No. 38, September 1998
Editors: Martin Krause & Stephen Emmel
Institut für Ägyptologie und Koptologie
Schlaunstrasse 2
D - 48143 Münster, Germany
Electronic mail:
CONTENTS: Seventh International Congress of Coptic Studies, Leiden 2000: First Announcement, p. 3 - Septième Congrès International des Études Coptes, Leiden 2000: Premier communiqué, p. 4 - Acts of the Sixth International Congress of Coptic Studies, p. 5 - Notes from the New IACS Secretariat, p. 5 - The IACS on the Internet, p. 6 - Request for Missing Addresses of IACS Members, p. 7 - List of IACS Members with Addresses, p. 7 - Publications in Preparation, Forthcoming, or Recently Published, as Announced by IACS Members, p. 16 - Obituary Notice, p. 28
(Une version française de ce communiqué fait suite.)
The working committee invites you most cordially to take part in the Seventh International Congress of Coptic Studies, which is to take place in Leiden, The Netherlands, from 27 August to 2 September 2000. We take pride in receiving you in an academic environment which proved favorable for oriental studies from the seventeenth century onwards, and we will do our best to offer you a programme which stimulates both scholarly and personal communication. The five working days of the Congress will be devoted to:
- plenary sessions: reports on recent developments in the major domains of Coptic studies (language, literature, art, archaeology, etc.), presented by specialists in the field;
- lectures by IACS members and other scholars: brief communications of which an abstract must have been published in advance and which should not exceed 20 minutes in length; these lectures will be presented in two parallel sessions, grouped according to our main fields of study;
- workshops devoted to special themes which have been prepared in advance and which will allow discussion by a smaller circle of specialists: themes in linguistics and monastic archaeology have already been proposed.
The congress will be closed by the business meeting of the IACS, on Saturday, 2 September, in the morning.
All sessions will take place in the central building of the Faculty of Arts of Leiden University. This site combines all modern facilities with a location in the middle of the historical town. Leiden is in the heart of Holland and on the crossroads of all international lines of communication. We will do our best to offer accommodation in several different price classes. All practical information as well as the details of the programme will be announced in future issues of the IACS Newsletter and elsewhere.
There is no need to register now. We just want you to fix the dates of the congress in your memories and in your calendars: from 27 August to 2 September 2000. If you want to be sure to receive our future announcements, you merely have to send us your name and postal address, preferably by e-mail to the following address:
Jacques van der Vliet, IACS Congress Secretary
TCNO, sectie Egyptologie & Koptologie
Postbus 9515, NL-2300 RA LEIDEN
(An English version of this announcement appears above.)
Le comité de travail vous invite chaleureusement à participer au Septième Congrès International des Études Coptes qui aura lieu du 27 août au 2 septembre 2000 à Leiden, aux Pays-Bas. Nous serons heureux de vous accueillir dans une ambiance propice aux études orientales depuis le
XVIIe siècle et de vous offrir un programme qui favorise les échanges scientifiques et personels. Les cinq jours du congrès proprement dit seront occupés par:- les séances plénaires: aperçus des développements récents, présentés par les spécialistes dans les domaines principaux des études coptes (langue, littérature, art, archéologie, etc.);
- les conférences proposées par les membres de l'AIEC et par les autres chercheurs: communications brèves, de vingt minutes au maximum, et dont les résumés doivent être publiés d'avance; groupées en deux séances parallèles, suivant les principaux domaines des études coptes;
- les séances de travail spécialisées ("workshops"): réunions consacrées chacune à un thème spécial proposé d'avance et qui se prête à une discussion approfondie parmi les spécialistes; déjà des thèmes dans les domaines de la linguistique et de l'archéologie monastique ont été annoncés.
Le congrès sera clos par la séance plénaire de l'AIEC, à samedi matin, le 2 septembre.
Toutes les réunions auront lieu dans le bâtiment central de la Faculté des Lettres de l'Université de Leiden. Au centre même de la ville ancienne, on y profite des facilités les plus modernes. Leiden se trouve au coeur de la Hollande et au carrefour des voies internationales de communication. Nous tenons à vous offrir des facilités de logement en diverses classes de prix et de confort. Tous les renseignements pratiques ainsi que les détails du programme seront annoncés dans numéros prochains du Bulletin d'Information de l'AIEC et ailleurs.
Il n'est pas besoin de s'inscrire dès maintenant, seulement nous vous prions de fixer dans votre mémoire et dans vos agendas les dates du congrès: du 27 août au 2 septembre 2000. Si vous voulez vous assurer de nos circulaires, il suffit de nous communiquer votre nom et votre adresse postale, de préférence par couriel:
Jacques van der Vliet, AIEC (IACS) Congress Secretary
TCNO, sectie Egyptologie & Koptologie
Postbus 9515, NL-2300 RA LEIDEN
Work is continuing on the publication of the Akten des 6. Internationalen Koptologenkongresses (edited by Stephen Emmel, Martin Krause, Siegfried G. Richter, and Sofia Schaten). Funding for the publication has just recently been granted by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, in agreement with Reichert Verlag in Wiesbaden, where the acts will appear in the newly established series Sprachen und Kulturen des Christlichen Orients. The editors plan to divide the publication into two volumes, as follows: vol. 1, Archäologie, Kunst, christliches Nubien, Mönchtum, Liturgie, Kirchengeschichte (51 papers in total); vol. 2, Literatur, Bibel, christlich-arabische Literatur, Kodikologie, Paläographie, Papyrologie, Epigraphik, Linguistik, Gnosis, Manichäismus (55 papers).
Proofs of most of the articles have been delivered to their authors during the last ten months; the remaining articles are in advanced stages of preparation, and the editors expect to have sent out all proofs before the end of this summer. If you have not yet received proofs of your article, please contact the editors, who will make certain that all authors have returned corrected proofs before the acts are published, probably at the beginning of 1999.
The secretariat of the IACS has now been moved from Rome to Münster, as was announced in the last Newsletter. All correspondence regarding the regular activities of the IACS should be sent to the address shown on the front of this Newsletter. Please also note the new telephone and fax numbers: phone +49 251 8324940, or +49 251 8324537; fax +49 251 8329933.
Personalized statements regarding payment of fees were sent out to all IACS members in the early part of 1998. (Thank you for your prompt payments. Receipts will be provided in due course.) Within Europe, the best method of payment is by direct transfer ("Überweisung") to the following account:
Account number: 9040-467
Bank code: 440 100 46
If possible, make the transfer in DM (converted at the current rate; or use the following equivalents for 1998: USD 25 = DM 45; USD 15 = DM 27; USD 12 = DM 22); otherwise make the transfer in USD. If you pay by eurocheque, please write the check in DM. Make eurocheques or personal checks payable to the International Association for Coptic Studies and send them to the IACS secretariat. In all cases, be sure to indicate your name and the year(s) for which you are paying. Please also keep us informed of any change of address or any change in your membership status.
1. World Wide Web (WWW, "the Web") Site
The IACS's Web site is managed by Tito Orlandi on the server of the CISADU, the electronic center of the Facoltà di Lettere of the University of Rome "La Sapienza." The IACS home page provides access to the following pages (others are in preparation): (1) addresses of Coptologists (with surface and e-mail addresses); (2) recent news (information provided by IACS members, and others); (3) Seventh International Congress of Coptic Studies, Leiden, 2000; (4) IACS Newsletter (currently nos. 35 and 36 are displayed); (5) publications forthcoming or in preparation (list of works in progress as announced by IACS members, and others; cf. below); (6) Coptic teaching in the world (list of academic institutions where Coptic language, literature, art, archaeology, or theology, etc., are taught); (7) Coptic centers outside of Egypt (list of organizations sponsored by Coptic people for the promotion of Coptic language and culture); and (8) congresses in related disciplines. The address (URL) of the IACS home page is:
Like the Newsletter, the Web site is based on the collaboration of the IACS members, who are requested to submit whatever information they deem useful for their colleagues. Such information should be sent to Tito Orlandi, preferably by e-mail (; or by regular post to the following address: Via F. Civinini 24, I-00197 Roma, Italy). We try to share information between Münster and Rome effectively enough that information need be sent only to one place or the other, but in practice this is not so easy to do. If possible, please send information both to Münster and to Rome when it is relevant to both the ordinary administration of the IACS (including the Newsletter) as well as the IACS Web site.
2. The Listserver
COPTIST is an electronic interest group (technically called a "list") for Coptic studies. The COPTIST list, which has been established on the server of the CISADU, is an unmoderated list, administered by Tito Orlandi on behalf of the IACS. Interested IACS members are invited to subscribe to COPTIST by doing as follows: to the e-mail address send a message consisting of ONLY one line, namely: subscribe coptist [your name] (e.g.: subscribe coptist Stephen Emmel). The list is a "closed" one, i.e. every new subscriber must be approved by the list's administrator, in this case Prof. Orlandi, acting in the name of the board of the IACS.
If anyone has the current address of any of the IACS members listed below, the editors of the Newsletter would be grateful to receive that information.
Mr. Maurice Abdel Messih
Dr. M. Kristin Arat
Fr. Joseph Bissiafami
M. Philippe Blaudeau
Ms. Darlene L. Brooks Hedstrom
Dr. Wolfgang Brunsch
Mlle. Fabienne Dufey
Prof. Johann E. Erbes
Dr. Ginette Lacaze
Dr. Elisabetta Lucchesi-Palli
Ms. Dorothy S. Payer
Prof. Edward T. Rewolinski
Mrs. Bozena Rostkowska
Rev. Toshimitsu Tanaka
Mr. Sherril A. Tinder
Mlle. Frédérique von Känel
Abdel Malek, Mina B. Dept. of Mathematics, American University in Cairo, Cairo, ÄGYPTEN.
