

FY] alexandros hwwf mn nete nouf ne *p. 54* (au)er tkuri(a)kH (t)Hrs etmmau (eu)n(H)steue (a)uw euylHl (e)utwbh mpeCristos
Alessandro da parte sua, col suo seguito, passò tutta quella domenica digiunando e pregando invocando Cristo:
HP] But the patriarch and his friends had remained all through the week fasting, and standing before the Lord Jesus,

FY] j(e) mprtre (pei)nobe ei ebol (hi)tootn.
non lasciare che questo peccato esca da noi.
HP] and beseeching him to reckon to them the sin of Arius;

FY] (apr)ro gar joos (na)f je ekyan(t)mjitf mn(nsa) nianay (Y)naYose nt(e)kklHsia. tayats noucincwr nnoub ep{g}azoPula{k}ion mprro.
Infatti l'imperatore aveva detto: Se non lo riceverete dopo questo giuramento, multerò la Chiesa di una libbra d'oro per il tesoro imperiale.
HP] for the prince had sworn to Alexander, saying: If thou wilt not receive Arius on Sunday after his oath, I will exact from the church a large sum of money.

FY] euwy ce nci nrefwy jin epkoui yantouwy mpepraxis nte pepiskopos ei ebol
Quando i lettori avevano da poco iniziato a leggere ed erano giunti agli Atti, e il vescovo era entrato,
HP] So when the clergy and the people were assembled on that day in the church, while Arius was present, the father and patriarch performed the liturgy, though he was sad. But when the reader read,

FY] atkoilia narios [a]sustroPei efhmoos hm psunhedrion auw afyine nsa bwk eparaskeuaze.
l'intestino di Ario si mosse, mentre era seduto al suo banco, ed egli cercò il gabinetto.
HP] the bowels of Arius were moved;

FY] aftwoun de hm psunhedrion afbwk epma etyye afhmoos.
Si alzò dal seggio, andò al gabinetto, e si sedette.
HP] and he went out to a corner at a distance, that he might relieve himself,

FY] auw nteihe hnouypenywp anefmaht tHrou *p. 55* mn netmpefhoun auei epesHt afcw efhmoos efyouwou emn TuCH mmof oude nife.
E subito tutti i suoi intestini e le interiora caddero a terra ed egli rimase seduto, svuotato, senza anima né respiro.
HP] and all his bowels gushed out from his body.

FY] nteroutaue peylHl de ejm pepiskopos efnaei ebol kata pheqos auyine nsa arios je efnaei ebol hwwf nmmau etsunaxis auw mpouhe erof.
Dopo che ebbero detto la preghiera per l'uscita del vescovo, secondo la liturgia, cercarono Ario affinché uscisse anch'egli per la synaxis, ma non lo trovarono.
HP] And as he remained absent from the congregation, they asked after him, but could not find him.

FY] pepiskopos de afka{te}Ce nounoc nnau efcwyt hHtf kata tsuntakH ntaftaas mn prro.
Il vescovo rimase molto tempo aspettandolo, secondo il patto che aveva stabilito coll'imperatore.
HP] omittit

FY] nteroumeyt ma nim hn tekklHsia euYouoi nswf aucntf efhmoos hn ouklje efyouwou eana hHtf tHrou ei ehrai harof autame pepiskopos
E dopo che ebbero cercato per tutta la chiesa andando dappertutto per lui, lo trovarono seduto in un angolo, svuotato, con tutte le interiora cadute a terra davanti a lui, e avvisarono il vescovo.
HP] So they searched for him, and discovered him sitting rigid, empty, and shrivelled, with all his internal organs lying before him. The they brought word of this to the father and patriarch,

FY] (pepiskopos) de afer ypHre mpeoou mpeCristos pai ntaf[e]r phap mpanay nnouj h[e]noucepH.
Il vescovo ammirò la gloria di Cristo, che aveva fatto all'istante il giudizio per il falso giuramento,
HP] and he marvelled thereat, and was silent, and thanked the Lord Jesus Christ, and glorified him who had passed judgment upon Arius, and destroyed him swiftly, on account of his false oath and his corrupt faith.

FY] mpefY mpyaje nnefh[e]mhal nepiskopos euyipe petros mn alexandros mn aqanasios mn pke alexandros penta pefjikba *p. 56* ei ehrai nteunou.
e non aveva reso vane le parole dei suoi servi vescovi Pietro e Alessandro e Atanasio e l'altro Alessandro, la cui vendetta era giunta immediatamente.
HP] Then he showed to the prince and the congregation all the truth of what the Father Peter, the martyr, patriarch of Alexandria had said.

FY] afei ce efeire ntefsunaxis hn ouounof mn ounoc nhote auw aft(ame) nai naqanasios
Andò dunque a compiere la synaxis con gioia e grande timore, e fece sapere ciò ad Atanasio.
HP] So Alexander, patriarch of Constantinople, finished the liturgy on that day with joy and glory and praise, and sent to Athanasius, patriarch of Alexndria, saying:

FY] ntof hwwf afshai nouepistolH erakote efjw mmos je tnouHh nsa nishai hm pouwy mpnoute.
Egli dunque scrisse una lettera ad Alessandria dicendo: «Seguiremo questa lettera col volere di Dio».
HP] We glorify God and make known to thee, brother, that Arius has died a wonderful death, and his doctrine has been cut off, and his sec scattered.

FY] ntere arios ce mou hm pimou nhote mpe prro lo h[e]n tefmania.
Ma anche dopo che Ario morì in questo modo terribile, l'imperatore non cessò dalla sua follia.
HP] But the prince was not satisfied with that,

FY] ne(o)untaf gar mmau n[ne]ndia{d}oCos narios euhoou erof ete gewrgios pe mn loukios mn h(e)nkooue nmmau.
Erano presenti infatti i successori di Ario, peggiori di lui, cioè Giorgio e Lucio ed altri con loro.
HP] on account of the friends of Arius, namely Syrianus and George and their followers.

FY] nai aucw eu{f}wce ej[e]n tekklHsia nrakote.
Costoro continuarono ad assaltare la Chiesa di Alessandria.
HP] These are they who made the assault upon the church of Alexandria.

FY] agewrgios {Y} h(e)nnoc nCrHma mprro auw afY naf nYounye mmatoi yantouapokaqis(ta) mmof etekklHsia nrakote.
Giorgio diede una grossa somma all'imperatore, e questi gli diede cinquecento soldati affinché lo ponessero a capo della Chiesa di Alessandria.
HP] For the prince gave to George five hundred horsemen of his army, and sent them with him, that they might make him patriarch of Alexandria.

FY] nefouwy gar pe ehwtb naqanasios.
Voleva infatti uccidere Atanasio.
HP] omittit

FY] pnoute de aftorpf h[e]n teumHte auw af[e]r so nrompe ere gewrgios amahte ntekklHsia nrakote.
Ma Dio lo sottrasse a loro ed egli passò sei anni mentre Giorgio teneva la Chiesa di Alessandria.
HP] omittit

FY] aftnnoou on nh(e)nepiskopos kata polis eutayeo*p. [5]7*eiy nte{b}lasP{H}mia mploimos narios je ouswnt pe peC(risto)s.
Questi mandò dei vescovi per tutte le città a predicare la bestemmia dell'empio Ario, che Cristo é una creatura.
HP] And he wrote to every city letters, in which he repeated the doctrine of Arius, that the Son of God was created;

FY] plaos de mpousunage nmmaf hn tmHte nkHme tHrf alla neusunage hn nHi mn npresbuteros hn tcij naqanasios mn pefeiwt alexandros.
Ma il popolo non comunicò con lui per tutto l'Egitto, ma comunicavano nelle case coi presbiteri consacrati da Atanasio e da suo padre Alessandro.
HP] but not one in the land of Egypt would accept it, and the people continued to receive the communion from priests whom Athanasius had ordained.

