No. 39, July 1999


Editors: Martin Krause & Stephen Emmel

Institut für Ägyptologie und Koptologie

Schlaunstrasse 2

D - 48143 Münster, Germany

Electronic mail:










CONTENTS: Seventh International Congress of Coptic Studies, Leiden 2000: Second Announcement, p. 3 - Minutes of the Seventeenth IACS Board Meeting, p. 5 - Acts of the Sixth International Congress of Coptic Studies, p. 7 - Notes from the IACS Secretariat, p. 7 - The IACS on the Internet, p. 8 - IACS Members with New Postal and/or E-mail Addresses, p. 9 - Publications in Preparation, Forthcoming, or Recently Published, as Announced by IACS Members, p. 10 - Obituary Notice, p. 22 - Congress Pre-registration Form, p. 24







1. Site

The Congress will take place in the central building of the Faculty of Arts of Leiden University (Witte Singel - Doelen area). This site combines modern facilities with a location in the middle of the historic town. Leiden is in the heart of Holland. Situated on the crossroads of all international lines of communication, it can be easily reached by plane, train or car.


2. Programme


Sunday, 27 August (afternoon-evening): registration and opportunity for informal meeting

Monday, 28 August - Friday, 1 September: congress sessions

Saturday, 2 September (morning): Business Meeting of the IACS (all IACS members are urged to attend)


The five working days of the Congress will be devoted to:

* Two main papers daily (45 min. each; plenary sessions): reports on recent developments in each of the major domains of Coptic studies, presented by specialists in the field. The subjects are:










Gnosticism and Manichaeism

Copto-arabic studies

Christian Nubia


* Presentation of brief communications (20 min. plus 10 min. discussion): proposed papers will be accepted on the basis of an abstract submitted in advance. Upon registration all participants will receive the volume of abstracts. Papers will be read in two parallel sessions, grouped according to the main fields of study in Coptology.

* Workshops devoted to special themes which have been prepared in advance and which are meant to stimulate discussion within a smaller circle of specialists. Participants should register in advance. Registration is limited. Workshops have been announced under the following provisional titles:


"Electronic editing"

"New models in Coptic linguistics"

"Recent findings in monastic archaeology"


* A separate event will be devoted to the modern history of the Coptic community.

* For authors engaged in the project "Catalogue Général du Musée Copte" a working meeting will be scheduled.

* All participants will be invited to a welcome reception (Monday), an excursion (Wednesday afternoon), and a farewell party (Friday).


3. Fees

Registration fee: Dfl. 175,-- for IACS members; Dfl. 225,-- for non-members; Dfl. 75,-- for students and unemployed (Dfl. 1 = euro 0,45). The fee is to be paid upon registration in Leiden.

The registration will be handled by the Leiden Congress Office. For those interested, the Leiden Congress Office will offer accommodation in several different price classes.


4. Address


Jacques van der Vliet, congress secretary

TCNO, Egyptology & Coptology

Witte Singel 25

P.O.B. 9515

NL - 2300 RA LEIDEN, Pays-Bas




A regularly updated web site, providing information concerning the Congress, can be found at the following address (accessible also via a link from the IACS home page):


5. Pre-registration

If you have not yet shown your interest in the Congress of Coptic Studies (by mail, e-mail, or through the Congress web site), please do so now. For your convenience, a pre-registration form is provided on the back page of this newsletter. You may also register via e-mail or via the Congress web site. Once you have pre-registered, you will receive all future announcements and further information concerning transport, hotels, deadlines, workshop participation, etc.





Present: Stephen EMMEL (President), Tito ORLANDI, Martin KRAUSE, Jacques VAN DER VLIET, Peter GROSSMANN, Nathalie BOSSON, Anne BOUD'HORS, W_odzimierz GODLEWSKI, Marie-Hélène RUTSCHOWSCAYA.


The President convened the meeting at 10.05.


1. The Board heard, discussed, and approved a detailed report from the Congress Secretary concerning arrangements for the Seventh International Congress of Coptic Studies to be held in Leiden in 2000. Welcomed as guests for this portion of the Board Meeting were other members of Leiden University's organizing committee: J.F. BORGHOUTS, Johannes DEN HEIJER, and Karel C. INNEMÉE (Paul VAN MOORSEL was excused). The congress program will be similar to previous congress programs, with plenary reports by invited speakers, followed by two parallel sessions of papers submitted by participants, and including a number of specialized workshops (organized well in advance of the congress, subject to approval by the organizing committee). The topics of the plenary reports will be as follows: language; philology and literature; art; archeology; monasticism; liturgy; gnosticism and manichaeism; Copto-arabic studies; Christian Nubia; papyrology.