Abdel Shaheed Abdel Nour, Samiha. c/o Coptic Museum, Sharia Mari Girgis, Old Cairo - Cairo, ÄGYPTEN.
Abdel Wahab Suvelem, Nabil Mohamed. 55 Alexandria Street, Heliopolis - Cairo, ÄGYPTEN.
Alcock, Anthony. Zobelmühlenweg 28, D - 34123 Kassel, DEUTSCHLAND.
Alexander, Joan. 3/23 Gerard Street, Cremorne, NSW 2090, AUSTRALIEN.
Arai, Sasagu. 10-2-605 Keyakidaira, Miyamae-ku, Kawasaki 213, JAPAN.
Aranda Perez, Gonzalo. Iturrama, 39, 3 B, 31007 Pamplona, SPANIEN.
Asgeirsson, Jon Ma. Institute for Antiquity and Christianity, 831 Dartmouth Avenue, Claremont, CA 91711, U.S.A.
Assaad, Fawzia. 2, chemin de Sous-Cherre, CH-1245 Collonge-Bellerive, SCHWEIZ.
Assfalg, Julius. Kaulbachstrasse 95/IV, D-80802 München 40, DEUTSCHLAND.
Association Francophone de Coptologie. c/o Dr. Anne Boud'hors, 38, boulevard Richard-Lenoir, F-75011 Paris, FRANKREICH.
Atta, Morkos Elmi. Pontif. Ateneo Salesiano, Comunità S. Tommaso, Piazza Ateneo Salesiano, 1, I-00139 Roma, ITALIEN.
Attridge, Harold W. Yale Divinity School, PO Box 206652 Yale Station, New Haven, CT 06520, U.S.A.
Bagnall, Roger S. 606 Hamilton Hall, Columbia University, New York, NY 10027, U.S.A.
Bakr, Abdel Salam. Coptic Museum, Sharia Mari Girgis, Old Cairo - Cairo, ÄGYPTEN.
Baumeister, Theofried. Scharnhorststrasse 28, D-65195 Wiesbaden, DEUTSCHLAND.
Behlmer, Heike. Seminar für Ägyptologie und Koptologie, Prinzenstrasse 21, D-37073 Göttingen, DEUTSCHLAND.
Beltz, Walter. Kiekemaler Strasse 6, D-12623 Berlin, DEUTSCHLAND.
Bethge, Hans-Gebhard. Emil-Czekowski-Strasse 3a, D-16562 Bergfelde, DEUTSCHLAND.
Biblioteca, Abbadia de Montserrat. E-08199 Montserrat (Barcelona), SPANIEN.
Bibliothèque FLTR, UCL - BGSH. Attn. M. Eric Berger, Place Cardinal Mercier, 31, B-1348 Louvain-la-Neuve, BELGIEN.
Bickel, Susanne. Gossetstrasse 18, CH-3084 Wabern, SCHWEIZ.
Biedenkopf-Ziehner, Anne. Ritterstrasse 28, D-97294 Burggrumbach, DEUTSCHLAND.
Bolman, Elizabeth S. American Research Center in Egypt, 2 Midan Simon Bolivar, Garden City - Cairo, ÄGYPTEN.
Bosson, Nathalie. Les Hautes-de-Bergerac, 1, rue Cyrano-de-Bergerac (B), F-34090 Montpellier, FRANKREICH.
Boud'hors, Anne. 38, boulevard Richard-Lenoir, F-75011 Paris, FRANKREICH.
Bovon, François. The Divinity School, Harvard University, 45 Francis Avenue, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A.
Brakke, David. Dept. of Religious Studies, Indiana University, Sycamore Hall 230, Bloomington, IN 47405-2601, U.S.A.
Brakmann, Heinzgerd. Franz-Joseph-Dölger-Institut, Lennéstrasse 41, D-53113 Bonn, DEUTSCHLAND.
British Library. OIOC Acquisitions Unit, Orbit House, 197 Blackfriars Road, London SE1 8NG, GROSSBRITANNIEN.
British Museum. Attn. Dr. M.L. Bierbrier, Dept. of Egyptian Antiquities, Great Russell Street, London WC1B 3DG, GROSSBRITANNIEN.
Brooklyn Museum. Wilbour Library, 200 Eastern Parkway, Brooklyn, NY 11238-6052, U.S.A.
Brown, S. Kent. Ancient Studies, Brigham Young University, 4012 Harold B. Lee Library, P.O. Box 26872, Provo, UT 84602-6872, U.S.A.
Browne, G.M. Dept. of Classics, 4072 Foreign Languages Bldg., University of Illinois, Urbana, IL 61801, U.S.A.
Brune, Karl-Heinz. Sperlichstrasse 42, D-48151 Münster, DEUTSCHLAND.
Buschhausen, Helmut. Institut für Kunstgeschichte, Universitatsstrasse 7, A-1010 Wien, ÖSTERREICH.
Callahan, Allen D. New Testament Dept., Harvard Divinity School, 45 Francis Avenue, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A.
Cameron, Ron. Dept. of Religion, Wesleyan University, Middletown, CT 06457, U.S.A.
Camplani, Alberto. Via Nemorense, 188, I-00199 Roma, ITALIEN.
Cannuyer, Christian. Rue Haute, 21, B-7800 Ath, BELGIEN.
Carnot, Elisabeth. 43, route de la Capite, CH-1223 Cologny, SCHWEIZ.
Carroll, Scott T. The Scriptorium, 926 Robbins Road Suite 183, Grand Haven, MI 49417, U.S.A.
Carsten Niebuhr Instituttet. Kobenhavns Universitet, Njalsgade 78, DK-2300 Kobenhavn, DÄNEMARK.
Charron, Régine. 1220, avenue Briand, app. 103, Québec, PQ G1R 5X2, KANADA.
Cherix, Pierre. Rue du Marché, 6, CH-1880 Bex, SCHWEIZ.
Chester Beatty Library. Attn. Mr. Charles Horton, Curator, Western Collections, 20 Shrewsbury Road, Dublin 4, IRLAND.
Clackson, Sarah J. Christ's College, St. Andrew's Street, Cambridge CB3 9DA, GROSSBRITANNIEN.
Cody, Aelred. St. Meinrad Archabbey, St. Meinrad, IN 47577-1010, U.S.A.
Colpe, Carsten. Schutzallee 112, D-14169 Berlin, DEUTSCHLAND.
Daoud Guirguis, Guirguis. 14 Sharia Moamen Hassan, Abbassiya - Cairo, ÄGYPTEN.
DeFelice, Jr., John F. 8 Kelly Drive, Oxford, OH 45056, U.S.A. defelice@miamiu.bitnet
del Francia, Loretta. Viale Don Pasquino Borghi, 192, I-00144 Roma, ITALIEN.
De Moor, Antoine. Windekekouter 90, B-9860 Scheldewindeke, BELGIEN.
den Heijer, Johannes. NIAASC, Postbus 20061, NL-2500 EB Den Haag, NIEDERLANDE.
Depuydt, Leo. 343 Harvard Street., Apt. BA, Cambridge, MA 02138-4245, U.S.A. (in summer:
Derda, Tomasz. ul. Okopowa 47 B m. 25, PL-01-959 Warszawa, POLEN.
Detobel, Agnes. Van den Tymplestraat 35/13, B-3000 Leuven, BELGIEN.
di Bitonto-Kasser, Anna. 4 bis, rue Pestalozzi, CH-1400 Yverdon, SCHWEIZ.
Diebner, Bernd J. Zuzenhausener Strasse 3, D-69234 Dielheim 2, DEUTSCHLAND.
Donner, Fred M. The Oriental Institute, University of Chicago, 1155 East 58th Street, Chicago, IL 60637, U.S.A.
Downer, Carol. 3 Palmer Close, Redhill, Surrey RH1 4BU, GROSSBRITANNIEN.
Dubois, Jean-Daniel. 5, cité Pottier, F-75019 Paris, FRANKREICH.
Dunderberg, Ismo. Department of Biblical Studies, P.O. Box 33, FIN-00014 University of Helsinki, FINNLAND.
Effenberger, Arne. Museum für Byzantinische Kunst, Bodestrasse 1-3, D-10178 Berlin, DEUTSCHLAND.
Elanskaja, Alla I. Institute of Oriental Studies, Dvortsovaya nab. 18, St. Petersburg D-41, RUSSLAND.
Emmel, Stephen. Institut für Ägyptologie und Koptologie, Schlaunstrasse 2, D-48143 Münster, DEUTSCHLAND.
Farag, Rafik. 68 East Third Street, Peru, IN 46976, U.S.A.
Ferreira, Johan. 1/57 Brisbane Street, St. Lucia, 4067, AUSTRALIEN.
Fluck, Cäcilia. Süderweg 13, D-25923 Süderlügum, DEUTSCHLAND.
Frandsen, Paul J. Institute of Egyptology, University of Copenaghen, Njalsgade 78, DK-2300 Kobenhavn S, DÄNEMARK.
Frankfurter, David. 3 Briarwood Lane, Durham, NH 03824, U.S.A.
Funk, Wolf-Peter. 1195, ave. Brown, app. 14, Québec, PQ G1S 3A1, KANADA.
Gabra, Gawdat. P.O. Box 7610, 11762 Nasr City, 8th Quarter, Cairo, ÄGYPTEN.
Gianotto, Claudio. Corso Vercelli, 74, I-10015 Ivrea, ITALIEN.
Gindy, A. P.O. Box 286, Cairo (11511), ÄGYPTEN.