FY] gewrgios gar afbwk ehoun etekklHsia afhwtb hn tcij n[n]mmatoi mplaos ntafhe eroou mn aqanasios yante peusnof pwh ya neuk[e]lle.
Giorgio era entrato nella chiesa ed aveva ucciso per mano dei soldati il popolo che aveva trovato con Atanasio, tanto che il loro sangue era giunto alle ginocchia.
HP] So this George entered into the church of Alexandria by guile; and many of the Christian people who followed the doctrine of Athanasius were killed by the soldiers who came with George, until the blood in the church rose up to their knees;

FY] auw nnka ntekklHsia auyolou auw nanaqema aufitou mparqenos aujahmou.
Ed essi rubarono le suppellettili della chiesa e presero gli ex-voto e violentarono le vergini.
HP] and they plundered the vessels of the chruch, and violated the virgins who were in it.

FY] aqanasios ce n(e)flHc pe je nneumooutf nci narianos.
Atanasio stava nascosto affinché gli ariani non lo uccidessero.
HP] Meanwhile Athanasius lay hid;

FY] plaos ce neulHc pe hn [n]mmanjaie eusunage {h}n nesp{e}laion auw hn tmHte nnswye yahrai epmarHs.
Ed il popolo stava nascosto nel deserto, facendo la synaxis nelle caverne e per i campi, fino a Mares.
HP] and the people continued for a long time to communicate in caves and deserts and in the fields in all the provinces of Egypt as far as the Thebaid;

FY] ma nim etere narianos nhHtou nse *p. 58* swouh nmmau an.
In ogni luogo in cui erano gli ariani non si riunivano con loro.
HP] for the Arians, who were friends of the prince, were spread over every place.

FY] sarapi{w}n de pepiskopos nqmoui nefdiadeCe pe naqanasios efshai mplaos etreuhareh eroou ekoinonei mn narianos.
Serapione, vescovo di Thmuis, provvedeva ad Atanasio, scrivendo al popolo che evitassero di comunicare con gli ariani.
HP] And Serapion, bishop of Thmuis, wrote to the patriarch Athanasius and all the people, that they should keep themselves from the Arians.

FY] mnnsa so nrompe aaqanasios yaje mn prro efme(e)ue je fnaY naf mpeklom ntmntmarturos.
Dopo sei anni Atanasio parlò con l'imperatore, pensando che gli avrebbe procurato la corona del martirio.
HP] And after six years Athanasius showed himself, and went to the prince, thinking that he would kill him, and that he would receive the crown of martyrdom.

FY] prro de afkeleue etalof euskaPos ete m[e]n moou oude oeik {a}lHu eros oude laau nrwme nseYtootf nmmaf ebol hm ppelagos.
L'imperatore ordinò che lo caricassero su una barca, senza acqua né cibo né alcun uomo che lo aiutasse per mare.
HP] So the prince commanded that he should be placed in a small boat, and that neither bread nor water should be given him, and that there should be no sailor with him nor anyone to guide the vessel, but that he should embark in it alone, and be sent out to sea; so this was done to him.

FY] auw pnoute afhareh epefswtp af[e]r hmme mmof pefyomnt afei ehoun erakote.
Ma Dio salvò il suo santo, e lo guidò, e al terzo giorno egli giunse ad Alessandria.
HP] And the waves carried him, while God guarded and guided him, until he arrived at Alexandria unexpectedly on the third day.

FY] plaos de auei ebol ejm pekro aucntf auTallei ha tefhH aujitf etekklHsia.
Il popolo uscì sulla spiaggia, e lo trovò, e cantò innanzi a lui e lo portò alla chiesa.
HP] Thereupon the priests and people went out to him, and met him with joy and chanting, and so accompanied him until he entered the church,

FY] auw gewrgios auY tootf ebol hn tekklHsia mn pefymye nbote.
E Giorgio lo cacciarono dalla chiesa con la sua confessione empia.
HP] and expelled from it George, and those who believed in his corrupt faith.

FY] aqanasios de on af[e]r ya mn kHme tHrf ere plaos [omissione] mn nheneete *p. [59]* eu[e]r ya mmHne.
Atanasio festeggiò con tutto l'Egitto, mentre il popolo [omissione] coi monasteri, stando sempre in festa.
HP] And Athanasius kept on that day a festival to the Lord; and the people rejoiced in all the provinces of Egypt.

FY] mnnsa say{f}e on nrompe ake oua on je grHgorios ei ehoun erakote mn jouwtnye mmatoi afYpefouoi on etekklHsia afyols auw afamahte nfto nrompe.
Dopo sette anni un altro, un certo Gregorio, entrò in Alessandria con duemila soldati, si impadronì della Chiesa, la saccheggiò, e la tenne per quattro anni.
HP] And after seven years a man came whose name was Gregory, with whom were two thousand men who were soldiers; and he pillaged the church, and remained in possession of the see four years.

FY] neafcwpe naqanasios auparhista mmof mprro.
Egli aveva catturato Atanasio, e questi fu portato davanti all'imperatore.
HP] And Athanasius was arrested;

FY] prro de aftaaf etootf noua je sounnos panomos nhllHn je (efe)mooutf.
L'imperatore lo consegnò ad un certo Sunno, un pagano empio, affinché lo uccidesse.
HP] and the prince delivered him to a man named Philagrius, an unbeliever and idolater, for he wished to kill him,

FY] sounnos ce afhitootf emouout mmof. mn liberios parCH(e)piskopos (n)hrwmH. m(n) dion{u}sios pa tanYoC(ia) neneiote (nt)pist{i}s.
Sunno cercò di ucciderlo, con Liberio, arcivescovo di Roma, e Dionisio di Antiochia, nostri padri della fede.
HP] and to kill Liberius, patriarch of Rome, and Dionysius, patriarch of Antioeh, because those three were the fathers of the orthodox faith;

FY] pnoute de a{f}nahmou eb(ol) hn neucij aqanasio(s) mn liber(ios)
Ma Dio li salvò dalle loro mani, Atanasio e Liberio,
HP] but the Lord rescued them from his hand,

FY] aftnno(ou) nouCeroubi(m) afnahmou ntootf mpmou etouonh ebol.
e mandò un Cherubino e li salvò dalla morte corporale.
HP] and saved them.

FY] auw mnnsa nai a liberios swk naqanasios afjitf nmmaf ehrwmH yantefmou nci kwstas nfr rro nci kwstan*p. 60*(t)ios euorqodo(xo)s pe.
E dopo di ciò Liberio salvò Atanasio e lo portò con sé a Roma, finché morì Costante e divenne imperatore Costanzo, che era ortodosso.
HP] So Athanasius went away with Liberius to Rome, and did not cease to remain with him until Constantius died, and his son Constans reigned after him; and he was orthodox.

FY] pai (nt)eunou afa(n)a[g]kalei na(q)anasios af(q)msof ej[e]m (pef)qronos.
Costui subito convocò Atanasio e lo rimise sul trono.
HP] And as soon as Constans took his seat upon the throne he commanded to restore Athanasius to his see.

