B U L L E T I N D ' I N F O R M A T I O N

Nr. 35, May 1995
Editor: Prof. Tito Orlandi - v. F. Civinini, 24 - 00197 Roma

CONTENTS: VI. Internationaler Koptologenkongress, -- List of Members, -- Electronic Mail Addresses of Coptologists, -- Coptic Courses, -- Coptic Centres, -- Essays on Coptic Art and Culture (Leiden), -- The Saint Pachomius [Electronic!] Library, -- Abzu index of Egyptological Materials, -- Egyptology on-line -- International Directory of Collections. Additions and Corrections, -- Egyptological Fieldwork Directory, -- Byzantine Studies Conference,

Münster (20.-26. Juli 1996)
Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster
2. Rundschreiben [2nd Announcement]

Inzwischen liegen Zusagen der Hauptreferenden bzw. Vorsitzenden der 15 Sektionen vor:
Archäologie (Grossmann),
Kunst (van Moorsel),
Literatur (Orlandi),
Bibel (Nagel),
Linguistik (Shisha-Halevy),
Arabische Literatur (den Heijer),
Kodikologie und Paläographie (Emmel),
Papyrologie (Krause),
Liturgie (Brakmann),
Kirchengeschichte (Baumeister),
Mönchtum (Goehring),
Gnosis (Pearson),
Manichäismus (Funk),
Griechische (byzantinische) Papyrologie (Bagnall)
Christliches Nubien (Godlewski).

Münster ist nicht nur mit der Eisenbahn zu erreichen, sondern auch mit dem Flugzeug. Der Flughafen Münster/Osnabrück hat soeben ein neues Flughafengebäude erhalten. Der Luftverkehr wird laufend ausgebaut, z.B. gibt es bereits Direktflüge von London und Paris.

Inzwischen wurden für Kongressteilnehmer verbilligte Zimmer in einem Hotel und in einem christlichen Heim angemietet.
Die Preise im Hotel betragen (einschliesslich Frühstück) für Einzelzimmer mit Dusche/WC, Tel. und TV: 70 DM, für das Doppelzimmer 100 DM.
Im christlichen Heim kostet (einschliesslich Frühstück) ein Einzelzimmer mit Dusche/WC: 60 DM, das Doppelzimmer 100 DM.
Vom Tagungsgebäude sind Hotel und das Heim in etwa 15 Minuten Fussmarsch, wenn auch in verschiedener Richtung, zu erreichen. Reservierungen werden in der Reihenfolge des Eingangs im Kongresssekretariat vorgenommen. Die Kapazität beider Unterkünfte beträgt etwa 180 Personen.

Daneben gibt es eine Vielzahl weiterer Hotels, in denen ein Einzelzimmer 100 DM und mehr kostet. Da die Anzahl der Kongressteilnehmer nicht bekannt ist, kann der Versuch, in weiteren Hotels eine Reduzierung der Übernachtungskosten zu erreichen, nicht unternommen werden. Eine grössere Preisreduzierung ist nur möglich, wenn ein weiteres Hotel vollständig angemietet wird.