Giversen, Soren. Pilealle 16, DK-2840 Holte, DÄNEMARK.
Glassner, Gottfried. Inst. f. Religionswissenschaft u. Theol., Mönchsberg 2a, A-5020 Salzburg, ÖSTERREICH.
Gnudi, Paolo. 18/C, avenue de France, CH-1004 Lausanne, SCHWEIZ.
Godlewski, Wlodzimierz. ul. Kielecka 21 m. 6, PL-02-550 Warszawa, POLEN.
Goehring, James E. Dept. of Classics, Philosophy and Religion, Mary Washington College, 1301 College Avenue, Fredericksburg, VA 22401-5358, U.S.A.
Goodwin, Charles. Sungkonghoe Theological College, 1-1 HANG DONG, Kuro Ku, Seoul 152-140, KOREA SUD.
Gourdier-Morfin, Nicole. 67, rue de Paris, F-93100 Montreuil sur Bois, FRANKREICH.
Gregorios. Anba Ruweis Building, Abbassiya - Cairo, ÄGYPTEN.
Griggs, C. Wilfred. Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah 84602, U.S.A.
Grossmann, Peter. Botschaft Kairo - DAI, Postfach 1148, D-53001 Bonn, DEUTSCHLAND.
Grzybek, Erhard. Avenue du Mont-d'Or 52 bis, CH-1007 Lausanne, SCHWEIZ.
Guillaumont, Antoine. 164, rue de Vaugirard, F-75015 Paris, FRANKREICH.
Hasitzka, Monika. Sierndorf 145, A-2264 Jedenspeigen, ÖSTERREICH.
Havelaar, Henriette W. Faculteit der Godgeleerdheid, Universiteit Utrecht, Postbus 80105, NL-3508 TC Utrecht, NIEDERLANDE.
Hedrick, Charles W. Dept. of Religious Studies, Southwest Missouri State University, 901 South National Avenue, Springfield, MO 65804, U.S.A.
Helderman, Jan. Ampèrestraat 46, NL-1171 BV Badhoevedorp, NIEDERLANDE.
Hilal, Ibrahim Fahmi. 103 Sharia el-Gumuria, Cairo, ÄGYPTEN.
Hodak, Suzana. Augustastrasse 64, D-48153 Münster, DEUTSCHLAND.
Horn, Jürgen. Auf dem Lohberge 19, D-37085 Göttingen, DEUTSCHLAND.
Huhtala, Virpi. Myllymatkantie 1 E 44, FIN-00920 HELSINKI, FINNLAND.
Hulsman, C. Koekoeksplaats 13, NL-2317 WS Leiden, NIEDERLANDE.
Immerzeel, Mat. Potgieterstraat 5a, NL-3117 RN Schiedam, NIEDERLANDE.
Innemée, Karel C. Dept. of Early Christian Art, Leiden University, Doelensteeg 16, NL-Leiden, NIEDERLANDE.
Inst. f. Ägyptologie d. Univ. München. z.Hd. Frau PD Dr. Regine Schulz, Meiserstrasse 10, D-80333 München, DEUTSCHLAND.
Institut für Ägyptologie und Koptologie. Schlaunstrasse 2, D-48143 Münster, DEUTSCHLAND.
Inst. f. Neutestamentliche Textforschung. Georgskommende 7, D-4400 Münster, DEUTSCHLAND.
Isaac, Kamal Farid. 9 Sharia Abdel Hamid Abou Heif, Heliopolis, ÄGYPTEN.
Istituto Papirologico "G. Vitelli". Via degli Alfani, 46-48, I-50121 Firenze, ITALIEN.
Jefford, Clayton N. St. Meinrad School of Theology, St. Meinrad, IN 47577-1030, U.S.A.
Johnson, David W. Semitics Dept., Curley Hall 220, Catholic University of America, Washington, DC 20064, U.S.A.
Kasser, Rodolphe. 4 bis, rue Pestalozzi, CH-1400 Yverdon, SCHWEIZ.
Kaufhold, Hubert. Brucknerstrasse 15, D-81677 München 80, DEUTSCHLAND.
Khorshid, Fathy. 11 Goal Gamal Street, Agoza - Cairo, ÄGYPTEN.
Khosroyev, Alexandr L. Director of the Library, Institute of Oriental Studies, Dvortsovaya nab., 18, St. Petersburg 191065, RUSSLAND.
Khouzam, A. Fouad. 20 ter, rue de Bezons, F-92400 Courbevoie, FRANKREICH.
King, Karen L. Harvard Divinity School, 45 Francis Avenue, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A.
Koschorke, Klaus. Enggisteinstrasse 4, CH-3076 Worb, SCHWEIZ.
Ko_ciuk, Jacek. ul. Sowiuskiego 10/4, PL-51-685 Wroclaw, POLEN.
Krause, Martin. Kleimannstrasse 10, D-48149 Münster, DEUTSCHLAND.
Kühner, Ruth. 20, ch. des Serves, CH-1212 Grand-Lancy/Genève, SCHWEIZ.
Kuhn, K.H. 28 Nevilledale Terrace, Durham DH1 4QG, GROSSBRITANNIEN.
Labib Pahor, Ahmes. 34 Ingham Way, Harborne, Birmingham B17 8SN, GROSSBRITANNIEN.
Lajtar, Adam. Dept. of Papyrology, Inst. of Archaeology, Warsaw University, Krakowskie Przedmiescie 26, PL-00-927 Warszawa, POLEN.
Langener, Lucia. Institut für Ägyptologie und Koptologie, Schlaunstrasse 2, D-48143 Münster, DEUTSCHLAND.
Lattke, Michael. Dept. of Studies in Religion, University of Queensland, Brisbane Qld 4072, AUSTRALIEN.
Layton, Bentley. Dept. of Religious Studies, P.O. Box 208287, New Haven, CT 06250-9287, U.S.A.
Lease, Gary. 130 Westview Court, Santa Cruz, CA 95060, U.S.A.
Lüddeckens, Erich. Schillerstrasse 10, D-97209 Veitshochheim, DEUTSCHLAND.
Luisier, Philippe. Pontificio Istituto Orientale, Piazza Santa Maria Maggiore, 7, I-00185 Roma, ITALIEN.
Luttikhuizen, Gerard P. Marktstraat 6, NL-9712 PC Groningen, NIEDERLANDE.
Maier, Marion. Warburger Strasse 8, D-44143 Dortmund, DEUTSCHLAND.
Malek, J. Griffith Institute, Ashmolean Museum, Beaumont Street, Oxford OX1 2PH, GROSSBRITANNIEN.
Malek, Nabil A. Coptic Aid Foundation, 2161, rue Harbour, Chomedey-Laval, PQ H7T 2M3, KANADA.
Marjanen, Antti. Viertolankatu 49 B 7, FIN-05800 Hyvinkää, FINNLAND.
Marrone, John. 175 Evandale Road, Scarsdale, NY 10583, U.S.A.
Meyer, Marvin W. Dept. of Religion, Chapman University, Orange, CA 92666, U.S.A.
Micoli, Patrizia. Via Piramide Cestia, 63, I-00153 Roma, ITALIEN.
Mirecki, Paul A. Dept. of Religious Studies, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS 66045, U.S.A.
Mokhtar, Gamal. 22 Murad Street, Giza - Cairo, ÄGYPTEN.
Morard, Françoise. Boulevard de Pérolles 32, CH-1700 Fribourg, SCHWEIZ.
Müller, C. Detlef G. Alte Strasse 24, D-53424 Remagen/Rhein, DEUTSCHLAND.
Müller, Christa. Weserstrasse 36, D-37081 Göttingen, DEUTSCHLAND.
Musée du Louvre. Att. M.-H. Rutschowscaya, Département des Antiquités Égyptiennes, 34, quai du Louvre, F-75058 Paris Cedex 01, FRANKREICH.
Nagel, Peter. Grubenstrasse 26, D-53179 Bonn, DEUTSCHLAND.
Naguib, Saphinaz-Amal. Dept. of History of Religion, P.O. Box 1010 Blindern, N-0315 Oslo, NORWEGEN.
Nauerth, Claudia. Karl-Popp-Strasse 30, D-76887 Bad Bergzabern, DEUTSCHLAND.
Oriental Institute. The University of Chicago, 1155 East 58th Street, Chicago, IL 60637, U.S.A.
Orlandi, Tito. Via F. Civinini, 24, I-00197 Roma, ITALIEN.
Painchaud, Louis. Université Laval, Faculté Théologie, Cité universitaire, Québec, PQ G1K 7P4, KANADA.
Papini, Lucia. Via della Piazzola, 103, I-50133 Firenze, ITALIEN.
Parrott, Douglas M. Department of Religious Studies, University of California at Riverside, Riverside, CA 92521, U.S.A.
Pearson, Birger A. 27345 E. Vine Avenue, Escalon, CA 95320, U.S.A.
Pedersen, Nils Arne. Rydevaenget 9, st. th., DK-8210 Arhus V, DÄNEMARK.
Pernigotti, Sergio. Dipartimento di Storia Antica, Via Zamboni, 38, I-40126 Bologna, ITALIEN.
Pitts Theology Library. Emory University, Atlanta, GA 30322, U.S.A.
Plee, Zlatko. P.O. Box 212 Yale Station, New Haven, CT 06520, U.S.A.
Poirier, Paul-Hubert. Université Laval, Faculté Théologie, Québec, PQ G1K 7P4, KANADA.
Pollaert, Carol. Rue du Poirier, 18, B-1348 Louvain-la-Neuve, BELGIEN.
Pontificio Istituto Biblico. Biblioteca, Via della Pilotta, 25, I-00187 Roma, ITALIEN.