2. The Board heard, discussed, and approved a financial report for 1997-1998 (up to 10.12.98) from the Editor-Treasurer, the President, and the President-Elect. In accordance with a previous decision of the Board (see Newsletter 37, p. 15, point 1), most of the funds of the IACS have been transferred from Rome to Münster, and the remainder will be transferred during 1999. Despite the complexity of the operation, moving the IACS Secretariat from Rome to Münster has been successful. Many members have paid in advance through 1999 or 2000, a few even as far as 2005. Most payments have been received without undue losses through banking fees, although it is clear that the only form of payment that is more or less risk-free in this respect is payment in German marks. Presumably the same will be true also for the euro, beginning in 1999. At the Business Meeting in 2000 it will be necessary to establish official IACS fees in euros; for the meantime, the Editor-Treasurer was authorized to establish unofficial rates in euros and DM.


3. The Board reviewed the current status of IACS membership and discussed what to do in all cases where members' fees are not paid up as of 1994 or earlier, and in the cases of members whose addresses are no longer known.


4. The Board approved two recent applications for IACS membership.


5. The Editor-Treasurer and the President reported that the publication of the Akten des 6. Internationalen Koptologenkongresses (Münster 1996) is proceeding as expected. All but a few proofs have been returned by the authors, and it is expected that the two-volume publication will appear in 1999.


6. The President-Elect reported on the establishment of an IACS web site on the internet (in accordance with a previous decision of the Board; see Newsletter 37, p. 15, point 2) and listened to the comments and advice of those members of the Board who had visited the site.


7. The President reported that he is following up on a letter that he received from the president of the American University in Cairo, in response to one of the letters that he had been directed to write to certain authorities in Egypt, urging that chairs of Coptic studies be established there (see Newsletter 37, p. 14, point 14.b).


8. The Board discussed the Journal of Coptic Studies, expressing once again its desire to see EMMEL continue as editor and its hope that the current difficulty that he is experiencing in carrying out this duty (i.e., altogether too many duties) will be alleviated in due course. The President pointed out that the only sure way to alter the present situation would be to find someone to replace him as editor, which the Board took under advisement.


9. The President reminded the Board of the necessity to prepare a proposal for revising the IACS Statutes at the next Business Meeting, in view of structural changes that the IACS is now undergoing (cf. Newsletter 37, p. 9, point 6).


10. RUTSCHOWSCAYA and BOSSON reported on preliminary inquiries into the possibility that the Eighth International Congress of Coptic Studies in 2004 might be held in Paris, organized at the École du Louvre. The President agreed to work with them to explore this attractive possibility further.


11. The President and the Editor-Treasurer reported that in 1999 the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) intends to increase from two to four the number of expert evaluators (Gutachter) for applications in Egyptology and has called upon the German section of the International Association of Egyptologists to nominate candidates for these positions. In view of the desireability that at least one Gutachter be a specialist in Coptic studies, it would be helpful in the future if the IACS had a recognized "Germanophone section" that could offer its services to the DFG as a conduit for nominations from IACS members in Germanophone countries (Germany, Austria, Switzerland). The Board approved, and it charged the President with taking the necessary steps to inform the DFG about the IACS's readiness to be of assistance.


12. The Board approved a proposal by the President that the Board should bear the cost of a part of BOSSON's travel expenses to attend this Board Meeting.


The President adjourned the meeting at 14.15.






The publication of the Akten des 6. Internationalen Koptologenkongresses (edited by Stephen Emmel, Martin Krause, Siegfried G. Richter, and Sofia Schaten) is progressing toward completion. Proofs of all 106 articles were delivered to their authors before the end of the winter, and all have since been returned with the authors' corrections (except for one article that had to be withdrawn, and another whose author has disappeared). The editors expect to deliver the complete camera-ready copy to Reichert Verlag during July. The two-volume publication (1100+ pages) will appear as vol. 6 in the series Sprachen und Kulturen des Christlichen Orients. Contributors will each receive 20 offprints of their article; the press does not make it possible to receive additional offprints.