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Mr. ABDEL SALAM Bakr Deputy Director Coptic Museum, OLD CAIRO - Mar Girgis, Egitto.
Dr Anthony ALCOCK Von Lorentz Weg 2, 37213 WITZENHAUSEN, Germania.
Prof. Dr. Sasagu ARAI 10-2-605 Keyakidaira, Miyamae-ku, KAWASAKI 213, Giappone.
Prof. Gonzalo ARANDA PEREZ Iturrama 39 3.o C, PAMPLONA, Spagna.
Mr. Jon Ma. ASGEIRSSON Institute for Antiquity and Christ., 831 Dartmouth Avenue, CLAREMONT CA 91711, U.S.A.. Fawzia ASSAAD 2 chemin de Sous-Cherre, 1245 COLLONGE-BELLERIVE, Svizzera.
Prof. Dr. Julius ASSFALG Kaulbachstr. 95/IV, 8000 MUNCHEN 40, Germania.
Prof. Harold ATTRIDGE Dept. of Theology, University of Notre Dame, NOTRE DAME IN 46556, U.S.A..
Prof. Roger S. BAGNALL, 606 Hamilton Hall, Columbia University, NEW YORK NY 10027, U.S.A..
Prof. Dr. Theofried BAUMEISTER, Scharnhorststrasse 28, 65195 WIESBADEN, Germania.
Dr. Heike BEHLMER-LOPRIENO 681 E. Windham Dr., CLAREMONT, CA 91711, USA.
Prof. Dr. Walter BELTZ Kiekemaler Str. 6, 1147 BERLIN-MAHLSDORF, Germania.
Dr. Hans-Gebhard BETHGE Birkenwerder Str. 4, 1409 MUHLENBECK, Germania.
Pontificio Istituto Biblico Biblioteca, Via della Pilotta 25, 00187 Roma, Italy. Susanne BICKEL Gossetstrasse 18, 3084 WABERN, Svizzera.
Dr. Anne BIEDENKOPF-ZIEHNER, Ritterstrasse 28, 8702 BURGGRUMBACH, Germania.
Prof. Dr. Alexander BOHLIG Wolfgang-Stock-Strasse 24, TUBINGEN, Germania.
SOCIETE DES BOLLANDISTES, (Attn. P. Ugo Zanetti), 24, Boulev. Saint-Michel, 1040 BRUXELLES, Belgio. Anne BOUD'HORS 107 rue Pelleport, 75020 PARIS, Francia.
Prof. Dr. Franc,ois BOVON The Divinity School, Harvard University, 45 Francis Avenue, CAMBRIDGE MA 02138, U.S.A..
Prof. Dr. David BRAKKE Department of Religious Studies, Indiana University, Sycamore Hall 230, BLOOMINGTON, Indiana 47405-2601, U.S.A..
Prof. Dr. Heinzgerd BRAKMANN F. J. DOLGER Institut, Lennestrasse, 41, 5300 BONN, Germania.
To the BRITISH LIBRARY OIOC Acquisitions Unit, Orbit House, 197 Blackfriars Road, LONDON SE1 8NG, Inghilterra.
The British Museum Dept. of Egyptian Antiquities, Great Russell Street, LONDON WC1B 3DG, Inghilterra.
Prof. S. Kent BROWN P.O. Box 19604, JERUSALEM, Israele, U.S.A..
Prof. G. Michael BROWNE Dept. of Classics, 4072 Foreign Languages Bldg., University of Illinois, URBANA Illinois 61801, U.S.A..
Dr. Wolfgang BRUNSCH, Sonnenstrasse 23, 8711 OBERNBREIT, Germania.
Prof. Dr. Helmut BUSCHHAUSEN Institut fur Kunstgeschichte, Universitatsstrasse 7, 1010 WIEN, Austria.
Prof. Allen D. CALLAHAN New Testament Dept., Harvard Divinity School, 45 Francis Avenue, CAMBRIDGE, MA 02138, U.S.A..
Prof. Ron CAMERON Dept. of Religion, Wesleyan Univ., MIDDLETOWN CT 06457, U.S.A..
Egr. Dr. Alberto CAMPLANI via Cassia, 1280, 00189 ROMA.
Mme Elisabeth CARNOT 43, route de la Capite, 1223 COLOGNY, Svizzera.
Dr. Scott T. CARROLL Gordon College, 255 Grapevine Road, WENHAM, Massachusetts 01984, U.S.A..
Ms. Re'gine CHARRON 620 Chemin St.-Louis, app. 6, QUEBEC City, Quebec,, Canada G1S 1B8.
Dr. Pierre CHERIX Rue du Marche', 6, 1880 BEX, Svizzera.
The Oriental Institute The University of Chicago, 1155 East Fifty-Eighth Street, CHICAGO Illinois 60637, U.S.A..
Mrs. Sarah CLACKSON 69 Beche Rd., CAMBRIDGE CB5 8HX, Inghilterra.
Prof. Aelred CODY O.S.B. St. Meinrad Archabbey, ST. MEINRAD, Indiana 47577-1010, U.S.A..
Prof. Dr. Carsten COLPE, Schutzallee 112, 14169 BERLIN, Germania.
Dr. Prof. Rene-G. COQUIN 1, rue Leon-Bloy, 92260 FONTENAY-AUX-ROSES, Francia.
Mr. Leo DEPUYDT 294 Butler Ave., PROVIDENCE, RI 02906, U.S.A..
Sig.ra Agnes DETOBEL van den Tymplestraat 35/13, 3000 LEUVEN, Belgio.
Mme. Anna DI BITONTO-KASSER 4 bis rue Pestalozzi, 1400 YVERDON, Svizzera.
Prof. Dr. Bernd J. DIEBNER, Zuzenhausener Str. 3, 6912 DIELHEIM 2, Germania.
Prof. Jean-Daniel DUBOIS 58 rue Madame, 75006 PARIS, Francia.
Dr. Alla I. ELANSKAIA, Institute of Oriental Studies, Dvortsovaya nab. 18, LENINGRAD D-41, U.R.S.S..
Dr. Stephen EMMEL 352 West Rock Avenue, NEW HAVEN CT 06515-2106, U.S.A..
Prof. Johann E. ERBES Andrews University, Berrien Springs, Michigan 49104, U.S.A..
M. Paul J. FRANDSEN, Institute of Egyptology, University of Copenaghen, Njalsgade 78, 2300 KOBENHAVN S. DANIMARCA.
Dr. Wolf-Peter FUNK 620 Chemin St.-Louis, app. 6, QUEBEC City, Quebec,, Canada G1S 1B8.
Dr. Gamal Mokhtar 22 Murad Street, GIZA (CAIRO), Egitto.
Dr. Gawdat Gabra Ebdel-Sayed The Coptic Museum, OLD CAIRO, Egypt.
Dr. Claudio GIANOTTO Corso Vercelli 74, 10015 Ivrea, Italy.
Prof. Dr. Soren GIVERSEN Pilealle 16, 2840 Holte, Danimarca.
Dr. Wlodzimierz GODLEWSKI ul. Kielecka 21 m. 6, Warszawa 02-550, Polonia.
Prof. James GOEHRING Dept. of Classics, Philos. and Rel., Mary Washington College, 1301 College Avenue, FREDERICKSBURG, VA 22401 - U.S.A..
The Rev. Charles GOODWIN Sungkonghoe Theological College, 1-1 HANG DONG, Kuro Ku, SEOUL 152-140Corea del Sud, OM IS CP.
Mme. Nicole GOURDIER-MORFIN 67 Rue de Paris, 93100 MONTREUIL s/ Bois, Francia.
His Grace Bishop GREGORIOS Anba Ruweis Building, ABBASSIYA, CAIRO EGITTO.
Prof. C. Wilfred GRIGGS, Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah 84602, U.S.A..
Dr. Peter GROSSMANN, Botschaft Kairo - DAI, Postfach 1148, 5300 Bonn 1, Germania.