Ranitz-Labouchère, E. de. Smidswater 8, NL-2514 BW Den Haag, NIEDERLANDE.
Rassart-Debergh, Marguerite. Rue Lincoln, 50 A, B-1180 Bruxelles, BELGIEN.
Renner-Volbach, Dorothee. Hintere Bleiche 3, D-55116 Mainz, DEUTSCHLAND.
Richter, Siegfried G. Institut für Ägyptologie und Koptologie, Schlaunstrasse 2, D-48143 Münster, DEUTSCHLAND.
Roark, C. Mack. Oklahoma Baptist University, Shawnee, OK 74801, U.S.A.
Roberge, Michel. 9310, ave. Veuillot, Charlesbourg, PQ G1G 3G6, KANADA.
Robertson-Wilson, Marian. 3631 Wellington Street, Salt Lake City, UT 84106, U.S.A.
Robinson, Gesine. 548 West 8th Street, Claremont, CA 91711, U.S.A.
Robinson, James M. Institute for Antiquity and Christianity, 831 Dartmouth Avenue, Claremont, CA 91711, U.S.A.
Rogl, C. Forsch. Institut für Koptologie, Mülbacherhofweg 6, A-5020 Salzburg, ÖSTERREICH.
Rosenstiehl, Jean-Marc. 15, rue Nobel, F-67460 Souffelweyersheim, FRANKREICH.
Rubenson, Samuel. Flojtvagen 22 B, S-223 68 Lund, SCHWEDEN.
Rusch, William G. Natl. Council, Churches of Christ, USA, 475 Riverside Drive, Room 870, New York, NY 10115, U.S.A.
St. Shenouda the Archimandrite Coptic Soc. 1701 South Wooster Street, Los Angeles, CA 90035, U.S.A.
Samuel, Bishop. c/o Dr. Gawdat Gabra, P.O. Box 7610, 11762 Nasr City, 8th Quarter, Cairo, ÄGYPTEN.
Sartorius, Vera. 1, ch. Gilbert Troillet, CH-1209 Genève, SCHWEIZ.
Satzinger, Helmut. Krieglergasse 17/29, A-1030 Wien, ÖSTERREICH.
Schaten, Sofia. Up'n Hoff 2, D-48169 Heek, DEUTSCHLAND.
Schenke, Hans-Martin. Landsberger Allee 227, D-13055 Berlin, DEUTSCHLAND.
Scholz, Piotr O. Viktoriastrasse 12, D-65189 Wiesbaden, DEUTSCHLAND.
Schüssler, Karlheinz. Olbergring 23, D-83620 Feldkirchen, DEUTSCHLAND.
Segelberg, Eric. Svartbacksgatan 26, S-75332 UPSALA, SCHWEDEN.
Severin, Hans-Georg. Christlich-Archäologisches Seminar, Kunsthistorisches Inst. d. Univ. Bonn, Regina-Pacis-Weg 1, D-53113 Bonn, DEUTSCHLAND.
Sevrin, J.-M. Collège Albert Descamps, Grand-Place, 45b, B-1348 Louvain-la-Neuve, BELGIEN.
Sheridan, Mark. Collegio S. Anselmo, Piazza Cavalieri di Malta, 5, I-00153 Roma, ITALIEN.
Shisha-Halevy, Ariel. Dept. of Linguistics, Faculty of Humanities, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 91905 Jerusalem, ISRAEL.
Sidarus, Adel. Rua dos Altos 16, Bairro do Bacelo, P-7000 Évora, PORTUGAL.
Simmons, Harry L. 93 Mill Hill Road, Bondi Jct. 2022, AUSTRALIEN.
Sirven, Jean. 67, rue Monge, F-75005 Paris, FRANKREICH.
Skovmand, Marianne Aagaard. Institut for gammel og Ny Testamente, Aarhus Universitet, DK-8000 Aarhus C, DÄNEMARK.
Smith, Richard. Institute for Antiquity and Christianity, 831 Dartmouth Avenue, Claremont, CA 91711, U.S.A. rsmith@uncvx1
Société d'Archéologie Copte. 222, avenue Ramses, Cairo, ÄGYPTEN.
Société des Bollandistes. Attn. Dr. Ugo Zanetti, 24, boulevard Saint-Michel, B-1040 Bruxelles, BELGIEN.
Stauder, Andréas. 2, rue Louis-Curval, CH-1206 Genève, SCHWEIZ.
Stretch, Cynthia. Registrar, Rosicrucian Egyptian Museum, Rosicrucian Park, San Jose, CA 95191, U.S.A.
Studium Biblicum Franciscanum. Library of the Flagellation, Via Dolorosa, P.O. Box 19424, 91001 Jerusalem, ISRAEL.
Tait, William J. 25 Hartford Road, Huntingdon, Cambridgeshire, PE18 6RE, GROSSBRITANNIEN.
Takla, Hany N. St. Shenouda the Archimandrite Coptic Soc., 1701 South Wooster Street, Los Angeles, CA 90035, U.S.A.
Taylor, Richard A. Dept. of Old Testament Studies, Dallas Theological Seminary, 3909 Swiss Avenue, Dallas, TX 75204, U.S.A.
Thomassen, Einar. IKRR - Dept. of the History of Religions, Universitetet i Bergen, Øisteinsgt. 3, N-5007 Bergen, NORWEGEN.
Timbie, Janet Ann. 4608 Merivale Road, Chevy Chase, MD 20815, U.S.A.
Török, Laszlo. Szepmuveszeti Muzeum, XIV. Dozsa Gyorgy ut 41, 1146 Budapest, UNGARN.
Tröger, Karl-Wolfgang. Stollberger Strasse 43, D-12627 Berlin, DEUTSCHLAND.
Tubach, Jürgen. Seminar Christlicher Orient und Byzanz, Institut für Orientalistik, Heinrich-und-Thomas-Mann-Str. 22, D-06108 Halle, DEUTSCHLAND.
Tune, Ernie. 5301 Trinette Avenue, Garden Grove, CA 92845-1910, U.S.A.
Turner, John D. Dept. of Classics, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, 238 Andrews Hall, Lincoln, NE 68588-0337, U.S.A.
Urbaniak-Walczak, Katarzyna. Muzeum Narodowe w Warszawie, Al. Jerozolimskie 3, PL-00-495, Warszawa, POLEN.
Uro, Risto I. P.O. Box 52 (Mannerheimintie 96A), FIN-00014 University of Helsinki, FINNLAND.
Valantasis, Richard L. Hartford Seminary, 77 Sherman Street, Hartford, CT 06105-2260, U.S.A.
van den Berg-Onstwedder, Gonnie. Zwenkgras 51, NL-2804 NH Gouda, NIEDERLANDE.
van den Broek, Roelof. Donkerstraat 7, NL-4119 LX Ravenswaaij, NIEDERLANDE.
van der Vliet, Jacques. Verspronckweg 59, NL-2023 BB Haarlem, NIEDERLANDE.
van Esbroeck, Michel. Kaulbachstrasse 31a, D-80539 München, DEUTSCHLAND.
van Lent, Jos. Research School CNWS, Nonnensteeg 1-3, PO Box 9515, NL-2300 RA Leiden, NIEDERLANDE.
Van Lindt, Paul. Eversemsteenweg 42, B-1852 Grimbergen, BELGIEN.
van Loon, Gertrud J.M. Truus Smuldersstraat 13, NL-2331 GJ Leiden, NIEDERLANDE.
van Moorsel, Paul. Groenoord 136, NL-2401 AH Alphen aan den Rijn, NIEDERLANDE.
Van Tongerloo, Alois. Leo Meulemansstraat 50, B-3020 Herent, BELGIEN.
Wagner, Günter E.A. Hertisstrasse 19c, CH-7270 Davosplatz, SCHWEIZ.
Wassef, Medhat R. 90 Sheffield Avenue, Englewood, NJ 07631, U.S.A.
Wassif, Ramses N. 6228 Deerfield Avenue, San Gabriel, CA 91775, U.S.A.
Widmer, Ghislaine. 25, rue Prévost-Martin, CH-1205 Genève, SCHWEIZ.
Wilfong, Terry G. The Kelsey Museum of Archaeology, University of Michigan, 434 South State Street, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1390, U.S.A.
Williams, Michael A. Comparative Religion Program, Jackson Sch. Intl. Studies, U. Washington, Box 353650, Seattle, WA 98195, U.S.A.
Wilson, Penelope. Fitzwilliam Museum, Dept. of Antiquities, Cambridge CB2 1RB, GROSSBRITANNIEN.
Wilson, Robert McL. 10 Murrayfield Road, St. Andrews, Fife KY16 9NB, GROSSBRITANNIEN.
Wissa, Myriam. 3, passage Jean Nicot, F-75007 Paris, FRANKREICH.
Wisse, Frederik. 259 Milton Road, Beaconsfield, PQ H9W 1K4, KANADA.
Wright III, Benjamin G. 719 Derwyn Road, Drexel Hill, PA 19026, U.S.A.
Wurst, Gregor. Route de Villars 9, CH-1700 Fribourg, SCHWEIZ. gregor@cfruni51
Young, Dwight W. 5555 North Sheridan Road, Suite 1102, Chicago, IL 60640-1624, U.S.A.
Zarkantzas, Nikos. 401 Elder Drive, Claremont, CA 91711, U.S.A.
Zikri, Magdy. 106 Sharia Osman-ebn-Affan, Heliopolis - Cairo, ÄGYPTEN.