Personalized statements regarding payment of fees were sent out to all IACS members in May/June1999, including receipts for payments received during 1997- 1998 (these receipts serving to replace the previous system of membership cards and annual stickers). Within Europe, at present the best method of paying dues is by direct transfer ("Überweisung") to the following account:



Account number: 9040-467

Bank code: 440 100 46



If possible, make the transfer in DM (converted at the current rate; or use the following equivalents for 1999: $ 25 = DM 46; $ 15 = DM 28; $ 12 = DM 22). If you pay by eurocheque, please write the check in DM. Make eurocheques or personal checks payable to the International Association for Coptic Studies and send them to the IACS secretariat. In all cases, be sure to indicate your name and the year(s) for which you are paying. If you want to begin using euros for making payments, please use the current exchange rate, or the following equivalents for 1999: $ 25 = EUR 24.12; $ 15 = EUR 14.47; $ 12 = EUR 11.58). Please also keep us informed of any change of address or any change in your membership status.

Henceforward the most recent paid up dues year appears with members' names on the printed IACS mailing labels, as used for the first time with this Newsletter (reflecting payments received up to 15 July 1999).





1. World Wide Web (WWW, "the Web") Site

The IACS's Web site is managed by Tito Orlandi on the server of the CISADU, the electronic center of the Facoltà di Lettere of the University of Rome "La Sapienza." The IACS home page provides access to the following pages (others are still in preparation): (1) addresses of Coptologists (with surface and e-mail addresses); (2) recent news (information provided by IACS members, and others); (3) Seventh International Congress of Coptic Studies (Leiden, 2000) (with a link to the Congress Web site in Leiden); (4) IACS Newsletter (currently nos. 35 and 36 are displayed); (5) Coptic teaching in the world (list of academic institutions where Coptic language, literature, art, archaeology, or theology, etc., are taught); (6) Coptic centers outside of Egypt (list of organizations sponsored by Coptic people for the promotion of Coptic language and culture); and (7) congresses in related disciplines. The address (URL) of the IACS home page is:

Like the Newsletter, the Web site is based on the collaboration of the IACS members, who are requested to submit whatever information they deem useful for their colleagues. Such information should be sent to Tito Orlandi, preferably by e-mail (; or by regular post to the following address: Via F. Civinini 24, I-00197 Roma, Italy). We try to share information between Münster and Rome effectively enough that information need be sent only to one place or the other, but in practice this is not so easy to do. If possible, please send information both to Münster and to Rome when it is relevant to both the ordinary administration of the IACS (including the Newsletter) as well as the IACS Web site.


2. The Listserver (please note the corrected address given here)

COPTIST is an electronic interest group (technically called a "list") for Coptic studies. The COPTIST list, which has been established on the server of the CISADU, is moderated by Tito Orlandi on behalf of the IACS. Interested IACS members are invited to subscribe to COPTIST by doing as follows: to the e-mail address, send a message consisting of ONLY one line, namely: subscribe coptist [your-name] (e.g.: subscribe coptist Stephen Emmel). The list is a "closed" one, i.e. every new subscriber must be approved by the list's moderator, in this case Prof. Orlandi, acting in the name of the board of the IACS.





Where only e-mail addresses are listed, the postal addresses remain unchanged. * = new members.


Attridge, Harold W. Yale Divinity School, 409 Prospect Street, New Haven, CT 06511, U.S.A.

Baumeister, Theofried. Elsa-Brändatröm-Strasse 1, D-55124 Mainz, DEUTSCHLAND

Bosson, Nathalie.

Brooks Hedstrom, Darlene L. American Research Center in Egypt, 2 Midan Simon Bolivar, Garden City - Cairo, ÄGYPTEN.


[Entry deleted at member's request.]


Charron, Régine.

Clackson, Sarah J. Christ's College, St. Andrew's Street, Cambridge CB2 3BU, GROSSBRITANNIEN.

den Heijer, Johannes. Nederlands-Vlaams Instituut in Cairo, Postbus 20061, NL-2500 EB Den Haag, NIEDERLANDE. or

di Bitonto-Kasser, Anna.

Funk, Wolf-Peter.

*Ghica, Victor Corneliu. Curia Generalis Ordinis Cisterciensis, Piazza del Tempio di Diana, 14, I-00153 Roma, ITALIEN.