Dr. Erhard GRZYBEK Avenue du Mont-d'Or 52 bis, 1007 LAUSANNE, Svizzera.
Prof. Antoine GUILLAUMONT 164 rue de Vaugirard, 75015 Paris, Francia.
Mr. Guirguis Daoud Guirguis 14 Sharia Moamen Hassan, ABBASSIYA - CAIRO, Egitto.
Prof. Charles W. HEDRICK Department of Religious Studies, Southwest Missouri State University, SPRINGFIELD Missouri 65804, U.S.A..
Dr. Jan HELDERMAN, Amperestraat 46, 1171 BV BADHOEVEDORP, Olanda.
Mr. Jurgen HORN Auf dem Lohberge 19, 37085 GOTTINGEN, Germania.
Dr. Ibrahim Fahmi Hilal 103 Sharia El Gumuria, CAIRO, Egitto.
Drs. Karel C. INNEMEE Dept. of Early Christian Art, Leiden University, Doelensteeg 16, LEIDEN OLANDA.
Mr. Clayton N. JEFFORD St. Meinrad School of Theology, ST. MEINRAD, Indiana 47577, U.S.A..
Prof. Dr. David W. JOHNSON Dept. of Semitic and Egypt. Lang., The Catholic University of America, WASHINGTON DC 20064, U.S.A..
Dr. KAMAL FARID ISAAC 9 Sharia Abdel Hamid Abou Heif, Heliopolis (CAIRO), Egitto.
Prof. Rodolphe KASSER 4 bis rue Pestalozzi, 1400 Yverdon, Svizzera.
Prof. Dr. Dr. Hubert KAUFHOLD, Brucknerstr. 15, 81677 Mu"nchen 80, Germania.
Dr. Alexander HOSROEV Director of the Library, Institute of Oriental Studies, Dvortsovaya nab., 18, LENINGRAD 191065 - U.R.S.S..
M. A. Fouad KHOUZAM 20 ter, rue de Bezons, 92400 COURBEVOIS, Francia.
Mrs. Karen L. KING Dept. of Religious Studies, Occidental College, LOS ANGELES California 90041, U.S.A., OM IS CP.
Prof. Klaus KOSCHORKE, Enggisteinstr. 4, 3076 WORB, Svizzera.
Dr. Jacek KOSCIUK, ul. Sowiuskiego 10/4, 51-685 WROCLAW, Polonia.
Prof. Dr. Martin KRAUSE, Melcherstrasse 30, 4400 MUNSTER, Germania.
Prof. Dr. K. Heinz KUHN, 28 Nevilledale Terrace, DURHAM, Inghilterra.
Mrs. Ruth KUHNER, 20 ch. des Serves, 1212 GRAND-LANCY/GE, Svizzera.
Dra E. De RANITZ LABOUCHERE Smidswater 8, 2514 BW DEN HAAG, Olanda.
Ms Lucia LANGENER Seminar fu"r Agyptologie und Kopt., Schlaunstrasse 2, 4400 MUNSTER, Germania.
Prof. Dr. Michael LATTKE Dept. of Studies in Religion, University of Queensland, QLD 4072, Australia.
Prof. Bentley LAYTON Dept. of Religious Studies, Box 2160 YALE STA., NEW HAVEN Connecticut 06250, U.S.A..
Prof. Gary LEASE 130 Westview Court, SANTA CRUZ, California 95060, U.S.A..
Dott. Elisabetta LUCCHESI-PALLI Fuerstenbrunn Str. 7, 5020 Salzburg, Austria.
Prof. Dr. Erich LUDDECKENS, Schillerstr. 10, 8702 VEITSHOCHHEIM, Germania.
Prof. Philippe LUISIER, Pontificio Istituto Orientale, Santa Maria Maggiore 7, 00185 ROMA.
Prof. Gerard P. LUTTIKHUIZEN Marktstraat 6, 9712 PC GRONINGEN, Olanda.
Dr. MAGDY WAHBA 4 (a) Sharia Ebn Zanki, ZAMALEK - CAIRO, Egitto.
Dr. Magdy Zikri 106 Sharia Osman-ebn-Affan, HELIOPOLIS (CAIRO), Egitto.
Mr. Antti MARJANEN Viertolankatu 49 B 7, 05800 HYVINKAA, Finlandia.
Prof. Jacques E. MENARD, 10 rue Massenet, 6700 Strasbourg, Francia.
Dr. HISMET MESSIHA, 29 Gamil Street, CAIRO, Egitto.
Prof. Marvin W. MEYER Department of Religion, Chapman College, ORANGE, California 92666, U.S.A..
Egr. Dr. Patrizia MICOLI Via Piramide Cestia, 63, 00153 ROMA.
Dr. MINA ABD-EL-MALEK Department of Mathematics, The American University in Cairo, CAIRO, Egitto.
Mr. Paul A. MIRECKI Dept. of Religious Studies, University of Kansas, LAWRENCE, KS 66045, U.S.A..
Director de la Biblioteca Abbadia de Montserrat, 08199 MONTSERRAT (Barcelona), Spagna.
Mlle. Franc,oise MORARD, 32 Bd. de Perolles, 1700 FRIBOURG, Svizzera.
Prof. Dr. C. Detlef G. MULLER, Alte Strasse 24, 5480 REMAGEN/RHEIN, Germania.
Prof. Dr. Christa MULLER Weserstr. 36, 3400 GOTTINGEN, Germania.
INSTITUT FUR AEGYPTOLOGIE, der Universita"t Mu"nchen, Meiserstrasse 10, 80333 MUNCHEN, Germania.
Westfa"lische Wilhelms-Univers. Seminar fu"r Aegyptologie, Schlaunstr. 2, 4400 MUNSTER, Germania.
Mr. Nabil Mohamed Abdel Wahab Suvelem, 55 Alexandria Street, HELIOPOLIS - CAIRO, Egitto.
Prof. Dr. Peter NAGEL Martin-Luther-Universita"t, Emil-Abderhaldenstrasse 9, 402 HALLE (Saale), Germania.
Dr. phil. Saphinaz-Amal NAGUIB Institutt for kultur- og samfunnsfag, Postboks 1010, Blindern, 0315 OSLO, Norvegia.
Dr.Dr. Claudia NAUERTH, Karl-Popp-Str. 30, 6748 BAD BERGZABERN, Germania.
CARSTEN NIEBUHR INSTITUTTET Kobenhavns Universitet, Njalsgade 78, 2300 KOBENHAVN, Danimarca.
Prof. Tito ORLANDI, Via F. Civinini 24, 00197 ROMA, Italy.
Prof. Dr. Louis PAINCHAUD Universite Laval, Faculte Theologie, Quebec G1K 7P4, Canada.
Dott. Lucia PAPINI Via della Piazzola 103, 50133 FIRENZE, Italy.
Prof. Douglas M. PARROTT Program in Rel. Studies, University of California, RIVERSIDE CA 92521, U.S.A..
Ms. Dorothy S. PAYER Rinviato NL apr. 94, Underliverable as addressed.
Prof. Birger A. PEARSON 27345 E. Vine Ave., ESCALONA, CA 95320, U.S.A..
Mr. Nils Arne PEDERSEN Skaffervej 3, 1. t.v., 2400 KOBENHAVN, Danimarca.
Prof. Sergio PERNIGOTTI Dipartimento di Storia Antica, via Zamboni, 38, 40126 BOLOGNA.
Mr Werner PHILIPPEIT, Wartburgstr. 47, 4620 CASTROP - RAUXEL, Germania.
Pitts Theology Library Emory University, ATLANTA Georgia 30322, U.S.A..
Mr. Zlatko PLESE P.O. Box 212 - Yale Station, NEW HAVEN CT 06520, U.S.A..
Rev. P. Prof. Paul-Hubert POIRIER, Universite' Laval, Faculte' The'ologie, Que'bec G1K 7P4, Canada.