The last "News on Publications Forthcoming or in Preparation" appeared in Newsletter 34 (1994). Please send up-to-date information (preferably via e-mail to Stephen Emmel at, with a copy to Tito Orlandi at If you provide information for this list, please be sure also to inform us when the publication finally appears (with complete bibliographical details). The following list is not intended to be a full bibliography of recent publications in Coptic studies. Its contents are determined by information provided to the editors of the Newsletter.
Alcock, Anthony. "The Arabic Life of Anb_ Samaw'_l of Qalam_n." Muséon 109 (1996) 321-345. PUBLISHED.
Bailey, Donald. "A Lost Barbarian." PUBLISHED in: Themelia: Spätantike und koptologische Studien: Peter Grossmann zum 65. Geburtstag, edited by Martin Krause and Sofia Schaten, 25-31. Sprachen und Kulturen des Christlichen Orients 3. Wiesbaden: Reichert Verlag, 1998.
Behlmer, Heike. "Ancient Egyptian Survivals in Coptic Literature: An Overview." In: Ancient Egyptian Literature: History and Forms, edited by A. Loprieno, 567-590. Leiden etc.: Brill, 1996. PUBLISHED.
. Schenute von Atripe: De iudicio (Torino, Museo Egizio, Cat. 63000, Cod. IV). Catalogo del Museo Egizio di Torino, 1st ser., Monumenti e Testi 8. Turin: Ministero per i Beni Culturali e AmbientaliSopraintendenza al Museo delle Antichità Egizie, 1996. PUBLISHED.
, and Anthony Alcock. A Piece of Shenoutiana from the Department of Egyptian Antiquities (EA 71005). British Museum Occasional Papers 119. London: British Museum, 1996. PUBLISHED.
Bénazeth, Dominique. "Alexandrie chrétienne." Les dossiers de l'archéologie.
. "L'apport des fouilles nubiennes à l'histoire de l'art copte: L'exemple des objets de métal." PUBLISHED in: Hommages à Jean Leclant, edited by Catherine Berger et al., 2:39-44. 4 vols. BdE 106. Cairo: IFAO, 1994.
. "Les avatars d'un monument copte: L'église sud de Baouit." PUBLISHED in: Themelia (see above, under Bailey) 33-40.
. "Histoire des fouilles de Baouît." PUBLISHED in: Études coptes IV: Quatrième journée d'études, Strasbourg 26-27 mai 1988, edited by J.-M. Rosenstiehl, 53-62. CBibCopt 8. Paris and Louvain: Éditions Peeters, 1994.
. "Oggetti." In: Enciclopedia dell'arte medievale. Rome.
. "`Patères' coptes." PUBLISHED in RLouvre 43.4 (October 1994) 23-28.
. Tôd: Les objets de métal. Van-Siclen Books.
, and Gawdat Gabra. "Boiseries du Musée Copte déposées au Musée National de Port-Saïd." PUBLISHED in BSAC 33 (1994) 63-68, pls. 3-7.
, and Gawdat Gabra. "L'héritage d'Ahmed Fakhry au Musée Copte du Caire: Fouilles dans l'Oasis de Baharia." PUBLISHED in BIFAO 93 (1993) 25-30, with 7 pls. after p. 30.
Bethge, Hans-Gebhard. Der Brief des Petrus an Philippus: Ein neutestamentliches Apokryphon aus dem Fund von Nag Hammadi (NHC VIII,2). TU 141. Berlin: Akademie Verlag, 1997. PUBLISHED.
Borgen, Peter. "Philo of Alexandria: A Critical and Synthetical Survey of Research since World War II." PUBLISHED in: ANRW 2.21.1:98-154.
Boud'hors, Anne. "Lettre en copte au verso d'un sauf-conduit arabe." Annales islamologiques 31 (1997) 43-48. PUBLISHED.
; C. Nakano; and P. Werner. "Fragments coptes de l'Ancien Testament au musée du Louvre." Muséon 109 (1996) 17-58. PUBLISHED.
Bresciani, Edda. "Un ostrakon con disegni di un pittore copto." PUBLISHED in: Themelia (see above, under Bailey) 41-44.
Brunsch, Wolfgang. "Koptische und griechische Inschriften in Kairo." PUBLISHED in Aegyptus 73 (1993) 127-196.
. "Koptische und griechische Inschriften aus Alexandria." PUBLISHED in WZKM 84 (1994) 9-33, plus 28 plates.
. Eine Grammatik des Triadons.
, and Monika Hasitzka. Koptische Urkunden aus der Papyrussammlung der Österreichischen Nationalbibliothek. CPR.
Buschhausen, Heide. "Bronze: Abu Fano." PUBLISHED in: Themelia (see above, under Bailey) 45-54.
Buschhausen, Helmut, and Fathih Mohammed Khorshid. "Die Malerei zu Deir al-Genadla." PUBLISHED in: Themelia (see above, under Bailey) 55-67.
Campagnano, A. Edizione di tre omelie attribute ad Evodio di Roma, dai codd. M 595 (f. 28-51), M 598 (f. 1-8), M 596 (f. 19-26), e dai frammenti del Monastero Bianco.
Camplani, Alberto. "Atanasio e Eusebio tra Alessandria e Antiochia (362-363): Osservazioni sul Tomus ad Antiochenos, l'Epistula catholica e due fogli copti (edizione di Pap. Berol. 11948)." In: Eusebio di Vercelli e il suo tempo, edited by Enrico dal Covolo et al., 191-246. Biblioteca di scienze religiose 133. Rome: LAS, 1997. PUBLISHED.
. "A Coptic Fragment from the Didascalia Apostolorum (M579 f.1)." Augustinianum 36 (1996) 47-51. PUBLISHED.
, ed. L'Egitto cristiano: Aspetti e problemi in età tardo-antica. Studia Ephemeridis Augustinianum 56. Rome: Institutum Patristicum Augustinianum, 1997. PUBLISHED.
. L'Egitto tardoantico." Mediterraneo antico: Economie, società, culture 1 (1998): 23-38. PUBLISHED.
. "Epifanio (Ancoratus) e Gregorio di Nazianzo (Epistulae) in copto: Identificazioni e status quaestionis." PUBLISHED in Augustinianum 35 (1995) 327- 347.
. "Un episodio della ricezione del Peri eukh_s in Egitto: Note di eresiologia Shenutiana." In: Il dono e la sua ombra: Ricerche sul Peri eukh_s di Origene: Atti del I Convengono del Gruppo Italiano di Ricerca su "Origene e la Tradizione Alessandrina", edited by Francesca Cocchini, 159-172. Studia Ephemeridis Augustinianum 57. Rome: Institutum Patristicum Augustinianum, 1997. PUBLISHED.
. "Note di filologia ermetica (NH VI 6 f. 59 ll. 6-19; NH VI 8 f. 69 ll. 9-19; NH VI 7; NH VI 6 f. 57 l. 31 - f. 58 l. 25)." Augustinianum 37 (1997): 51-76. PUBLISHED.
. "Per la cronologia di testi valentiniani: Il Trattato Tripartito e la crisi ariana." PUBLISHED in Cassiodorus 1 (1995) 171-195.
. Edition of the Coptic and Syriac versions of Athanasius's festal letters.
. Edition of the Coptic version of Theophilus' festal letter on apocryphal books and other fragments of festal letters in Coptic translation.
. Traduzione, introduzione e note dei testi ermetici del NHC VI.
Cannuyer, Christian; Jad Hatem; Raymond Kuntzmann; Julien Ries; Aloïs Van Tongerloo. Le sauveur et l'économie du salut chez les gnostiques (IIe-Ve s.). Lille: Université catholique de Lille, 1998. [= Mélanges de science religieuse 55 no. 2 (1998).] PUBLISHED.
Clackson, Sarah. "Coptic Documents Relating to the Monasteries of Apa Apollo at Bawit and Titkooh in the Hermopolite Nome." Ph.D. diss., Institute of Archaeology, University College London, 1996. To be published as: Coptic and Greek Texts Relating to the Hermopolite Monastery of Apa Apollo (Griffith Institute Monographs; Oxford).
. Edition of some of the Coptic papyri contained in British Library Or. 6201 A & B.
, et al. "The Coptic Texts." In: The Elephantine Papyri in English: Three Millennia of Cross-Cultural Continuity and Change, edited by B. Porten et al., 569-602. Leiden etc.: Brill, 1996. PUBLISHED.
Coquin, René-Georges. "Fragments d'un apocryphe ou d'un sermon relatifs à la naissance de Jésus (I.F.A.O., Copte, 69, FFo 1-4)." PUBLISHED in: Coptology: Past, Present, and Future: Studies in Honour of Rodolphe Kasser, edited by S. Giversen et al., 253-266. OLA 61; Louvain: Peeters, 1994.
. "Le traité de enoute `du salut de l'âme humaine'." JCoptS 3.
del Francia, Loretta. Alcuni tessuti copti di acquisto recente nel Museo di Palazzo Venezia.
. Bibliographie des tissus coptes.
den Heijer, Johannes. "Coptic Historiography in the F_ imid, Ayy_bid and Early Maml_k Periods." Medieval Encounters 2 (1996) 67-98. PUBLISHED.
Depuydt, Leo. "Condition and Premise in Egyptian." Revue d'égyptologie 46 (1995) 81-88. PUBLISHED.
. "Condition and Premise in Egyptian and Elsewhere and the Laws of Thought in Expanded Boolean Algebra." ZÄS.
. "Egyptian `Split' Genitives and Related Phenomena: Exotic Debris from Conflicting Forces." Muséon.
. "Four Thousand Years of Evolution: On a Law of Historical Change in Ancient Egyptian." Journal of Near Eastern Studies 56 (1997) 21-35. PUBLISHED.