FY] (hm) pe(o)uoeiy de (et)mmau ere (ku)rillos o ne(pis)kopos eqi(erousalH)m aunoc (m') (m)aein ouw(nh e)bol nte pe(stauro)s jin jpyomte mpehoou ya jpTite.
In quel tempo era vescovo di Gerusalemme Cirillo, ed un grande miracolo apparve [della croce] dalla terza ora alla nona.
Exc] *p. 28* hm+ peouoeiy etm+mau ere kurillos o nepiskopos eqierousalHm aunoc m+maein ouwn_h ebol nte peCristos jin jp+yomt mpehoou ya jp+Tite
In quel tempo era vescovo di Gerusalemme Cirillo, ed un grande miracolo apparve [di Cristo] dalla terza ora alla nona.
HP] At that time Cyril was patriarch of Jerusalem; and a great miracle was manifested by his hand,

FY] aunoc nstauros nouoein aheratf hijm ptaPos mpenswtHr mphot ebol nsarx nim mpistos mn napistos nbarbaros mn nehrwmaios.
Una grande croce luminosa si posò sulla tomba del nostro Salvatore, al cospetto di ogni persona, fedele od infedele, barbaro o romano.
Exc] aunoc n+stauros n+ouoein ouwnh ebol efaheratf+ hijm+ pm+haau m+pswtHr m+phwt ebol n+sar_x nim m+pistos mn+ napistos barbaros hrwmaios.
HP] for a pillar of light appeared by the tomb of the Lord Christ our Saviour; and a multitude of the Romans witnessed it,

FY] hws{t}e nte mmHHye ltHrou etyoop hm pkwte nqierousalHm swouh mn neucinouwm mn neuHrp nseouwm nsesw mpkwte mpestauros yantefbwk ehrai etpe mpnau n+jp+Tite ere bal nim qewrei mmof.
Cosicché tutta la folla che stava nei dintorni di Gerusalemme si riunì con cibi e vino e mangiarono e bevvero presso la tomba, finché (la croce) salì al cielo all'ora nona, alla presenza di ognuno.
Exc] hwste nte m+mHHye tHrou etyoop [lac] polis swouh mn (neuci)nouwm mn+ neucinsw mn neuHr_p nse [lac] kwte m+pest [lac] tefbwk ehrai etp [lac] n+jp+Tite ere nbal nouon nim cwy_t n+swf.
HP] for all those that were in the city and its neighbourhood came and beheld it. And it remained from the third hour to the ninth; and the people hastened to see it from every place.

FY] kurillos de pepiskopos nqierousalHm afshai nteypHre ntasywpe aftnnoou nouepistolH nkwstanYos epkwmitat{o}n pai etme naqanasios.
Cirillo, vescovo di Gerusalemme, scrisse il miracolo che era avvenuto e mandò una lettera a Costanzo, al comitatus, colui che amava Atanasio.
Exc] kurillos de pepi(sko)pos n+qierousalHm afshai n+teypHre n+tasywpe afshai n+ouepistolH afjoous n+kwstos pr+ro *p. 29* epkwmHtaton pai etme n+aqanasios.
HP] And Cyril wrote to Constantius the prince, and informed him of this wonder. Now Constans the prince loved Athanasius;

FY] [inizia grande lacuna]
Exc] aqanasios de afamahte ejn+ tekklHsia n+rakote n+ke joutH n+rompe n+sa neuerHu m+pe laau m+polumos twoun ejwf.
Atanasio resse la Chiesa di Alessandria altri venticinque anni senza interruzione, e nessun disturbo più sopravvenne.
HP] and when he returned to his see, he remained twenty-five years in tranquillity and peace,

Exc] afr+ jousnoous gar n+rompe hn tepiskopH mn texorisYa.
Prima aveva trascorso ventidue anni nell'episcopato e in esilio.
HP] although before that time he had passed twenty-two years in the see, in exile and conflict and persecution.

Exc] n+terf+mou de nci kwstos afr+ r+ro epefma nci ioulianos euanomos pe n+helHn euebol pe hn+ tswne nkwstanYnos pnoc.
Dopo che morì Costante diventò imperatore al suo posto Giuliano, empio pagano, discendente dalla sorella del grande Costantino.
HP] And Constans died, and Julian, the misbelieving gentile and idolater, reigned after him, being the son of the sister of Constantine, the great prince,

Exc] peshai gar neuhellHn pe.
Suo marito infatti era pagano.
HP] omittit

Exc] nyHre de nkwstanYnos aunau epyHre yHm je ounayt+hraf pe auw auaqeti je nnffi ntmntero mpeueiwt [lac] n+koui. I figli di Costantino videro che il giovane era sfrontato, e lo disconobbero, in modo che non ricevesse il regno del loro padre. Presero il piccolo
HP] omittit

Exc] autaaf etekklHsia auaaf n+anagnwstHs.
e lo consegnarono alla Chiesa e lo fecero lettore.
HP] omittit

Exc] n+rwme de mpefeiwt aueine m+mof ehrai hn tmnthellHn.
Ma i fedeli di suo padre lo educarono nel paganesimo.
HP] omittit

Exc] nterfmou de nci kwstos afr+ r+ro epefma*p. 30* nci ioulianos auw aftaaf etmnthl+lHn nteunou afyine n+sa ouwn n+n_rpHue dHmosia.
Dopo che morì Costante divenne imperatore al suo posto Giuliano, e subito adottò il paganesimo e provvide a riaprire i templi pubblicamente.
HP] And Constans died, and Julian, the misbelieving gentile and idolater, reigned after him, being the son of the sister of Constantine, the great prince, and began immediately to open the heathen temples.

Exc] pai ce afcw hm ppallaYon n+tandioCia n_fm+pya gar an n+m+ma n+kwstanYnos etrefouwh n+hHtou.
Egli risiedeva nel palazzo di Antiochia, perché non era degno di abitare nelle residenze di Costantino.
HP] Julian lived at Antioch, because he was unworthy to dwell in the residence of the great Constantine;

Exc] afbwk epma n+n+hellHn mn+ neueidwlon afji n+oubHc aftaaf m+phuereus aftalof ehrai nqusia m+pdaimwn affi m+phupar aftaaf naf afouomf.
Egli si recò al tempio dei pagani e dei loro idoli, prese un rapace, lo diede al sacerdote, ed egli lo offrì in sacrificio al demone. Prese il fegato, e glielo diede da mangiare.
HP] and when he went to the place of the idols, he took a hawk, which he gave to the priest of the idols, who offered it to Satan, and Julian took its heart and ate it.

Exc] ioulianos de pyHre ntf+swne pe aftanhoutf+ etm_n_tero.
Egli affidò il regno a Giuliano, figlio di sua sorella.
HP] And he had a sister's son named also Julian, an unbeliever like his uncle,

Exc] n+terefnau de eteproqemia mpson n+tefmaau afcwpe m+Pagios qeodoriCos pepresbuteros auw poikonomos n+tekklHsia afmoout_f.
Questi, dopo che vide le inclinazioni del figlio di sua madre, prese il santo presbitero Teodorico, economo della chiesa, e lo uccise,
HP] who took the faithful priest Theodoret, and killed him,

Exc] afei de afji pouw n+ioulianos.
e andò a portare la notizia a Giuliano.
HP] and then came to his uncle and informed him that he had put him to death.