Mme Marguerite RASSART-DEBERGH rue Lincoln 50 A, 1180 Bruxelles, Belgio.
Prof. Dr. Dorothee RENNER-VOLBACH, Hintere Bleiche 3, 55116 MAINZ, Germania.
Prof. Edward T. REWOLINSKI 57 Walter Street, BOSTON, MA 02131-1533, U.S.A..
Mr. Siegfried RICHTER, M.A. Seminar fu"r Agyptologie und Kopt., Schlaunstrasse 2, 4400 MUNSTER, Germania.
Dr. C. Mack ROARK, Oklahoma Baptist University, SHAWNEE OK 74801, U.S.A..
Prof. Michel ROBERGE, 9310 ave. Veuillot, CHARLESBOURG, P. QUEBEC, Canada G1G 3G6.
Dr. Marian ROBERTSON-WILSON 3631 Wellington Street, SALT LAKE CITY, Utah 84106, U.S.A..
Dr. Gesine ROBINSON 1801 Rosemount Ave., CLAREMONT California 91711, U.S.A..
Prof. Dr. James M. ROBINSON, Institute for Antiquity and Christ., 831 Dartmouth Avenue, CLAREMONT CA 91711, U.S.A..
Prof. Jean-Marc ROSENSTIEHL 15 rue Nobel, 67460 SOUFFELWEYERSHEIM, Francia.
Mr. Samuel RUBENSON Flojtvagen 22 B, 223 68 LUND, Svezia.
Dr. William G. RUSCH Evang. Lutheran Church in America, 8765 West Higgins Road, CHICAGO IL 60631, U.S.A..
Societe d'Archeologie Copte 222 Avenue Ramses, CAIRO, Egitto.
The Coptic Society Saint Shenouda the Archimandrite, 1701 South Wooster Street, LOS ANGELES CA 90035, U.S.A..
Mrs. Samiha Abdel Shahid, c/o Coptic Museum, Mari Girgis - Moser Atiqa, CAIRO - EGITTO.
Dr. Helmut SATZINGER Krieglergasse 17/29, 1030 WIEN, A u s t r i a.
Prof. Torgny SAVE-SODERBERGH Egypt. Inst. Gustavianum, 752 20 UPPSALA, Svezia.
Ms Sofia SCHATEN Up'n Hoff 2, 4438 HEEK, Germania.
Prof. Dr. Hans-Martin SCHENKE, Rinviato NL feb. 94, Unbekannt.
Dr. Piotr O. SCHOLZ Nubica & Bibl. Nubica, Viktoriastr. 12, P.Box 54 48, 65189/65044 WIESBADEN, Germania.
Prof. Dr. Eric SEGELBERG, Svartbacksgatan 26, 75332 UPSALA, Svezia.
Dr. J.-M. SEVRIN Colle`ge Albert Descamps, Grand-Place 45b, 1348 LOUVAIN-LA-NEAUVE, Belgio.
Rev. Dom. Mark SHERIDAN OSB, Collegio Pont. di S. Anselmo, Cavalieri di Malta 5, 00153 Roma, Italy.
Prof. Ariel SHISHA-HALEVY Dept. of Linguistics, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, JERUSALEM, Israele.
Prof. Dr. Adel SIDARUS, Rua dos Altos 16, Bairro do Bacelo, 7000 Evora, Portogallo.
Dr. Harry SIMMONS 93 Mill Hill Road, Bondi Jct. 2022, Australia.
Prof. Jean SIRVEN 67, rue Monge, 75005 PARIS, Francia.
Prof. Richard SMITH Institute for Antiquity and Christ., 831 Dartmouth Avenue, CLAREMONT CA 91711, U.S.A..
Prof. Dr. William J. TAIT 25 Hartford Road, HUNTINGDON, Cambs, PE18 6RE, Inghilterra.
Mr. Hany N. TAKLA The Coptic Society, Saint Shenouda the Archimandrite, 1701 South Wooster Street, LOS ANGELES CA 90035, U.S.A..
Dr. Richard A. TAYLOR Dept. of Old Testament Studies, Dallas Theological Seminary, 3909 Swiss Avenue, DALLAS Texas 75204, U.S.A..
Dr. Einar THOMASSEN Institutt for religionsvitenskap, Universitetet i Bergen, Sydnesplass 9, 5007 BERGEN, Svezia.
Dr. Janet TIMBIE 4608 Merivale Road, CHEVY CHASE, Maryland 20815, U.S.A..
Prof. Dr. Karl-Wolfgang TROEGER Stollberger Strasse 43, 1150 BERLIN, Germania.
Prof. John TURNER Dept. of Classics, University of Nebraska, NEBRASKA, U.S.A..
Dr. Risto I. URO Institute for Antiquity and Christ., 831 Dartmouth Avenue, CLAREMONT CA 91711, U.S.A..
The Rev. Dr. Richard L. VALANTASIS St. Louis University, Dept. of Theological Studies, 3634 Lindell Boulevard, ST. LOUIS, MO 63108-3395, U. S. A..
Mrs. Gonnie van den BERG-ONSTWEDDER Zwenkgras 51, 2804 NH GOUDA, Olanda.
Prof. Roel VAN DEN BROEK, Donkerstraat 7, 4119 LX RAVENSWAAIJ, Olanda.
Drs. Jacques VAN DER VLIET Verspronckweg 59, 2023 BB HAARLEM, Olanda.
Mr. Paul Van LINDT Eversemsteenweg 42, 1852 GRIMBERGEN, Belgio. Prof. Paul Van MOORSEL, Groenoord 136, 2401 AH ALPHEN AAN DEN RIJN, Olanda.
Mr. Alois Van TONGERLOO Leo Meulemansstraat 50, 3020 HERENT, Belgio.
Rev. P. Armand VEILLEUX, Casa General. Cistercensi S.O., viale Africa, 33, 00144 ROMA.
Istituto Papirologico G. VITELLI Via degli Alfani 46-48, 50121 FIRENZE.
M.lle Frederique von KANEL 20 av. Calas, 1206 GENEVE, Svizzera.
Prof. Dr. Gunter E. A. WAGNER Baptist Theological Seminary, 8803 RUSCHLIKON, Svizzera.
Mr. Ramses N. WASSIF 6228 Deerfield Avenue, SAN GABRIEL, CA 91775, U.S.A..
Ms Ca"cilia FLUCK WIETHEGER Seminar fu"r Agyptologie und Kopt., Schlaunstrasse 2, 4400 MUNSTER, Germania.
The BROOKLYN MUSEUM Wilbour Library, Eastern Parkway, BROOKLYN NY 11238, U. S. A..
Mr. Terry WILFONG The Kelsey Museum of Archaeology, University of Michigan, 434 S. State Street, ANN ARBOR Michigan 48104-1390, U.S.A..
Mr. Michael A. WILLIAMS Inst. for Comp. and For. Area Stud., Thomson DR05, Univ. of Washington, SEATTLE, Washington 98195, U.S.A..
Dr. Penelope WILSON Fitzwilliam Museum, Dept. of Antiquities, Cambridge, Inghilterra.
Rev. Prof. Robert McL. WILSON, 10 Murrayfield Road, St. ANDREWS, Fife KY16 9NB, Scotland - Gran Bretagna.
Ms. Myriam WISSA 3, passage Jean Nicot, 75007 PARIS, F r a n c i a.
Prof. Dr. Frederik WISSE, 259 Milton Rd., BEACONSFIELD PQ H9W 1K4, Canada.
Mr. Gregor WURST Seminar fu"r Agyptologie und Kopt., Schlaunstrasse 2, 4400 MUNSTER, Germania.
Prof. Dr. Dorothee RENNER-VOLBACH, Hintere Bleiche 3, 6500 MAINZ, Germania.
Prof. Dwight W. YOUNG 5555 N. Sheridan Rd., Apt. 617, CHICAGO, IL 60640, U.S.A..