. "A Homily on the Virtues of Saint Longinus Attributed to Basil of Pemje." PUBLISHED in: Coptology (see above, under Coquin) 267-291.
. "Word-splitting Forces in Egyptian." Orientalia 67 (1998).
Derda, Tomasz, and Katarzyna Urbaniak-Walczak. "P.Naqlun Inv. 10/95: Greek Excerpts from a Liturgy with Their Coptic Translation." JJP 26 (1996) 7-21. PUBLISHED.
Descoeudres, Georges. "Wohntürme in Klöstern und Ermitagen Ägyptens." PUBLISHED in: Themelia (see above, under Bailey) 69-79.
de Vogüé, A. Histoire littéraire du mouvement monastique dans l'Antiquité, vol. 3.
. "Mönch, Mönchtum B. Abendländische Kirche." PUBLISHED in: Lexikon des Mittelalters 6 (1993) 738-746.
. Les régles monastiques anciennes.
di Bitonto Kasser, Anna, and Jean Doresse. "Iscrizioni, graffiti e altri reperti archeologici a Deir el Giz_z." Aegyptus 76 (1996) 101-155. PUBLISHED.
Dunderberg, Ismo; Antti Marjanen; and Risto Uro. "Tuomas Kilvoittelijan kirja (NHK II,7): Käännös ja huomautukset." Teologinen Aikakauskirja 101 (1996) 9- 16. PUBLISHED.
Emmel, Stephen. "The Christian Book in Egypt: Innovation and the Coptic Tradition." In: The Bible as Book: The Manuscript Tradition, edited by John Lawrence Sharpe III and Kimberly Van Kampen, 35-43. London etc.: The British Library etc., 1998. PUBLISHED.
. "The Coptic Manuscript Collection of Alexander Lindsay, 25th Earl of Crawford." PUBLISHED in: Coptology (see above, under Coquin) 317-325.
. "The Historical Circumstances of Shenute's Sermon God Is Blessed." PUBLISHED in: Themelia (see above, under Bailey) 81-96.
. "On the Chronology of Shenute." To appear in the acts of the 8èmes Journées d'Études Coptes, Colmar, Muséum d'Histoire Naturelle, 29-31 mai 1997. Louvain: Peeters.
. "On the Restoration of Two Passages in A Valentinian Exposition (Nag Hammadi Codex XI, 2)." PUBLISHED in BASP 31 (1994) 5-10.
. Shenute's Literary Corpus (a revision of Emmel's Ph.D. diss., Yale University 1993).
, and Kristin H. South. "Isaac of Antinoopolis, Encomium on Colluthus for 24 Paons (19 May): A Newly Identified Coptic Witness (British Library Or. 7558[40] = Layton, Cat. BLC, No. 146)." PUBLISHED in AB 114 (1996) 5- 9, 23-24.
Engemann, Josef. "Eine Dionysos-Satyr-Gruppe aus Ab_ M_n_ als Zeugnis frühmittelalterlicher christlicher Dämonenfurcht." PUBLISHED in: Themelia (see above, under Bailey) 97-115.
Frankfurter, David. "The Legacy of Jewish Apocalypses in Early Christianity: Regional Trajectories." In: The Jewish Apocalyptic in Early Christianity, edited by James C. VanderKam and William Adler, 129-200. Compendia Rerum Iudaicarum ad Novum Testamentum 3.4. Assen and Minneapolis: Van Gorcum and Fortress Press, 1996. PUBLISHED.
. Religion in Roman Egypt: Assimilation and Resistance (Princeton University Press).
, ed. A volume of papers on the development of Christian pilgrimage in Egypt.
Funk, Wolf-Peter. Concordance des textes de Nag Hammadi: Les codices VIII et IX. BCNH, section "Concordances" 5. Sainte-Foy, Louvain, and Paris: Les Presses de l'Université Laval and Éditions Peeters, 1997. PUBLISHED.
Gabra, Gawdat. "Bemerkungen zu Moses dem Schwarzen." PUBLISHED in: Themelia (see above, under Bailey) 117-126.
. Kairo: Das Koptische Museum und die frühen Kirchen. Mit Beiträge von Anthony Alcock; trans. Cäcilia Fluck. Cairo: Egyptian International Publishing Company Longman, 1996. PUBLISHED.
. "The Project `Catalogue général du Musée Copte'." In: The Greek Presence in Ancient Egypt, Symposium Delphi 1988, edited by L. Marangou.
. Der Psalter im oxyrhynchitischen (mesokemischen/mittelägyptischen) Dialekt. PUBLISHED: ADAIK, Koptische Reihe 4; Heidelberg: Heidelberger Orientverlag, 1995.
. "Zu zwei koptischen Bogenfragmenten mit Nillandschaftszene." PUBLISHED in MDAIK 45 (1989) 169-171, pl. 12.
. Das Difnar (Antiphonarium) der koptischen Kirche nach der ältesten bohairischen Überlieferung.
Gardner, Iain, and Klaas A. Worp. "Leaves from a Manichaean Codex." ZPE 117 (1997) 139-155, pls. 7-10. PUBLISHED.
Godlewski, W. "Monastère Nord ou Monastère St Phoibammon?" PUBLISHED in Études et travaux 12 (1983) 93-98.
. "The Role of Dongolese Milieu in the Nubian Church Architecture." PUBLISHED in: Themelia (see above, under Bailey) 127-141.
. The ostraca from the temple of Tuthmose III at Deir el-Bahari.
Goehring, James E. "Withdrawing from the Desert: Pachomius and the Development of Village Monasticism in Upper Egypt." Harvard Theological Review 89 (1996) 267-285. PUBLISHED.
Griggs, C.W. (with S. Kent Brown). Selected Texts from Coptic Sources.
Grossmann, Peter. Corpus der frühchristlichen Kirchenbauten in Ägypten. [Several volumes are in preparation.]
. "Early Christian Ruins at K_m al-Namr_d." With Samy Farid Fathy. PUBLISHED in BSAC 33 (1994) 69-78, pls. 8-9.
. Die Grosse Basilika und das Baptisterium von Ab_ M_n_.
. "Ein koptisches Gebäude beim Alexander-Tempel in der Bahrîya Oase." GM 160 (1997) 27-32. PUBLISHED.
. "Krypten und unterirdische Grabräume im frühchristlichen ägyptischen Kirchenbau."
. "Ruinen des Klosters Dair al-Balaiza in Oberägypten: Eine Surveyaufnahme." PUBLISHED in JbAC 36 (1993) 171-205.
. "Zwei christliche Bauanlagen aus früharabischer Zeit in Hulwan."
. Preliminary reports on the excavations at Ab_ M_n_ are published regularly (annually; in English) in BSAC; major reports, covering two or three years, are to be published (in German) in Archäologischer Anzeiger.
, and Donald M. Bailey. "Report on the Excavation in the South Church at Hermopolis-Ashmun_yn (Winter 1991)." JCoptS 3.
, and Fathy Khorshid. "The Biapsidal Church at Sidi Mahmûd (Burg al-Arab) in Maryut." PUBLISHED in BSAC 33 (1994) 79-90, pls. 10-11.
Guillaumont, A. Compléments à l'Ascéticon copte de l'abbé Isaie. COr.
Hasitzka, Monika. Koptisches Sammelbuch II (MPER 23.2; Vienna).
Hedrick, Charles W. "A New Coptic Fragment of the Book of Hebrews." In: "Go to the Land I Will Show You": Studies in Honor of Dwight W. Young, edited by Joseph E. Coleson and Victor H. Matthews, 243-246. [Winona Lake?]: Eisenbrauns, 1996. PUBLISHED.
Helderman, Jan. "Die Bundeslade kib_tos: Ihre Geschichte als eine Metapher in der Umwelt der Manichäer." In: Atti del Terzo Congresso Internazionale di Studi "Manicheismo e Oriente Cristiano Antico", edited by L. Cirillo and A. Van Tongerloo 125-147. ManiS 3. Louvain and Naples: Brepols, 1997. PUBLISHED.
. "Die Sprache der Ruhe: Blicke in die Geschichte des christlich-koptischen Ägypten: Johannes von Schmun, Samuel von Qalamun und das Triadon." BSAC 36 (1997) 105-119. PUBLISHED.
Heuser, Manfred, and Hans-Joachim Klimkeit. Studies in Manichaean Literature and Art. NHMS 46. Leiden etc.: Brill, 1998. PUBLISHED.
Hodak, Suzana. "Das sogenannte Lebensbaum-Kandelabermotiv auf koptischen Textilien." BSAC 35 (1996) 75-94, pls. 5-6. PUBLISHED.
Hope, Colin A. "The Archaeological Context of the Discovery of Leaves from a Manichaean Codex." ZPE 117 (1997) 156-161, pls. 11-12. PUBLISHED.
Innemée, Karel. "The Iconographical Program of Paintings in the Church of al-`Adra in Deir al-Sourian: Some Preliminary Observations." PUBLISHED in: Themelia (see above, under Bailey) 143-153.
Jaritz, Horst. "Ein Bau der römischen Kaiserzeit in Syene." PUBLISHED in: Themelia (see above, under Bailey) 155-168.
Joest, Christoph. "`Das Herz dem Bruder öffen': Pachoms Brief 7: Deutsche Übersetzung und Deutung, zugleich ein Versuch zur Echtheitsfrage der Pachombriefe." Zeitschrift für Kirchengeschichte 107 (1996) 300-318. PUBLISHED.
. "Die Geheimschrift Pachoms - Versuch einer Entschlüsselung: Mit Übersetzung und Deutung der Pachom-Briefe 9a und 9b." Ostkirchliche Studien 45 (1996) 268-289. PUBLISHED.