Exc] n+tof de afnoucs efjw m+mos je akytr+twrt nYou*p. 31*wy an emooutou. je nneuyouyou m+moou je anr marturos hiwwk.
Ma egli si adirò e disse: Mi hai turbato. Non voglio che vengano uccisi, affinché non si vantino di essere stati martiri sotto di te.
HP] But Julian was angry with him, and said to him: «I did not desire that thou shouldst kill him; for the Christians take a pride in being slain, and say that they have become martyrs;

Exc] alla eiyanei hn+ tpersis Ynaka ounomos ehrai nau je yom_n_t n+holokotYnos etape m+ppaganos terompe n+neCrisYanos pbouleutHs de yom_n_t n+oukgia.
Ma quando tornerò dalla Persia farò una legge contro di loro, in ragione di tre olocottini a testa per pagano all'anno, per i cristiani, il buleutes tre once.
HP] but I am determined, if I return from fighting the Persians, that from everyone of the Christians shall be taken three ounces as a tax»;

Exc] nai de efeire m+moou nefhojh_j n+neCristianos hn smot nim.
Queste cose faceva per perseguitare i cristiani in ogni modo.
HP] meaning thereby that he would oppress the Christians, that they might worship his idols, because they would not be able to pay the tax.

Exc] hm+ peouoeiy de etmmau nere tekklHsia o n+r_mmao hn+ tm_n_tjwwre n+n+epneumatoPoros ere ftoou nstulos twoun haros ete nai ne aqanasios hn+rakote auw antwnios mn+ pahwmw hm+ pmari:s auw basileios hn tkappadokia.
In quel tempo la Chiesa era ricca della potenza degli pneumatofori, essendo sorretta da quattro colonne, cioè Atanasio ad Alessandria, Antonio e Pacomio nella Tebaide, e Basilio in Cappadocia.
HP] Now the Church was in those days rich, and had four pillars to sustain her, namely Athanasius the patriarch, and Anthony and Pachomius, the two monks, in Egypt, and Basil, the bishop of Caesarea in Cappadocia; and Liberius was patriarch of Rome.

Exc] basileios de nefo nybHr eioulianos etbe tm_n_tkoui n+tauaas mn+ neuerHu hn+ tan*p. 32*zHbe.
Basilio era amico di Giuliano, perché avevano passato insieme la fanciullezza a scuola.
HP] And the aforesaid Basil was a friend of Julian, the prince, and was brought up together with him in the school;

Exc] nterefswtm de etbe nefpraxis eqoou afei yarof mn henke refymyenoute nybHr epepiskopos ntaf.
Dopo che egli ebbe udito delle sue malefatte, andò da lui con alcuni pii compagni vescovi.
HP] so when he heard his evil doctrine, he took with him two bishops, and went to visit him.

Exc] nteroubwk de ehoun yarof afnau eneusCHma euqbbiHu auw nere neumort rHt pe pejaf nau je ere nai yine nsa ou.
Quando giunsero da lui egli vide i loro abiti dimessi e le loro barbe lunghe, e disse loro: Che vogliono questi?
HP] So Julian looked at their garments and their beards, and then said to them: «What do you seek?»

Exc] afouwyb nci basileios je enyine nsa ouyws enanouf nrefmoone.
Rispose Basilio: Cerchiamo un buon pastore che ci pascoli.
HP] They replied: «We seek a good ruler to rule over us.»

Exc] pejaf nbasileios je ntakka pyHre mphamye twn akei epeima.
Disse a Basilio: Dove hai lasciato il figlio del falegname quando sei venuto qui?
HP] Julian said to Basil: «Where didst thou leave the son of the carpenter when thou camest hither?»

Exc] pejaf naf je ntaikaaf eftamie ptaibe etounanoujk eros.
Gli disse: L'ho lasciato che preparava la bara nella quale ti metteranno.
HP] Basil answered: «I left him making thy coffin to put thee in.»

Exc] peje prro naf je eneiPilosoPei an je ntk paybHr neinatreufi pe ntekape.
Disse l'imperatore: Se non considerassi che sei mio compagno, ti farei tagliare la testa.
HP] The prince said to him: «If thou wert not my friend, and if I had not an affection for thee, I would cut of thy head forthwith.»

Exc] peje basileios naf je mpekPilosoPei.
Disse a lui Basilio: Tu non hai mai riflettuto.
HP] cf. sotto

Exc] enentakPilosoPei gar neknakw nswk an pe ntsoPia ntautsabok eros ekw nrefwy hn n*p. 33*jwwme ntsoPia mme.
Se infatti avessi riflettuto non avresti dimenticato la saggezza che ti è stata insegnata quando eri lettore dei libri della vera saggezza.
HP] Basil said to him: «Didst thou not love knowledge, and long after it? How then hast thou abandoned philosophy?»

Exc] peje prro naf je aioyou auw ainoi mmoou.
Disse a lui l'imperatore: Li ho letti e li ho compresi.
HP] The prince replied: «I have studied it and leaent it by heart, and I have found it vile.»

Exc] peje basileios je mpekoyou kalws oude mpeknoi mmoou eneh.
Disse Basilio: Non li hai letti bene, e non li hai mai compresi.
HP] Basil said to him: «Thou hast not studied it, nor learnt it by heart;

Exc] enentaknoi gar mmoou ngnatcaioou an pe.
Se li avessi compresi non li avresti rifiutati.
HP] for if thou hadst understood it, thou wouldst not have thought it base.

Exc] peje prro de nau je Ynaetp tHutn ehoun yantaei hn tpersis taretetneime je ou pe [t]Y oube prro ntetnmou hm phojhj mpma nwtp ehoun.
Disse a loro l'imperatore: Io vi metterò in prigione finché tornerò dalla Persia, affinché capiate che cosa significa opporsi all'imperatore; e morirete di sofferenze in prigione.
HP] The prince answered: «I must imprison you until I return from fighting the Persians, so that you may see what will happen.»

Exc] peje basileios je ekyanbwk etpersis ngkotk eie mpe pnoute yaje hn basileios.
Disse Basilio: Se andrai in Persia e tornerai, allora Dio non ha parlato in Basilio.
HP] Basil rejoined: «If thou go and return, God has not spoken in me.»

Exc] prro de ioulianos pejaf je ou peYnaaaf mpigalilaios pirefjicol.
Ma l'imperatore Giuliano disse: Che cosa posso fare al Galileo mentitore?
HP] Julian, the prince, said: «What have I to do with that lying Galilaean,

Exc] afjoos gar hm pefhHt je nsenaka ouwne an hijn ouwne hm prpe nnioudai.
Egli disse in cuor suo: non sarà lasciata pietra su pietra nel tempio dei Giudei.
HP] who said, I will destroy the temple which the Jews built?

Exc] anok hw Ynakotf nhwb nrro ntar nefyaje ncol taroueime je ourefjicol pe.
Io invece lo ricostruirò in modo regale, e renderò menzognere le sue parole, in modo che si sappia che egli è un mentitore.
HP] For I will rebuild it as kings build; and it shall he evident to all men that his words, It shall not be built, are false.»

Exc] *p. 34* auw afouehsahne etreuwt_p ehoun nbasileios e peyteko mn+ pke snau etn_mmaf.
Ed ordinò che mettessero in prigione Basilio e i due che erano con lui.
HP] Then he cast Basil and the two who were with him into prison.

Exc] auw aftaaf ebwk etpersis.
E si affrettò ad andare in Persia.
HP] So Julian marched into the land of the Persians;

Exc] afei de ejn qierousalHm afnau enyoryr mprpe emn oujo enouwt kwte erof kata qe nta ouaspasianos takof hm ptako ntafaaf nnioudai.
Passò per Gerusalemme e vide le rovine del tempio, del quale non rimaneva un muro, in quanto Vespasiano lo aveva distrutto nella distruzione che aveva fatto dei Giudei.
HP] and when he passed by Jerusalem, he saw the temple in ruins, without a wall standing, for Vespasian, the prince, had demolished it when he destroyed the Jews, and took them captive.