Grossmann, Peter. Komnanoudi 50, GR-11474 Athens, GRIECHENLAND

Hedrick, Charles W.

Huhtala, Virpi. Myllymatkantie 1 F 52, FIN-00920 Helsinki, FINNLAND.

Immerzeel, Mat. Adenauerlaan 7, NL - 3137 JB Vlaardingen, NIEDERLANDE.

Kasser, Rodolphe.

Khouzam, A. Fouad.

Lucchesi-Palli, Elisabetta. Postfach 50 - Postamt 5016, A-5016 Salzburg, ÖSTERREICH

Maier, Marion. Oestermärsch 79, D-44145 Dortmund, DEUTSCHLAND

Musée du Louvre (att. M.-H. Rutschowscaya, Département des Antiquités Égyptiennes).

*Ness, Lester. Guesthouse, Northeast Normal University, Changchun, 130024, Jilin Province, P. R. CHINA.

Painchaud, Louis.

Pleše, Zlatko. 1722 19th Street NW 810, Washington, DC 20009-1610, U.S.A.

Poirier, Paul-Hubert.

Roberge, Michel.

Schaten, Sofia.

*Schroeder, Caroline T. 2615 Sarah Avenue, Durham, NC 27707, U.S.A.

Scriptorium, The. PO Box 770, Grand Haven, MI 49417, U.S.A.

Shisha-Halevy, Ariel.

Tune, Ernie. 1025 South Explorer Way, Anaheim Hills, CA 92808-1691, U.S.A.

Valantasis, Richard L. The Iliff School of Theology, 2201 South University Boulevard, Denver, CO 80210, U.S.A.

van Lent, Jos. Gerestraat 38, NL-2311 HM Leiden, NIEDERLANDE.

*Weidmann, Frederick W. Union Theological Seminary, 3041 Broadway, New York, NY 10027, U.S.A.

*Witte, Bernd. Postfach 160162, D-10337 Berlin, DEUTSCHLAND.





Please send up-to-date information (preferably via e-mail to Stephen Emmel at, with copy to If you provide information for this list, please be sure also to inform us (with complete bibliographical details) when the publication appears. The following list is not intended to be a full bibliography of recent publications in Coptic studies. Its contents are determined by information that authors provide to the editors of the Newsletter.


Aland, Barbara. "Seele, Zeit, Eschaton bei einem frühen christlichen Theologen. Basilides zwischen Paulus und Platon." In: psukh_ - Seele - anima. Festschrift für Karin Alt zum 7. Mai 1998, edited by Jens Holzhausen, 255-278. Stuttgart and Leipzig: B.G. Teubner, 1998. PUBLISHED.

Alcock, Anthony; Iain Gardner; and Wolf-Peter Funk. Coptic Documentary Texts from Kellis, vol. 1.

Aufrère, Sydney H., and Nathalie Bosson. "Le Père Guillaume Bonjour (1670- 1714). Un orientaliste méconnu porté sur l'étude du copte et le déchiffrement de l'égyptien." Orientalia, n.s., 67 (1998) 497-506. PUBLISHED.

———, eds. Égyptes . . . L'égyptien et le copte. [Catalog of an exposition at the Musée Archéologique Henri Prades, 1999, including also the following chapters by Aufrère and/or Bosson: "Vers de nouvelles façons de considérer une culture. Écrire, dessiner, tisser, sculpter, redécouvrir et penser le copte" (A&B, pp. 15- 18); "`Copte'. De l'ambiguité à une réalité sociale et linguistique"(B, pp. 23- 25); "La dernière ronde des hiéroglyphes . . . La mort des écritures égyptiennes traditionelles et l'émergence des premiers signes coptes" (A, pp. 26-68); "`Langue copte', une réalité à visages multiples" (B, pp. 69-87); "La lutte dans l'Europe des érudits pour les scalae copto-arabes . . . La redécouverte de la langue copte au XVIe et XVIIe siècles" (A, pp. 91-108); "`Scalae' coptes. Paradoxe d'une langue qui se fossilise" (B, pp. 109-119); "Chronologie de la redécouverte de la langue copte en Europe" (A, pp. 121-129); also entries in the catalog, pp. 159-319 passim; see also below, under Bénazeth, Durand & Rutschowscaya; under Meurice; and under Rutschowscaya.] Lattes: Musée archéologique Henri Prades (Association Imago), 1999. PUBLISHED.