Johnson, David W. Life of Matthew the Poor, from White Monastery Codices.
Kasser, Rodolphe. "Considérations de phonologie dialectale copte." Muséon 110 (1997) 1-32. PUBLISHED.
. "La gnose en roman mélodramatique: L'Histoire de l'âme (NH II, 6): Bibliothèque gnostique XI." RThPh 128 (1996) 25-47. PUBLISHED.
. "La `Prière de Jésus' kelliote réexaminée en quelques points." OCP 62 (1996) 407-410. PUBLISHED.
. "Le quatrième chant des comparants - en tribunal, bêma de Mani(chée), pour y recevoir le grand pardon - : Psaume de libération, de fête et de joie." PUBLISHED in: Themelia (see above, under Bailey) 169-175.
. "Stèle copte en langue saïdique." In: Akasha II, edited by Charles Maystre, 24-27, with a plate. Geneva: Université de Genève, 1996. PUBLISHED.
. "Toponymes de la périphérie orientale des Kellia." BSEG 20 (1996) 37-48. PUBLISHED.
(avec la collaboration de N. Bosson et H. Quecke). Édition d'un manuscrit bohaïrique (papyrus), P.Vat. copto 9: Petits Prophètes.
. Édition d'un manuscrit lycopolitain (papyrus) de la Fondation Martin Bodmer (Cologny/Genéve, Suisse): Acta Pauli.
(en collaboration avec N. Bosson). Édition d'un manuscrit saïdique (parchemin) de la Fondation Martin Bodmer (Cologny/Genéve, Suisse): Cantique des Cantiques.
(en collaboration avec N. Bosson). Édition de divers petits fragments de papyrus ou parchemin se rattachant à des manuscrits (coptes ou grecs) déjà publiés dans la collection M. Bodmer, Fondation Martin Bodmer.
. Édition du manuscrit (papyrus) hermopolitain (etc.) M 636 de la collection Pierpont Morgan (New York): Hermeniae etc.
. Étude comparée des dialectes coptes de la Moyen Égypte et du Fayoum.
. Préparation d'un nouveau dictionnaire copte exhaustif et détaillé.
Khouzam, A.F. Le Manuscrit Copte 44 de la Bibliothèque Nationale de France.
King, Karen L. "The Quiescent Eye of the Revelation: A Critical Edition of Nag Hammadi Tractate XI.3 `Allogenes'." Ph.D. diss. PUBLISHED: Revelation of the Unknowable God. Santa Rosa, CA: Polebridge Press, 1995.
Klein, Wassilios. "Zum Mani-Abschnitt einer ägyptischen Patriarchengeschichte des 11. Jahrhunderts." PUBLISHED in: Themelia (see above, under Bailey) 177- 186.
Ko_ciuk, Jacek. "The Market Place of the Mediaeval Settlement in Ab_ M_n_." PUBLISHED in: Themelia (see above, under Bailey) 187-224.
Krause, Martin. "Referat der koptischen literarischen Texte und Urkunden von 1992-1995." APF 44 (1998) 140-171. PUBLISHED.
. "The Relation between Egypt and (Lower) Nubia during the Christian Period." PUBLISHED in Bulletin de l'Institut d'Égypte 58-59 (1976-1977) 151-162.
. "Zur Verfassung koptischer Klöster: Die Abtswahl/Abtsernennung in koptischen Klöstern." PUBLISHED in: Themelia (see above, under Bailey) 225-231.
Kuhn, K.H., and W.J. Tait. Thirteen Coptic Acrostic Hymns from Manuscript M574 of the Pierpont Morgan Library. Griffith Institute Publications. Oxford: Griffith Institute, Ashmolean Museum, 1996. PUBLISHED.
Layton, Bentley. Coptic Grammar, Sahidic Dialect. Porta Linguarum Orientalium. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz.
Lease, Gary. "Exposed at Last! The Alan Rowe Expedition to Meidum, 1931- 1932, The University Museum, Philadelphia." PUBLISHED in: Themelia (see above, under Bailey) 233-248.
Logan, A.H.B. "The Development of Gnostic Tradition as Evidenced by some Nag Hammadi Texts." Dissertation. PUBLISHED: Gnostic Truth and Christian Heresy: A Study in the History of Gnosticism. Peabody, MA: Hendrickson Publishers, 1996.
MacCoull, L.S.B. "Coptic Documentary Papyri in the Greco-Roman Museum, Alexandria." PUBLISHED in Aegyptus 66 (1986) 187-195.
. "The First Appearance of Aphrodito in the Papyri." ZPE.
. "The Isopsephistic Poem on St. Senas by Dioscorus of Aphrodito."
. "O.Wilck. 1224: Two Additions to the Jeme Lashane-List." ZPE.
. BM 1075: Taxation and estate management in seventh-century Hermopolis.
. Coptic documentary papyri in the Chester Beatty Library.
. The Coptic papyri from Apollonos Ano.
. Further notes on the Greek-Coptic glossary of Dioscorus of Aphrodito.
Meyer, Marvin W. The Magical Book of Mary and the Angels (P. Heid. Inv. Kopt. 685). Heidelberg: Universitäts Verlag C. Winter, 1996. PUBLISHED.
Mirecki, Paul A., and Jason BeDuhn, eds. Emerging from Darkness: Studies in the Recovery of Manichaean Sources. NHMS 43. Leiden: Brill 1997. PUBLISHED.
Noeske, Hans-Christoph. "Zu den Gussimitationen axumitischer Bronzemünzen in Ägypten und Palästina." PUBLISHED in: Themelia (see above, under Bailey) 249-265.
Oerter, Wolf B. "Das demotische und koptologische Werk Lexas." PUBLISHED in: Frantiek Lexa, edited by M. Verner, 147-163. Prague 1984.
. "Drei manichäisch-soghdische Parabeln im Lichte koptischer Manichaica." PUBLISHED in Archív orientální 56 (1988) 172-176.
. "Frantiek Lexa: Zu den Anfängen der Koptologie in der Tschechoslowakei." Studien zur altägyptischen Kultur.
. "Die koptische Literatur in tschechischer Übersetzung." In: Studies in Near Eastern Languages and Literatures: Memorial Volume of Karel Petrá_ek, edited by Petr Zemánek, 467-480. Prague: Oriental Institute, 1996. PUBLISHED.
. Die koptischen Ostraka des Naprstek Museums Prag.
. Z koptske poezie [Aus koptischer Peosie]. ("Novy Orient.")
, L. Kybalova, and K. Pirnik. Koptische Textilien im Kunstgewerbemuseum Prag, CAA - Tschechoslowakei, Lieferung 2.
Orlandi, Tito, Hans Quecke, and A. De Vogüé. Pachomiana coptica. Text, translation and commentary of some unedited texts by Pachomius and his successors.
Painchaud, Louis. L'écrit sans titre: Traité sur l'origine du monde (NH II, 3 et XIII, 2 et Brit. Lib. Or. 4926[1]). PUBLISHED: BCNH section "Textes" 21; Quebec etc.: Les Presses de l'Université Laval and Éditions Peeters, 1995.
Papini, Lucia. Studio di testi inediti riguardanti S. Colluto (martirio e miracoli).
Parlasca, Klaus. "`Verschränkte Kreise' bei Decken und Mosaiken: Zur Dekoration der grossen Portikus des Thot-Tempels von Hermopolis Magna." PUBLISHED in: Themelia (see above, under Bailey) 267-272.
Parrott, Douglas M. Commentary of the Nag Hammadi tractates Eugnostos (III,3 and V,1) and the Sophia of Jesus Christ (III,4 and BG 3).
Patrick, Theodore Hall. Traditional Egyptian Christianity: A History of the Coptic Orthodox Church. Greensboro: Fisher Park Press, 1996. PUBLISHED.
Pearson, Birger A. The Emergence of the Christian Religion: Essays on Early Christianity. PUBLISHED: Harrisburg, PA: Trintity International Press, 1997.
, ed. Nag Hammadi Codex VII. PUBLISHED: NHMS 30; Leiden etc.: Brill, 1996.
. "Some Observations on Gnostic Hermeneutics." PUBLISHED in: The Critical Study of Sacred Texts, edited by W. Doniger O'Flaherty, 243-256. Berkeley Religious Studies Series. Berkeley 1979.
Poirier, Paul-Hubert. "Titres et sous-titres, incipit et desinit dans les codices coptes de Nag Hammadi et de Berlin: Description et éléments d'analyse." In: Titres et articulations du texte dans les oeuvres antiques, edited by Jean-Claude Fredouille et al., 339-383. Paris: Institut d'Études Augustiniennes, 1997. PUBLISHED.
. Édition d'homélies d'Ephrem syr., cod. Morgan M 578, 69-97 et Borgia, Cat. Zoega 253.
Quecke, Hans. "Eine griechisch-ägyptische Wörterliste vermutlich des 3. Jh. v. Chr. (P. Heid. Inv.-Nr. G 414)." ZPE 116 (1997) 67-80, pl. 2. PUBLISHED.
Rassart-Debergh, Marguerite. "L'art tardif en Égypte." In: ANRW.
. Les collections romaines et coptes des Musées R.A.H. de Bruxelles.
(avec la collaboration de Cl. Coupry et N. Thierry). Palette égyptienne: De la peinture romaine au décor des monastères coptes. 2 vols. Brussels 1998. [= Solidarité-Orient, bulletin 206-207 (1998).] PUBLISHED.
. Textiles d'Antinoé (Égypte) en Haute-Alsace: Donation É. Guimet. Colmar: Muséum d'Histoire Naturelle de Colmar, 1997. PUBLISHED.