Exc] afkeleue etreukaqarize mmof jekas euekotf eftaiHu epehouo.
Ordinò che lo ripulissero per costruirne un altro più bello.
HP] But Julian commanded that the ground should be cleared, and the temple constructed anew,

@ indice di monbfy
FY] *p. 6[7]* nai hw netyoop hn tmehm{n}toue nhistoria nt(e)k(klHsia)
FY] etbe pyoryr mprpe nnioudai.
FY] etbe pji n[e]nkees niwhannHs pbaptistHs
FY] etbe qe ntauapokaqista mmoou naqanasios parCHepiskopos.
FY] etbe perHt naqanasios.
FY] etbe pmou nioulianos.
FY] etbe tmntybHr nio[u]bianos prro ndikaios mn aqanasios.
FY] etbe je afswtm nci liberios je afnkotk nci aqanasios afl{u}pe. auw afshai nouepistolH mpeklHros (nra)kote esmeh nmkahnhHt hi (solsl) etbe aqanasios.
FY] etbe tkatastasis nqeoPi(los) pentafei epefma.
FY] kePalaion i

@ fine indice FY

historia ecclesiae undecima

FY] ioulianos de afkaqista noukwm(e)s ejm perpe ekaqarize mmof. (es)mn snte mmof yantefktof
Giuliano incaricò un conte di ripulire il tempio e preparare le fondamenta per la ricostruzione.
Exc] ioulianos de afkaqista noukomes ejm prpe je efekaqarize mmof yantefsmn sente mmof nfkotf.
HP] and proceeded on his march after leaving behind him ono to superintend the building.

FY] ntof de af*p. 68*bwk etpersis. epol{e}mei afka netouaab hm peyteko.
Ed egli andò in Persia a combattere e lasciò i santi in prigione.
Exc] ntof de aftaaf etpersis afpolemei afka netouaab euotp ehoun epeyteko.
HP] [cf. sopra!]

Exc] netyoryr de eperpe aukaqarize mmof mpouka ouwne hijn ouwne. mpoubolf ebol kata pyaje mpenswtHr.
Quelli che distruggevano il tempio lo ripulirono e non lasciarono pietra su pietra e non lo risparmiarono, secondo le parole del nostro Salvatore.
HP] Then he who directed the work of rebuilding the place began by pulling down the remains of the temple, so that there was not left therein one stone upon another, as the holy Gospel says;

FY] [lac] [lac]wt [lac] [lac] [lac] [lac]se[lac] [lac]ooue [lac] nkwt [lac]kotou [lac]rywr [lac] [lac]ucij nrw[lac] [lac]n.
Exc] auarCei de nkwt *p. 35* yaukwt jin htooue ya rouhe nsepwh ehtooue nsecn nkwt ntaukotou euyrywr hn oucij an nrwme.
Iniziarono a costruire, e costruivano dal mattino fino a sera, e quando tornavano al mattino trovavano i pezzi che avevano costruito demoliti da una mano non umana.
HP] and afterwards he began to reconstruct it as a heathen temple. And the huilders used to work during the whole day until night-fall, and then they departed to their homes; but when they came on the morrow, they used to find all that they had built destroyed, though not by human hands; nay, they even found the walls torn up from their foundations, and cast down on the ground.

FY] (a)ucw de eumHn ebol [e]nebot snau eutal{ai}porei emn hwb ouHh nswou kataqe je tepron(o)ia mpnoute tetkol{ue} mmoou.
Continuarono per due mesi a lavorare, senza alcun risultato, dal momento che la Provvidenza di Dio li impediva..
Exc] aur ebot de snau nhoou eumHn ebol nteihe eutalaiporei emn ouhwb ouH[H]h nswou kata qe je tepronoia tetkwlei mmoou.
HP] So they went on for two months, without being able to rebuild anything.

FY] autamoou de nci nioudai etmmau je rwkh nnemhaau etere neCris(ti)anos nhHtou auw tetnacmcom nkwt.
I Giudei del luogo fecero loro sapere: Bruciate le tombe nelle quali sono i Cristiani, e potrete costruire.
Exc] autamoou de nci nioudai etmmau je rwkh nnemhaau etere neCrisYanos toms nhHtou auw tetncmcom ekwt.
HP] Then the Jews said to them: «Burn down these tombs, in which the Christians lie, and then the building which you erect will be strong.»

FY] auswtm de nswou au{Y} pkwht enemhaau.
Essi li ascoltarono, ed appiccarono il fuoco alle tombe.
Exc] auswtm de nswou auw aurwkh nnemhaau.
HP] This advice they followed, and set fire to the tombs,

FY] nteroupwh de epemhaau niwhannHs pbaptistHs mn {e}li[s]saios peproPHtHs *p. 69* mpe pkwht jwh eroou
Quando giunsero alla tomba di Giovanni Battista ed Eliseo Profeta, il fuoco non le prese.
Exc] nteroupwh de ejm pmhaau etere iwhannHs pbapYstHs nhHtf mn elesaios peproPHtHs mpe pkwht jwh eroou.
HP] beginning with two tombs, in which were the body of Eliseus, the prophet, and the body of John the Baptist; but the fire had no power over them at all,

FY] au[e]r oumHHye nhoou ere pkwht mouh hm peukwte auw mpe pkwht jwh eroou.
Passarono molti giorni in cui il fuoco divampava intorno ad esse, ma il fuoco non le prese.
Exc] eaur oumHHye nhoou ere pkwht mouh mpeukwte ntoou de mpe pkwht jwh mmoou.
HP] therefore they wondered greatly. And although the fire continued to be lighted for many days, yet it would not touch them.

FY] hoine de hn nesnHu auY peuouoi mpkwmHs auY naf nhenCrHma auspswpf etrefpeiqe nau efi nnkees nnetouaab.
Alcuni dei fratelli si recarono dal conte e gli diedero del denaro e lo pregarono di lasciar loro prendere le ossa dei santi.
Exc] hoine de nnesnHu auY naf n*p. 36*henCrHma auspswpf etr_fYqe nau etreufi nnkees nnetouaab.
HP] Then some of the faithful went to the governor, and offered him money, if he would empower them to take away the two bodies which were in the two tombs;

FY] ntof de afji nnhomnt afeire kataqe ntau{Y} sbw naf afka ouwy nau etreuei nteuyH nsefi nnkees nnetouaab iwhannHs pbapt{i}stHs mn eli[s]saios peproPHtHs
Egli prese i soldi e fece come gli veniva indicato: diede loro il permesso di andare di notte a prendere le ossa dei santi Giovanni Battista ed Eliseo Profeta.
Exc] ntof de afji nnhomnt afeire kata qe ntaujoos naf afka ouwy nau ehrai etreuei nteuyH nsefi nnkees nnetouaab iwhannHs pbaptistHs mn elusaios peproPHtHs.
HP] and he accepted the money and gave them permission to do so.