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This is a list of academic institutions where Coptic language, or literature, or art, or archaeology, or theology, etc., are taught. The colleagues are kindly requested to send information on this subject. The best way to send information is e-mail; short of that, please send a typescript so good as to be easily read by a scanner. This will very much speed the work. The list will be published periodically in the Newsletter.

The Editor has initially listed the courses of which he had become aware. This information is far from complete and up to date, but it will become hopefully so, with the help of the colleagues. Places are also mentioned, where courses might be held, in order to solicit a statement from the colleague mentioned. In this case the item is closed by an interrogation mark. When the information is supplied by the responsible(s), it is accompanied by the reference to the year when the information was received.

The list is in alphabetical order of place.

Amsterdam (Netherlands), Free University, Theological Faculty: Dr. J. Helderman gives the following university courses of Coptic language each year:
Coptic I (introduction, grammar and ability to read Sahidic Bible texts and other Sahidic texts) in two semesters
Coptic II (Sub)Achmimic texts (Nag Hammadi), Bohairic grammar and texts, epigraphy, again in two semesters.
(Dr. J. Helderman, Amperestraat 46, 1171 BV Badhoevedorp, Nederlands, 18 november 1993.)

Ann Arbor (Michigan, USA), University of Michigan, Dept. of Near Eastern Studies. Courses taught by Paul Mirecki:
Introduction to Coptic Language and Papyrology, Two years: Winter 1986 - Spring 1988. More recently...?

Berlin (Germany), Humboldt University: Hans-Gebhard Bethge now teaches Coptic (H.-M. Schenke has retired) (S. Emmel, 30 March 1994).

Copenhagen (Denmark), Giversen?

Genève (Switzerland): R. Kasser, Professeur de langue et littérature coptes a l'Université de Genève (Yverdon, le 25.04.1994): Depuis 1979 et jusqu'à ce jour, je donne mon cours de langue et littérature coptes a l'Université de Genève.

Göttingen (Germany): Dr. Jürgen Horn (Göttingen, 2. Okt. 1994): Coptic courses at the Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, Seminar für Ägyptologie und Koptologie, Prinzenstr. 21 D-37073 Göttingen
a) We had an average of six different courses per academic term ("Semester") through the last years.
b) The courses are taught by Dr. Christa Müller and Dr. Jürgen Horn (Lehrbeauftragter)
c) In the summer term ("Sommersemester") of 1994 the courses were:
- Ch. Müller: Lektüre einfacher sahidischer Texte (2 hours) Einführung in die koptischen Dialekte (2 hours) Dialektlektüre (2 hours)
- J. Horn: Einführung in das Koptische (Sahidisch) (3 hours) Einführung in die koptische Literatur (1 hour) Lektüre schwieriger koptischer Texte (1 hour)
d) Winter term ("Wintersemester") 1994/95 (courses starting on Oct. 10th, 1994, ending in Febr. of 1995)

Groningen (Netherlands): Rijksuniversiteit, Faculteit der Godgeleerdheid en Godsdienstwetenschap. Gerard Luttikhuizen teaches Coptic language regularly (S. Emmel, 30 March 1994).

Halle (Germany): Martin-Luther-Universität, Fachbereich Kunst- und Altertumswissenschaften, Institut für Orientalistik, Seminar Christlicher Orient. Walter Beltz communicates (14 may 1994): ``Selbstverständlich wird in Halle weiter Koptologie betrieben, die Stelle von Prof. Nagel ist ausgeschrieben und die Berufungsverhandlungen laufen.''

Harvard (USA): Allen D. Callahan teaches elementary and intermediate Coptic at Harvard Divinity School on an alternating two year cycle (Letter, July 12, 1994).

Heidelberg (Germany), cf. NL 4, p. 5: Sommersemester 1979. - Diebner?

Helsinki (Finland), University: Antti Marjanen taught an elementary course in Sahidic Coptic in 1991-92, and it will be probably repeated in 1994-95 (A. Marjanen, 4 May 1994).

Jerusalem (Israel), Shisha-Halevy?

Lawrence (Kansas, USA), University of Kansas, Dept. of Religious Studies. Corses taught by Paul Mirecki:
(a) "Gnosticism in Egypt" One semester: Winter 1992.
(b) "Greek and Coptic Magic" One semester: Winter 1993.
(c) "Readings in the Pachomian Texts" One semester: Winter 1994.
(d) "Introduction to Egyptian Religion, Language, and Hieroglyphic Script" One semester: Spring 1995.
(e) "Gnosis and Magic in Roman Egypt" One semester: Winter 1995.
(f) "Readings in Hieroglyphic Texts" One semester: Winter 1995.