. Presentation des collections coptes des Musées R.A.H. de Bruxelles. Le monde copte.
Reichert, Andreas. "Eine Fluchtburg christlicher Sarazenen bei Pharan im Südsinai: Archäologische Anmerkungen zu einer hagiographischen Anekdote des Anastasios Sinaites." PUBLISHED in: Themelia (see above, under Bailey) 273-288.
Renner, D. Spätantike und koptische Textilien im Erzbischöflichen Diözesanmuseum in Köln. PUBLISHED: Wiesbaden 1992.
Richter, Siegfried G. Die Aufstiegspsalmen des Herakleides: Untersuchungen zum Seelenaufstieg und zur Seelenmesse bei den Manichäern. Sprachen und Kulturen des Christlichen Orients 1. Wiesbaden: Reichert Verlag, 1997. PUBLISHED.
. "Christology in the Coptic Manichaean Sources." BSAC 35 (1996) 117- 128. PUBLISHED.
Robertson, M. "A Transcription and Motivic Analysis of Two Coptic Hymns (from the Liturgy of St. Basil)."
. "A Transcription, Brief Musical Analysis, and Comparison of Two Coptic Hymns (from the Liturgy of St. Gregory, sung at the 12th Hour Service on Good Friday)."
. Further studies of the Holy Week music, especially that of Maundy Thursday and Good Friday."
Rosenstiehl, J.-M. L'apocalypse de Paul (NH V,2). BCNH section "Textes". Quebec: Les Presses de l'Université Laval.
. L'histoire de la captivité de Babylone (P. Morgan Copt. M 578: Introduction, traduction et notes.
Rutschowscaya, M.-H. "Cinq stèles coptes du musée du Louvre." PUBLISHED in: Hommages à Jean Leclant (see above, under Bénazeth) 4:317-322.
. "Conques et tympans du musée du Louvre." PUBLISHED in: Themelia (see above, under Bailey) 289-303.
. "Le legs Weill à la section copte du musée du Louvre." In: Sixième journée d'études coptes. CBibCopt.
. "La sculpture copte." In: Istituto della Enciclopedia Italiana.
. "Sur un fragment de peinture copte du musée du Louvre." In: Cinquième journée d'études coptes. CBibCopt.
. "Le textile dans l'Égypte copte." In: History of TextilesElecta.
. Catalogue des tissus coptes du musée de la Vieille Charité, Marseille.
Schaten, Sofia. "Inschriften auf Türstürzen." PUBLISHED in: Themelia (see above, under Bailey) 305-315.
Schenke, Hans-Martin. "Der Barnabasbrief im Berliner `Koptischen Buch'."
. "Das Berliner `Koptische Buch' (P. 20 915) und seine Geheimnisse."
. "Konkordanzen zu den Nag Hammadi Codices." OLZ 92 (1997) 661-673. PUBLISHED.
. "Die mittelägyptischen Fragmente des Martyriums des Cyri(a)cus und seiner Mutter Julitta: Papyrus Michigan inv. 1291 vermehrt um einen Harris Papyrus aus der Birmingham Collection." Enchoria.
. Das Philippus-Evangelium (Nag-Hammadi-Codex II,3). TU 143. Berlin: Akademie-Verlag, 1997. PUBLISHED.
. "Die Psalmen im mittelägyptischen Dialekt des Koptischen (der Mudil-Codex)." Enchoria 23 (1996) 86-144. PUBLISHED.
Scholer, David M. Nag Hammadi Bibliography 1970-1994. NHMS 32. Leiden etc.: Brill, 1997. PUBLISHED.
Scholz, Piotr O. Kush-Meroe-Nubien, die vergessenen Reiche Afrikas. Sonderheft der Antike Welt. [Bearbeitung der Archäologie und Kulturgeschichte Nubiens.]
Sell, J.J. "The Blameless, Pure One (CG II: 2,15)."
Sellew, Philip. Commentary on the Coptic Gospel of Thomas (NHC II,2).
. Edition of a Bohairic liturgical text connected with the biblical Apocalypse of John (MSS in London, Vatican, Manchester, New Haven).
. Re-edition of a Sahidic fragment of the Dormitio Mariae at Yale, P.CtYBR inv. 1788, first published by L.S.B. MacCoull in APF 35 (1989).
Severin, Hans-Georg. "Frühdatierungen: Anmerkungen zu Urteilen über Figürliches und Ornamentales." PUBLISHED in: Themelia (see under Bailey) 317- 328.
. Die spätantike Skulptur Ägyptens. Handbuch der Orientalistik. Leiden: Brill.
. "Spätantikes Ägypten: Sepulkralarchitektur; Skulptur." In: ANRW 3.
(in collaboration with Gisela Severin). Die Bauskulptur von Abu Mina.
. Catalogue of the late antique and early byzantine stone-sculpture of the Coptic Museum, Cairo.
. Spätantike Spolienkapitelle in islamischen Bauten zu Kairo.
Sheridan, J. Mark. Rufus of Shotep: Homilies on the Gospels of Matthew and Luke. Rome: C.I.M., 1998. PUBLISHED.
Shisha-Halevy, Ariel. Topics in Bohairic Syntax.
. A comprehensive Bohairic Grammar (Handbuch der Orientalistik), with contributions on orthography, graphemics and phonemics by Wolf-Peter Funk.
Sidarus, Adel Youssef. "Un recueil original de philologie gréco-copto-arabe: La Scala Copte 43 de la Bibliothèque nationale de France." In: Scribes et manuscrits du Moyen-Orient: Actes des Journées de codicologie et de paléographie des manuscrits du Moyen-Orient (Paris, 15-17 juin 1994), edited by F. Déroche and F. Richard. Pro Libris. Paris: Bibliothèque nationale de France.
. "La tradition sahidique de philologie gréco-copto-arabe (manuscrits des XIIIe-XVe siècles)." Manuscripts of the Middle East.
Spanel, Donald B. Text, translation and commentary of the martyrdom of Phoebammon (Morgan M 582).
Störk, Lothar. Koptische Handschriften, vol. 3, Die Handschriften der Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Hamburg, pt. 3, Addenda und Corrigenda zu Teil 1. Verzeichnis der orientalischen Handschriften in Deutschland 21.3. Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag, 1996. PUBLISHED.
. "Die Flußpiraten des Gebel et-Ter." GM 152 (1996) 81-87. PUBLISHED.
. "pitf_ nepiskopos: `L'evêque punisseur' oder `le punisseur surveillant'?" GM 154 (199) 99-101. PUBLISHED.
el-Taher, Refaad, and Peter Grossmann. "Excavation of the Circular Church at Faram_-West." MDAIK 53 (1997) 255-262, pls. 34-36. PUBLISHED.
Török, L. "On the Problems of the Research of Late Antique Art in Egypt." BiOr.
. Coptic Textiles on the Collection . . . Berman, Rome: The Ahnas Sculpture.
. Die Kunst der Ballana-Kultur: Die Apperzeption der spätantiken Kunst in Nubien.
. Late Antique Sculpture in Egypt.
Turner, John D., and Anne McGuire, eds. The Nag Hammadi Library after Fifty Years: Proceedings of the 1995 Society of Biblical Literature Commemoration. NHMS 44. Leiden etc.: Brill, 1997. PUBLISHED.
van den Broek, Roelof. Edition of Ps.-Cyril of Jerusalem on the Passion, cod. Morgan M 610.
van der Vliet, J. "La vision céleste dans l'Epistula Jacobi Apocrypha NH I 2."
van Esbroeck, Michel. "La légende d'Apa Jeremias et Apa Johannes et les fragments Chester Beatty Copte 829." Orientalia, n.s., 67 (1998) 1-63, pls. 1-5. PUBLISHED.
van Moorsel, Paul. "A Different Melchisedech? Some Iconographical Remarks." PUBLISHED in: Themelia (see above, under Bailey) 329-342.
. "Nubia and the Copts: On Medieval Church Decoration in the South and in the North." In: Reading in the Archeology and Culture History of the Sudan, edited by A. Osman.
. Le Monastère de Saint-Antoine. [With contributions by Peter Grossmann and Karel C. Innemée.] PUBLISHED: Cairo: IFAO, 1998.
. Les peintures du Monastère de St.-Paul près de la Mer Rouge. Cairo: IFAO. [With a contribution by Peter Grossmann.]
. Opuscula Hieremiae Dedicata. Studies on several iconographical problems in Apa Jeremiah.
Wilfong, Terry. The Women of Jeme: Gender and Society in a Coptic Town in Early Islamic Egypt (University of Michigan Press).
Winkler, Dietmar W. Koptische Kirche und Reichskirche: Altes Schisma und neuer Dialog. PUBLISHED: Innsbruck and Vienna: Tyrolia-Verlag, 1997.
Witte, Bernd. "Pseudathanasianische Schrift des 8. Jahrhunderts: Zum Erzengel Michael (M 502 ff. 51v-76v)" (Habilitationsschrift).
Young, Dwight Wayne. "Additional Fragments of Shenute's Eighth Canon." APF 44 (1998) 47-68, pls. 14-19. PUBLISHED.
. "Pages from a Copy of Shenute's Eighth Canon." Orientalia, n.s., 67 (1998) 64-84, pl. 6. PUBLISHED.
Zanetti, Ugo. "Note textologique sur S. Colluthus." AB 114 (1996) 10-24. PUBLISHED.
We are deeply saddened by the recent deaths of six IACS members. Prof. René-Georges Coquin, Prof. Jacques-É. Ménard, Dr. Hishmet Messiha, and Mr. Werner Philippeit were charter members, and Father Hans Quecke and Prof. Torgny Säve-Söderbergh were Honorary Presidents.