FY] ntoou de nere tcij mpjoeis yoop nmmau auei nteuyH aufitou aupwt nmmau autobsou de etreujitou ekHme etaau naqanasios ebol je neuep[e]iqumei rw pe enau erof.
Ed essi, con l'aiuto del Signore, andarono di notte a prenderle, fuggirono con esse, e le avvolsero in panni per portarle in Egitto e darle ad Atanasio, perché desideravano vederlo.
Exc] ntoou de ere tcij mpjoeis yoop nmmau [omissione] autobsou de ejitou ekHme naqanasios ebol je nefepiqumei rw enau eroou.
HP] Then they carried away the two holy bodies, and sent them to the Father Athanasius, patriarch of Alexandria;

FY] auei ce ebol ejn {tq}alassa aucn pjoi hn ouypenywp auale auei erakote [lac] *p. 70* h[e]noucepH au(ta)au naqanasios.
Giunsero dunque alla riva del mare, trovarono subito la barca, si imbarcarono, giunsero presto ad Alessandria, e le diedero ad Atanasio.
Exc] auei de ebol ejn qallasa auhe epjoi hn ouypnywp auale auei erakote hn ouasai autaau naqanasios.
HP] and when they were brought to him,

FY] afraye ehrai ejwou nqe eyje ntafnau eroou hm pho afhopou hm pbapt{i}stHrion efyine nsa (ou)ouoeiy nfkwt eroou noumart{u}rion.
Egli gioì di esse come se avesse visto i due faccia a faccia. Le nascose nel Battistero, cercando un tempo opportuno per costruire per essi un martyrion.
Exc] afraye ehrai ejwou nqe ntafnau eroou hws je ntafnau eroou hm pswma afhopou hm pbapYstHrion efyine nsa ou(ou)oeiy nkwt eroou noumarturion.
HP] he rejoiced over them, as if he saw them alive before him; and he took them, and concealed them in a certain place, until he should find means of building a church over them.

FY] efouwm de nouhoou hm pk{H}pos nnefeiote
Ed un giorno, pranzando nel giardino dei suoi padri --
Exc] efouwm de nou*p. 37*hoou hm pkHpos nneneioote mn nesnHu.
HP] And while Athanasius was sitting one day,

FY] nefmoute gar mmHne ennoc ntekklHsia efouwm nmmau.
invitava egli sempre i maggiorenti della Chiesa e pranzava con loro,
Exc] nfmoute gar mmHHne ennoc mpeklHros efouwm nmmau.
HP] and many of the faithful were with him

FY] nai eunHu yarof ehnau oumonon je eunaouwm alla je eueswtm en[n]yaje ntsoPia nta pnoute taaf naf.
ed essi venivano da lui volentieri non solo per mangiare, ma per udire le parole della saggezza che Dio gli dava.
Exc] nai eneunHu yarof ehnau oumonon de je euouwm alla euswtm on enyaje ntsoPia nta pnoute taas naf.
HP] to hear his discourses which gave life to their souls,

FY] kata petsHh gar prwme etmmau efeire nhwb nim eu(e)oou mpnoute eite mpnau nnHsteue eite mpnau nouwm auw esw efouwm auw efsw hm pyaje mpnoute nnau nim.
Secondo ciò che è scritto, infatti, quell'uomo faceva ogni cosa a gloria di Dio, sia quando digiunava, sia quando mangiava e beveva, mangiando e bevendo nella parola di Dio in ogni momento.
Exc] kata qe etsHh je prwme etm+mau efeire nhwb nim epeoou mpnoute eite mpnau nnHsteue eite mpnau nouwm auw nsw efouwm efsw hm pyaje mpnoute nouoeiynim.

FY] efouwm ce auw efsw mn neklHrikos. m[e]n h(e)nnoc mPiloponos nte tekklHsia hm pefkHpos. hm pkupos hm phir nyaumoute e*p. 72*rof je phermHs mprHs ntpolis. efouHn ebol ejn teplaYa ehnkopria njaie. pejaf
Exc] efouwm ce mn nesnHu mn neklHrikos mn nnoc mPiloponos ntekklHsia hm pkHpos etyoop naf hm phir etoumoute erof je phermHs mprHs ntpolis efouHn ejn henkopria mn henplaYa njaie pejaf
Mangiando dunque con i fratelli ed i chierici ed i grandi philoponoi della Chiesa nel giardino che possedeva nel quartiere chiamato «Hermes» a sud della città, che dà su delle rovine e delle aree deserte, disse:
HP] behold, he raised his eyes and observed certain mounds opposite to the place in which he was.

FY] je eiyancm pe(o)uoeiy Ykaqarize nneikopria takwt nhHtou mpmarturion niwhannHs pbapt{i}stHs.
Quando troverò l'occasione, ripulirò quelle rovine e vi costruirò il Martyrion di Giovanni Battista.
Exc] je eiyancn peouoeiy Ynakaqarize nnekopria n*p. 38*takwt nhHtou mpmarturion niwhannHs pbapYstHs.
HP] So he said: «If I find an opportunity, I shall build upon these mounds a church to John the Baptist and Eliseus the prophet.»

FY] qe{o}Pilos de mpe[u]ouoeiy etmmau nefaheratf etetrapeza efouwm ebol je nefo naf pe nnotarios.
Teofilo in quel tempo stava alla tavola, a mangiare, perché era il suo segretario.
Exc] qeoPulos de mpeouoeiy etmmau n_faheratf etetrapeza efouwm ebol je nefo nnotarios naf.
HP] And Theophilus, the scribe of Athanasius, was sitting with him at the table, with others of the faithful,

FY] afswtm epyaje ntafjoof nci pp(a)pas aqanasios. afkaaf hm pefhHt.
Egli udì le parole che aveva detto [[il Papa]] Atanasio, e le pose nel suo cuore.
Exc] afswtm epyaje ntafjoof nci aqanasios afkaaf hm pefhHt.
HP] and heard him say these words, which therefore remained in his memory.

FY] ioulianos ce kata petswk mmof etrefbwk hn oucwnt afbwk etpersis. a peC(risto)s pnoute taaf ehrai etootou ebol je afkw nnetouaab euotp ehoun afbwk etpersis.
Giuliano dunque, spinto dalla sua brama di partire adirato, andò in Persia. Il Dio Cristo lo consegnò a loro, perché aveva lasciato i santi imprigionati, andando in Persia.
Exc] ioulianos de kata petswk mmof etrefbwk hn oucwnt etpersis a peCristos iHsous pnoute taaf ehrai etootou nmpersos ebol je afka netouaab euotp ehoun afbwk etpersis.
HP] But as for Julian, the unbelieving prince, he marched on into Persia; and God delivered him into the hand of his enemies, on account of the saints whom he had imprisoned and threatened before his march.

FY] pmou de ntafmou nhHtf out(ei)he pe
La morte di cui morì fu questa:
Exc] pmou de ntafmou mmof neouYhe pe.
HP] His death was thus.