Leiden (Netherlands): Drs Jan van der Vliet (Leiden, May 20th 1994): Coptology is a recognized graduation subject within the Dept. of Egyptology of Leiden University. The following courses are taught annually:
* Introduction into Coptic History and Culture (Den Heijer, Innemee & Van der Vliet; 2 hours a week in Autumn; in cooperation with the Depts of Art History and Arabic).
* Coptic I: Introductory Sahidic (Van der Vliet; 4 hours a week in Spring).
* Coptic II: Bohairic and special texts (Van der Vliet; 2 hours a week in Autumn).
Special courses and tutorials are given on request. General supervision of the program: Prof.Dr. J.F. Borghouts, Head of the Department.
In addition, classes on Coptic subjects are regularly taught within the Depts of Arabic (Christian Arabic) and Art History (Coptic art and archaeology). Thus, during the next semester (Autumn 1994), Dr. J.J.G. Jansen (Arabic Dept.) will read the 'Apocalypse of Samuel of Qalamun' (2 hours a week). Conferences for post-graduate students in our field are organized annually by the Interdisciplinary Working-committee for the Study of Oriental Christianity (IWSOC; chairman: Prof. Dr. L. van Rompay). Active among the Coptic community in Egypt, but home-based in Leiden University is the ENCCAP-project (Egyptian-Netherlands Cooperation for Coptic Art Preservation; i.a. tuition in art conservation techniques, Coptic art history, etc: director: Dr. J.H. den Heijer).
More information can be obtained from: the Department of Egyptology, Leiden University, POB 9515, 2300 RA LEIDEN, Holland. Witte Singel 25 PO Box 9515 2300 RA Leiden

Leuven (Belgium), Quaegebeur?

Lille: Anne Boud'hors (22.8.1994): À Lille, à la Faculté de Theologie de l'Université Catholique, un enseignement de langue copte est donné par Christian Cannuyer.

Louvain-la-Neuve (Belgium), Université Catholique:
Langue copte (Sevrin): cours élementaire (30 h); cours supérieur (45 h). De la mi-septembre à juin. La matière du cours supérieur varie.
Littérature (Zanetti): Litt. copte et éthiopienne (15 h); littérature arabe chrétienne (15 h). Second semestre, alternativement.

Montpellier: Anne Boud'hors (22.8.1994): À Montpellier, dans le cadre de la chaire d'Égyptologie de l'Université Paul Valery, le professeur Gérard Godron dispense un enseignement de langue copte.

Münster (Germany): S. Richter (30.10.1994):
Koptisch-manichäische Texte - Krause, M.
Koptische Ostraka und Papyri - Krause, M.
Quellen zum Mönchtum in Ägypten - Krause, M.
Ausgrabungen in Nubien - Krause, M.
Doktorandenkolloquium - Krause, M.
Einführung in das Fajumische - Mink, G.
Die Berliner koptischen Zaubertexte - Richter, S.

New Haven (U.S.A.), Yale University (Steve Emmel, Nov. 1994):
Egyptian Monastic Literature in Coptic, Fall 1994, B. Layton
Introduction to Gnostic Texts in Coptic, Spring 1995, B. Layton
Biblical Coptic: Elementary Course, 1995-96.
These courses are repeated in a two-year cycle.

Paris (France): Anne Boud'hors (22.8.1994):
a)\ E.L.C.O.A. (Ecole des Langues et Civilisations de l'Orient Ancien), Institut Catholique, 21 rue d'Assas, F-75006 Paris.
-\ "Langue et litterature coptes" 1ère année, 2ème année, 3ème année (1h par semaine, soit 30h par année, du 15 octobre au 15 juin). Responsable: Christian Cannuyer pour 1994-1995 (les jeudis par quinzaines); Anne Boud'hors à partir d'octobre 1995.
- "Catalogage et analyse des textes coptes du Louvre": seminaire de 3ème cycle destiné à completer l'enseignement precedent. Responsable: Anne Boud'hors; les jeudis de 9h30 à 12h30 au Louvre.

b) E.P.H.E. (Ecole Pratique des Hautes Études) IVème section, 45 rue des Écoles, F-75005 Paris.
-\ Directeur d'Études: Gérard Roquet I "Le système du verbe copte. Relation aux participants [...]"; II "Phonétique historique de l'égyptien: des hieroglyphes aux dialectes coptes". Les mercredis, de 14h à 16h, de novembre à mi juin.
- Chargé de conférences: Pierre Cherix. "Les Acta Pilati" (reprise de l'édition du P. Heidelberg) Le 2ème et le 4ème mardis de chaque mois, de 12h à 14h.

c) E.P.H.E. Vème section, même adresse. Directeur d'Etudes: Jean-Daniel Dubois.
I Gnose: "Recherches sur l'histoire des gnostiques valentiniens" (le Traité Tripartite du Codex I).
II Manichéisme: "Les Psaumes manichéens". Les mardis de 14h à 16h, de novembre à mi-juin.

d)\ Université de Paris IV-Sorbonne
Dans le cadre de la chaire "Antiquité tardive", une "Introduction à l'art copte" est donnée en cours de licence, au 2ème semestre. Responsable: Marie-Helène Rutschowscaya, conservateur au Musée du Louvre.

e)\ École du Louvre, 34-36 quai du Louvre, F-75001 Paris:
- "La peinture copte après le 6ème siècle" (1er semestre). Resp.: Marie-Helène Rutschowscaya.
- "Le monastère de Baouit" Resp.: Dominique Bénazeth, conservateur au Musée du Louvre.
- Langue et litterature coptes (1ère année, 2ème année, 3ème année). Resp.: Nathalie Bosson.

Québec (Canada), Université Laval:
- cours d'initiation à la langue copte (trimestre d'automne) et cours avancé (trimestre d'hiver) : W.-P. Funk
- seminaire permanent sur les textes de Nag Hammadi : Groupe de recherche sur les textes de Nag Hammadi
pour information : (418) 656-5637 telephone; (418) 656-3273 telecopieur; BCNH@VM1.ULAVAL.CA.

Roma (Italy)
a)\ Università degli Studi ``La Sapienza'', Facoltà di Lettere, Dipartimento di Studi Storico-Religiosi. Cattedra di ``Lingua e letteratura copta'', prof. Tito Orlandi.
b)\ Pontificio Istituto Biblico. Prof. Hans Quecke
c)\ Institutum Patristicum Augustinianum (Pontificia Università Lateranense). Corso di ``Lingua copta'', prof. Tito Orlandi.