FY] afnau hn te(o)uyH etmmau eumHHye mmatoi eunHu ehrai ejwf ebol hm paHr.
egli vide in quella notte un esercito che veniva contro di lui nell'aria,
Exc] afnau hn+ teuyH eumHHye m+matoi eunHu ejwf ebol hm+ paHr.
HP] He saw in the night an army which came down upon him from the air,

FY] auw eis oulogCH asrahtf ehHtf ejen nefclooce afsouonou je netouaab ne.
ed ecco una lancia lo colpì nel fianco, ed egli riconobbe che quelli erano i santi.
Exc] eis oulogCH de asrahtf ejn nfcloote afsouwnou je netouaab ne.
HP] and one of the soldiers struck him with a lance on the head so that it pierced him through the body. Then, knowing that it was one of the martyrs,

FY] *p. 72* afji ce mpefsnof afnojf ehrai etpe h[e]n tefcij efjw mmos je ji mpasnof nak i(Hsou)s akfi pma tHr[e]f.
Prese allora il suo sangue, e lo scagliò al cielo con la mano dicendo: Prenditi il mio sangue, Gesù, hai preso tutta la terra.
Exc] afji ce mpfsnof afnojf ehrai etpe efjw mmos je jitf nak iHsous akfi pma tHrf.
HP] he filled his hand with his blood, and threw it upwards, saying «Take that, Jesus, for thou hast conquered the whole world. »

FY] nterefje oua de nteunou afhe auw apnoute [e]r hmme mpeflaos aftouje nehrwmaios ehrai epeuma.
Dopo che ebbe bestemmiato, subito cadde e Dio guidò il suo popolo e portò in salvo i Romani alla loro patria.
Exc] nterf*p. 39*ji oua gar nteunou afhe auw a pnoute r hmme mpeflaos auw aftoujo nnehrwmaios ehrai epeuma.
HP] And after blaspheming thus, he fell dead. Thus God delivered his people; and the Romans returned to their own country.

FY] basilios ce haqH nyomnt nhoou epmou nioulianos. afnau eurasou hm peyteko
Basilio, tre giorni prima della morte di Giuliano, vide un sogno nella prigione.
Exc] basileios ce haqH nyomnt nhoou epmou nioulianos afnau eurasou hm peyteko.
HP] And Basil, the holy man, three days before the death of Julian, being in prison, had awaked from his sleep,

FY] afnehse de afjoos mpefson snau efjw mmos.
Si svegliò, e lo raccontò ai suoi due compagni dicendo:
Exc] afnehse de afjo(o)s epefson snau efjw mmos.
HP] and said to the two who were with him:

FY] je ainau epmarturos phagios merkourios hn teiouyH eafbwk ehoun epefmart{u}rion. aftwkm mpefmerh efjw mmos.
Ho visto il martire san Mercurio questa notte, che entrava nel suo Martyrion ed estraeva la sua spada dicendo:
Exc] je ainau hn teiouyH epmarturos etouaab Pagios merkourios eafbwk ehoun epefmarturion aftwkm mpefmereh efjw mmos
HP] «I have seen to-night the martyr, Saint Mercurius, entering into his church, and taking his lance, saying:

FY] je (ei)naka peianomos nt(e)ihe efji oua epnoute.
farò cessare quell'empio dal bestemmiare.
Exc] je einaka peianomos nteihe efji oua epnoute ntpe.
HP] In truth, I will not suffer this unbeliever to blaspheme my God.

FY] auw nterefje nai afbwk ailo ce einau erof
E dopo che ebbe detto ciò se ne andò e cessai di vederlo.
Exc] auw nterefje nai afbwk ailo e(i)nau erof.
HP] And when he had said this, he disappeared from me, and I did not see him again.»

FY] auouwyb ce nci pke snau je name annau hwwn epeihor{a}ma nteimine.
Risposero gli altri due: Veramente anche noi abbiamo avuto questa stessa visione.
Exc] auouwyb de nci pke snau je name anon hwwn annau epeihoroma nYmeine.
HP] Then both his companions said to him: a Verily I also saw the same thing.»

FY] nterounau de etegnwmH nta pnoute tsaboou eros aupisteue *p. 73* pejau nneuerHu
Dopo che riconobbero l'insegnamento che Dio aveva dato loro, credettero, e si dissero:
Exc] nterounau de nteignwmH nta pnoute tsaboou eros aupisteue pejau nneuerHu
HP] So they said one to another: «We believe this firmly, that it is so. »

FY] je marenjoou epmart{u}rion mphagios merkourios ntnnau je (e)ne pmereh toks hm pefma jin mmon
Mandiamo al Martyrion di san Mercurio a vedere se la sua spada è nel fodero o no.
Exc] je maren*p. 40*joou epmartur(i)on mPagios merkourios ntnnau je ere pefmereh toks epefma jin mmon.
HP] And they sent to the church of the martyr, Saint Mercurius, that they might look for his lance which was kept there, to see whether it was still there or not;

FY] autnnoou de mpoucntf aupisteue ephor{a}ma.
Allora mandarono, e non la trovarono; e credettero alla visione.
Exc] autnnoou ce auw mpoucntf aupisteue ephoroma.
HP] and as they could not find the lance, they were assured of the truth of the dream.

FY] mnnsa yomnt de nhoou. aut[e]nnoou nneshai etantioCia je a prro mou hm ppol{e}mos.
Dopo tre giorni, fu inviata ad Antiochia la notizie che l'imperatore era morto in guerra.
Exc] mnnsa yomnt de nhoou autnnoou nneshai etanYoCia je a prro mou hm ppolumos.
HP] And after three days the letters with the news of Julian's death arrived at Antioch.

FY] tsu{g}klHtos de tHrs h[e]n ouT{H}Pos nte pnoute aun tootou ehrai ej[e]n io[u]bianos. auaaf nrro. epma nioulianos.
Il senato tutto con voto di Dio designarono Gioviano e lo fecero imperatore al posto di Giuliano.
Exc] tsugklHtos de tHrs hn ouTuPos nte pnoute auamahte nioubianos auaaf nrro epma nioulianos.
HP] Then the chiefs of the empire assembled, and seated on the throne of the empire a man named Jovian,

FY] eurwme pe mpistos nrmnnoute jin etefmntkoui.
Egli era un uomo pio e fedele a Dio fin dalla fanciullezza.
Exc] eurwme pe mpistos nrmnnoute jin tefmntkoui.
HP] who was a believer and a holy man, fearing God from his youth.

FY] ntof de nteunou afkw ebol nnetouaab basilios pestul[l]os ntme mn nefke snHu.
Subito liberò i santi Basilio, colonna della verità ed i suoi fratelli.
Exc] ntof de nteunou afkw ebol nnetouaab basuleios pestullos ntme pkappadox mn nesnHu.
HP] Accordingly at the moment of his election he released the fathers from prison;

FY] auw mpefkotf (ce n)ci iou(lianos kata pya)j(e nbasileios nq[lac] [lac] (hi)tm p(noute) kata p(yaje) mmiCaias (pe)proPHtHs.
E dunque Giuliano non ritornò, secondo le parole di Basilio, come (aveva detto ...) da parte di Dio, secondo il detto di Michea profeta.
Exc] auw ce mpefkotf nci (i)oulianos kata pyaje nbasileios. [fine excehe]
HP] and thus the saying of that, pillar of the truth, Basil, to Julian, the unbeliever, was fulfilled, when he foretold that he would not return;

FY] peinoute gar [e]nouwt pe mmoou tHrou ef[e]r petnanouf *p. 74* nouoeiynim auw efswtm nsa netep[e]ikalei mmof hnoume.
Infatti è lo stesso Dio di tutti loro, che benefica sempre e ascolta coloro che lo invocano veramente.
HP] as the prophet Michaeas predicted to Achab, the unbelieving king of the children of Israel; for God, the worker of miracles, was the God of both those men, namely of that prophet and of this holy father, and he accepted their words.

FY] afY ce nau nh(e)nnoc ntaeio nci io[u]bianos aftnnoousou ehrai eneumanywpe.
Gioviano dunque fece loro grandi lodi, e li rimandò alla loro residenza.
HP] And Jovian, the prince, brought out the three fathers, and honoured them, and gave them many gifts, and sent them to their sees.