Saintes (France): Anne Boud'hors (22.8.1994): A Saintes, le CNRS-Formation organise tous les ans un cours d'été intitulé "Académie de Langues bibliques" (50h de COURS, deuxième quinzaine de juillet). En 1994 il y a eu deux niveaux de copte; pour 1995 est prévu le niveau 2 seulement.
Responsable de l'enseignement du copte: Anne Boud'hors.

Salzburg (Austria), Institut für Alte Geschichte und Altertumskunde. Dr. Karlheinz Schüssler.

Warszawa (Poland), Starowieiski?

Washington (U.S.A.), Catholic University, Johnson?

Wien (Austria), Institut für Ägyptologie, Universität:
Koptische Lektüre (2-std.), James Goff.
Übungen zu Urkunden und Geschichte der Spätzeit II, (1-std.), G. Hölbl.

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The Editor intends to keep a list of the Coptic Centres (i.e. cultural Centres managed by Coptic people, or people of Coptic origin) outside of Egypt. The colleagues are kindly requested to send information on this subject. The best way to send information is e-mail; short of that, please send a typescript so good as to be easily read by a scanner. This will very much speed the work.

The list will be updated and published periodically in the Newsletter.

St. Shenouda the Archimandrite Coptic Society - Member of IACS.
The center is run by a volunteer staff of 5 Coptic youth under my direction. This group has been engaged in Coptic Studies for the past three years.
Hany N. Takla, President, 21 November 1993. Electronic address: 70243.422@CompuServe.Com

Centro de Estudios del Egipto y del Mediterraneo Oriental - Buenos Aires - C.C. n. 70, 1448 Sucursal 48(B), Argentina - Letter 9.2.1990

Coptologia Publications, P.O. Box 235, Don Mills Postal Station, Ontario, Canada M3C 2S2 - Letter Jan. 1990

Koptisch-Orthodoxes Zentrum - St. Antonius Kloster - Hauptstrasse 10, 6331 Waldsolms-Kröffelbach/Ts., Germany - Regular correspondence.

There exists in Amsterdam a very active Coptic parish, led by an inspiring genuin Coptic priest, Father Arsanios El Baramosy. The church of Holy Mary is located in Amsterdam-North (Mosstraat 2). This nice church was consecrated on february 21, 1992 by H.H. Pope Shenuda III. Coptic church publications are looked after in the church mentioned. (J. Helderman, 17 Nov. 1994)

Le Monde Copte

Coptic Church Review

American, Canadian, and Australian Coptic Associations, P.O. Box 9119, Jersey City, N.J. 07304, U.S.A. - Publishes: The Copts, Christians of Egypt (vol. 19, 3/4, July 1992)

Un groupe de Coptes en France a fondé a Paris en 1992 une association dénommée ``Association des Coptes de France'', le but principal étant ``la création d'un Centre Culturel Copte'' a Paris.
Le Président en exercice est Dr. Magdi ZAKI, dont voici l'adresse: 1 rue Auguste Maquet, 75016 Paris. (A.F. Khouzam, 4 Julliet 1994).

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Essays on Coptic Art and Culture (Leiden)

Its history goes back to 1991 when Leiden University started the project Egyptian-Netherlands Cooperation for Coptic Art Preservation (ENCCAP). One of its most important aims is to provide information on Early Christian and in particular Coptic art and culture to members of the Coptic community. During the campaigns of the ENCCAP staff-members in Egypt they noticed that many publications in French and German were not accessible to their students. To correct this situation we decided to provide information in English as well as in Arabic.

This Initiative is not new. In 1990 the Netherlands Institute of Archaeology and Arabic Studies in Cairo published Coptic Art and Culture, in which contributions by Dutch and foreign scholars were collected. This compilation is available in English and in Arabic, and Essays on Coptic Art and Culture has to be considered a more modest continuation of this unique conception.

This first issue consists mostly of revised editions of articles by young scholars from Leiden University, which have already been published or are about to be published in other annals. Although ``new'' articles will appear in the future issues, a part of the contributions will continue to reflect published works by other authors. At present, Maud Mommers is revising the French publications on Coptic wall-paintings by Jules Leroy. This, incidentally, offers the possibility to add more recent informatlon. Furthermore we intend to keep our readers informed about recent publications - books and articles - on Coptic studies.

This annal, which we intend to publish at least twice a year, will reach our students in Egypt, mainly monks and students of the Institute for Coptic Studies in Cairo who are attending the courses of the ENCCAP-staff. However, we assume that colleagues active in the field of Coptic studies will be interested as well. We hope to stimulate them to write short articles about their subjects of study. Our Coptic students will certainly be pleased to read about the progress in the study of their cultural heritage, and to our contributors we also offer the unique opportunity to have an article translated into Arabic. We also offer this to publish short papers to our students in Egypt. We are willing to give them all scientific and linguistic help with the preparation of their contributions.

Finally we should like to express our gratitude to all persons and Institutions who contributed to this publication. Financial support was provided by the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Directorate-General International Cooperation (DGIS), the Stichting Sonnewijck (Sonnewijck Foundation), the Hermanusstichting and the Saint Antonius Stichting through the Stichting Christelilke Kunst en Cultuur in het Nijldal (CKCN; Foundation Christian Art and Culture in the Nile Valley). Apart from the authors, Lucinda Dirven, Nicole Mulder and Joris Kila, we should mention the names of Anneke de Laaf and Rosemary Dobson, who assisted with the English language, and Anton Mossaad, our Arabic translator.

Mat Immerzeel, Peter Jongste, Marga Nijland

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The Pachomius [Electronic] Library

OVERVIEW: The Saint Pachomius Public Domain Library is an online archive of Orthodox Christian literature (theological writings, hymnography, saints' lives, etc.) in English translation. Texts are selected from all Orthodox traditions throughout the world: the library is not affiliated with any particular church. Persons of all backgrounds and faiths are invited to participate.

PUBLIC DOMAIN: All materials are uncopyrighted and may be reproduced freely. New texts are added to the archive in the last week of each month.

LOCATION: The Library is on the World Wide Web Orthodox Page. Our address is:

MAILING LIST: The library also maintains (or soon will) an electronic mailing list, pachomius_l. Persons without World Wide Werb access can receive texts by subscribing to the list (hopefully operational after February 1, 1995). Contact the address at the end for more information.