FY] aftaaf de etekklHsia ethn tanYoCia. af[e]r nsunax(is) [lac] [lac] [lac] [lac]me [lac] [lac]sw [lac] [lac]efeiote [lac]e nh(e)nnoc (nd)wron etekklHsia.
Si recò alla chiesa di Antiochia e partecipò alle synaxis [...] grandi doni alla chiesa.
HP] And he used assiduously to attend the prayers in the churches.

FY] auw afshai ya aqanasios nouepistolH esmeh [e]nmtonnhHt hi raye hi youyou nneCr{i}s{ti}(a)nos efjw mmos n(tei)he.
E scrisse ad Atanasio una lettera piena di assicurazioni e gioia e gloria per i Cristiani dicendo così.
HP] And he wrote to Athanasius, patriarch of Alexandria, a letter, in which he said:

FY] je snaY mton nak nci tamntrro aqanasios. pmarturos mpeC(risto)s auw pouHHb eto n(n)hot
Ti darà pace il mio regno, Atanasio martire di Cristo e sacerdote fedele.
HP] «true father and trusty shepherd, Athanasius, martyr of Christ who is God, my empire hopes much of you;

FY] twk ce nhHt ngamahte mpcerw{b} ntm{n}touHHb ngnouyp nsa pohe nl{uk}ikon nneiouwny mponHron etere teutapro meh mmatou hi sahou. hi siye hi krof nrefhetbTuCH.
Stai tranquillo dunque e tieni saldo il bastone del sacerdozio e caccia il branco di questi lupi malvagi la cui bocca è piena di veleno e maledizione e amarezza e inganno distruggitore di anime.
HP] therefore be of good courage, and take the priestly staff and drive out with it the ravening wolves from among the reasonable flock, namely those whose mouths are full of cursing and the bitterness of the poison of asps, for they are the slayers of souls.»

FY] YepistolH ce *p. 75* auoys hn tekklHsia nrakote. auw autnnoous ebol hn kHme tHrf eutajro nnekklHsia. 46) questa lettera fu letta ne la chiesa di Alessandria e fu mandata in tutto l'Egitto come sostegno delle chiese.
HP] This letter was read in the church at Alexandria, and Athanasius the patriarch sent it to the provinces of Egypt, where it was read in their churches, to comfort and strengthen the faithful.

FY] narianos ce mpoucmcom ncw hn laau mma.
Gli ariani dunque non poterono rimanere in nessuno luogo.
HP] So the followers of Arius were driven away because they were hated; and they were filled with sadness;

FY] hah ce nsop auYpeuouoi eprro euhmme eaqanasios parCHepiskopos
Molte volte si recarono dall'imperatore accusando l'arcivescovo Atanasio,
HP] and after this some of them went to Jovian, the prince, and appealed against the Father Athanasius,

FY] ntof de efsooun nneukakia yaftebs pefhto nfmooye eqH emefY htHf eroou hol{w}s.
ma egli conoscendo le loro malefatte frustava il suo cavallo e procedeva senza badare assolutamente a loro.
HP] but he would not attend to them because he knew their wickedness.

FY] aqanasios ce af[e]r hllo efk[e]iwou efhmoos hijm pefqronos ere plaos Y karpos ere mparqenos eire nneuymye hrai hn nefhoou.
Atanasio invecchiò serenamente sedendo sul suo trono mentre il popolo dava frutti e le vergini facevano le loro liturgie nei suoi giorni,
HP] Then Athanasius grew old and advanced in age,

FY] nta ntoou cwrc mn neia aumouh mmona(s)tHrion eume(h) nrwme etouaab hi shime euouaab.
i monti si popolarono e le valli si riempirono di monasteri pieni di uomini santi e donne sante.

FY] hitn pwsk d(e [lac] ebol hit(n t)tapro m(pnou)te henyaje e(uloby) nqe noukwht *p. 76* eujHr nqe nousHfe euholc nqe nouebiw.
A causa del passare [lac] dalla bocca di Dio parole ardenti come il fuoco e taglienti come una spada e dolci come il miele.
HP] after he had written many homilies and treatises;

@ Severo, inizio parte rifatta. Cf. sotto

FY] afshai ce nteihe nftoou nsuntagma etbe tparqenia.
Scrisse così quattro saggi sulla verginità.

FY] (ou)a etbe ppasCa efmeh mpist{i}s efonh ef(h)ermHneue mpesoou nta n[n]h(e)braios yaatf hn kHme [lac] mn [lac] nage(lH etouaa)b ntek(klHs)ia.
Uno sulla Pasqua pieno di fede viva che interpreta l'agnello che hanno sacrificato gli Ebrei in Egitto [lacuna] e le greggi sante della Chiesa.

FY] (afsha)i on etbe (tmn)tmaiC(rH)ma je ou[lac]t te.
Scrisse anche sull'avarizia dicendo che è [lacuna].

FY] afshai on etbe pna mn phap.
Scrisse anche sulla misericordia e il giudizio.

FY] afshai on etbe teTuCH je nta peC(risto)s [e]r rwme etbe j(e) fme mmon epei n(e)fCrewstei an eei epeinoc nqbbio nsabHl je fme mmon.
Scrisse anche circa l'anima dicendo che Cristo si è incarnato perché ci amava, poiché non era necessario che venisse in questa grande umiliazione se non ci avesse amato.

FY] afshai on etbe tpist{i}s.
Scrisse anche circa la fede.

FY] afshai nyomnt nsuntagma.
Scrisse tre saggi.

FY] afshai nouepistolH nan efhn tex{o}r{i}stia efmoute epaulos nhHts je pensah paulos papostolos.
Ci scrisse una lettera dall'esilio nella quale chiama Paolo il nostro maestro Paolo apostolo.

FY] afshai on etbe melCisedek [lac]
Scrisse anche su Melchisedek [lacuna]
HP] and he wrote concerning Melchisedech,

@ lacuna di 3 ff fy

@ catalogo della storia dei patriarchi
HP] and concerning the Father Anthony, whose biography he related; and he wrote forty-seven Festal Epistles.
HP] He wrote also concerning the holy cross, how the Lord Christ was unknown to the devil thereby, so that he believed that he was a mere man;
HP] and when he came to him, the Lord pierced his nostrils with his finger, which is uext to the little finger, and his thumb, putting them behind him:
HP] which means that he rent, shattered, and destroyed Satan's power;
HP] showing us that he had overcome the devil's strength by weakness, for the finger which is next to the little finger is one that a man never uses, and is the weakest of the fingers;
HP] for he did not kill him speedily, hut weakened his power, as the Scripture says, in the 67th Psalm ': «Let God arise, and let his enemies be destroyed. »
HP] Athanasius also wrote many works on doctrine, and things that cannot be numbered.
HP] And he used to write to Basil; and Basil used to answer his letters, and used to address him as My Father.
HP] And he wrote also an epistle to Arsenius, to console him for Theodore his brother, when he went to his rest; and he said in it: «Would that all of us had obtained the place of Theodore thy brother, and would that our ship had " anchored in his harbour! »
HP] And he wrote a treatise in which he proves that evil comes from the devil, (may God shame himI) and that there is no evil at all with God.
HP] It is said that this Father Athanasius, the patriarch, was borne by an angel of the Lord on one of his journeys, when he was fleeing from the unbelieving princes, until he brought him to the place to which he desired to go, as the angel carried Habacuc the prophet from Jerusalem to Babylon, and as Ezechiel the prophet was carried from Babylon to Jerusalem;
HP] for that is not difficult for God most high to do.

@ lacuna [3 fogli monbfy]