This library contains uncopyrighted English translations of the Church Fathers, the acts of the Christian martyrs, the proceedings of the Councils, the lives of the early saints, etc.

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ABZU Index of Egyptological Materials

From: (Charles E. Jones)
Date: Fri, 13 Jan 95 15:54:47 CST
Subject: OI on-line

Thanks to John Sanders, the first component of the the most recent Oriental Institute Annual Report (1993-1994) [hard copy version sent to members of the OI in November 1994] is now available via WWW. The on-line version of this volume will eventually contain all the illustration included in the paper version. Included in this component are the incidental illustrations (mostly archival photos of early OI prjects).

A full list of all new articles can be found in the Abzu What's New page at:


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Egyptology on-line

From: charles jones
Date: Fri, 30 Dec 94 15:54:11 CST I just loaded a classified index of Egyptological materials available on the Internet into Abzu. You'll find it at:

As usual I'd appreciate comments, suggestions for improvement, and leads to material not yet included.



Index of resources for the study of ancient Egypt, including the territory under the control of the modern states of Egypt and Sudan, and part of Libya. If you know of a resource which you believe should be listed in this index, please contact the editor directly.

For material newly indexed in this and the other Abzu indexes see What's New in ABZU


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International Directory of Collections

Spenser Museum of Art, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS, 66045 USA (information from P. MIRECKI).

(1) 34 Coptic textiles, some fragmentary, some with symbols and human figures, no narrative scenes. Textiles are currently under restoration by S. K. Shore, to be published by P. Mirecki, M. Stokstad, and E. Willis.

(2) One fragmentary wood sculpture, relief with rondel and stylized animal in Coptic-Islamic style, provenance unknown.

The Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art, Kansas City, Missouri, USA (information from P. Mirecki).

(1) 14 Coptic textiles, dating from ca. 250-1100. Bud motif curtain, running human figures, human heads and birds (funerary curtain), pomegranate motif, confronted female figures, confronted riders rondel, female Orante Segmentum, 3 clavi, portrait figure Segmentum, gazelles and swans fragment, geometic interlace fragment.

(2) Votive figure of young man from Shrine of Isis at Sheikh Ibada (near Antinoe), 275-325 CE. Limestone, gessoed and polychromed. 25 3/4" high.

(3) Frieze. Stucco. 10' 9 1/2" long, 13 1/2" high. Nine animal figures.

(4) Coffin portrait of woman. Fayyum, 4th-5th century. Encaustic on panel. 17 1/2" high, 8" wide.

(5) Limestone rondel. St. Thekla bound, with two beasts and two angels. 25 1/2" diameter (Coptic? or Palmyra7). 5th century.

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Egyptological fieldwork directory

From: (CCER)
Date: Mon, 6 Mar 1995 16:55:09 +0100

We are proud to announce that the initiative has been taken to start an electronic directory of Egyptological fieldwork on the World Wide Web (WWW). The aim of this directory is to provide scholars with *on-line* and up-to-date information about past, present and future excavations in Egypt. The obvious advantage of having an electronic fieldwork directory available on the WWW is the fact that information is easily added or modified, which allows for faster updating than with conventional media. Moreover, the directory will be made fully searchable to allow access to the documentation in various ways.

Each entry in the fieldwork list contains the following information:

1. Site and Location in Egypt (eg. Western Delta)
2. Description (eg. survey, excavations, epigraphic)
3. Dating of the remains found (eg. Predynastic settlement, OK tomb)
4. Year commenced and duration
5. Participating institutions
5. Director
6. Contact address in and out of the field
7. Usual time work conducted in Egypt (eg March to May)
8. Publications mentioning the project (includes electronic articles!)

For instance, here is a contribution by Nigel Strudwick:

Site: Western Thebes, Sheikh abd el Qurna, TT99
Location: Luxor, West Bank
Description: Documentation with a view to publication of the tomb of
Sennefer (TT99).
Dating of remains found: Tomb 18th dynasty, later burials of 25th dynasty
Year commenced: 1992 Duration: aks Allah
Institutions: University of Cambridge UK
Work conducted in Egypt usually during: Generally December-January
Director: Dr N.C. Strudwick
Address: Trinity College, Cambridge CB2 1TQ
Publications mentioning the project: Article in Egyptian Archaeology 5 (1994). Article by N. Strudwick on-line on WWW.

Especially the latter entry is interesting here, since it contains a hypertext pointer to an electronic paper written by Nigel Strudwick about the 1994 season's work in TT99.

How promising the initiative of an electronic fieldwork directory is, however, it doesn't grow by itself, nor do we have loads of fieldwork information already electronically available. The fact is that we need to build this thing from scratch. We are now at the point to lay the first stones of our pyramid, so to speak. Because the community of scholars that are connected electronically is larger than ever, we would this way like to cordially invite you to join us in our effort to build this directory. If you are involved in any way in any type of fieldwork research in Egypt we would be very grateful if you would contribute the above mentioned structured information about your fieldwork project to our list. If you wish you may enter the information in the following HTML-structure:

Site: put the site here
Location: put the location here
Description: put the description here
Dating of remains found: put the dating here
Year commenced: put the year here Duration: put the duration here
Institutions: put the institution here
Work conducted in Egypt usually during: put the time interval here
Director: put the name here

put the address here
Publications mentioning the project:put the publications here

Even if you yourself at present don't have access to the World Wide Web, it would still be valuable to have your contribution. Those who already have access to the World Wide Web can access our home page through
The preliminary fieldwork directory page is found at:

Finally, there are also a lot of colleagues out there who don't have access to the Internet at all, but who could also contribute to the directory. Should you have access to such people, you might ask them to provide us with the necessary information as well. In that case you could act as intermediary.

Hans van den Berg (
Karin Sowada (

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The Twenty-First Annual Byzantine Studies Conference

The Twenty-first Annual Byzantine Studies Conference will be held at New York University and the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York from Thursday evening, November 9, through Sunday early afternoon, November 12, 1995. The conference is an annual forum for the presentation and discussion of papers on every aspect of Byzantine history and culture, and is open to all, regardless of nationality or academic status.

Questions concerning local arrangements may be directed to Thomas Mathews (Institute of Fine Arts, New York; 212-772-5837).

Information concerning the Byzantine Studies Conference may be obtained from Susan T. Stevens (Randolph Macon Women's College), President; e-mail:

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