Bacht†, Heinrich. "Der Monophysitismus." PUBLISHED in: Ägypten (see below, under Krause) 175-185.

Barry, Catherine, Wolf-Peter Funk, Paul-Hubert Poirier, and John D. Turner. Zostrien (NH VIII, 1). BCNH, section "Textes" 24. Québec, Paris, and Louvain: Presses de l'Université Laval and Peeters, in press (1999).

Behlmer, Heike. "Das Alter im christlichen Ägypten." Hallesche Beiträge zur Orientwissenschaft 26 (1998) 5-25. PUBLISHED.

———. "Visitors to Shenoute's Monastery." PUBLISHED in: Pilgrimage and Holy Space (see below, under Frankfurter) 341-371.

Bénazeth, Dominique. "Alexandrie chrétienne." PUBLISHED in: Les dossiers de l'archéologie 201 (March 1995) 68-72.

———. "Un monastère dispersé. Les antiquités de Baouit conservées dans les musées d'Égypte." BIFAO 97 (1997) 43-66. PUBLISHED.

———. "Les nouvelles salles coptes." Connaissance des arts, hors série no 116: "Le Louvre," 1997, p. 41. PUBLISHED.

———. Review of László Török, Coptic Antiquities, vol. 1 (Rome 1993). BO 53 (1996) 86-89. PUBLISHED.

———. Tôd. Les objets de métal. PUBLISHED: San Antonio: Van Siclen, 1991.

———. "La section copte du musée du Louvre. État des travaux." In: Études coptes V (see below, under Rassart-Debergh) 107-112. PUBLISHED.

Bénazeth, Dominique; Maximilien Durand; and Marie-Hélène Rutschowscaya. "Le rapport de l'objet copte à l'écrit. Des textiles aux vêtements liturgiques." In: Égyptes . . . (see above, under Aufrère & Bosson) 145-156. [Also entries in the catalog, pp. 159-319 passim.] PUBLISHED.

Bénazeth, Dominique, and Marie-Hélène Rutschowscaya. Antinoé, cent'anni dopo. [Participation de la section copte du Louvre au catalogue de l'exposition, Florence, 10 juillet-1er novembre 1998.] PUBLISHED.

———. "Antiquités coptes." In: Les antiquités égyptiennes II. Guide du visiteur, musée du Louvre. Paris: RMN, 1997. PUBLISHED.

———. "Égypte copte." Connaissance des arts, hors série no 117: "L'Égypte au Louvre," 1998, pp. 58-63. PUBLISHED.

———. [See also below under Clédat.] PUBLISHED.

Bosson, Nathalie. "Amulette-palimpseste magique du musée du Louvre." Orientalia, n.s., 67 (1998) 107-114, pl. 7. PUBLISHED.

Bosson, Nathalie, and Rodolphe Kasser. Wörterverzeichnis zu Gawdat Gabras Ausgabe des Psalters im mesokemischen (oxyrhynchitischen/mittelägyptischen) Dialekt des Koptischen (Mudil-Kodex). CSCO 568 (Subs. 96). Louvain: Peeters, 1997. PUBLISHED.

Bosson, Nathalie, and Sydney H. Aufrère. [See above, under Aufrère.] PUBLISHED.

Boud'hors, Anne. "Un codex formé de tablettes (musée du Louvre)," and "Avatars d'une petite pêche dans les textes coptes." In: Études coptes V (see below, under Rassart-Debergh) 3-6 and 123-128. PUBLISHED.

———. Catalogue des fragments coptes de la Bibliothèque Nationale et Universitaire de Strasbourg, vol. 1, Fragments bibliques. CSCO 571 (Subs. 99). Louvain: Peeters, 1998. PUBLISHED.

———. "Ostraca" and "Note sur les papyrus." PUBLISHED in: Le monastère et la nécropole de Baouît (see below, under Clédat) 245-358.

———. Édition et traduction du manuscrit IFAO Copte 2 (sermons de Chenouté).

———. Papyrus documentaires de Louvain.

Bresciani, Edda; Philip Huyse; Heinz Heinen; Ruth Altheim-Stiehl; Jonathan M. Bloom; et al. "Egypt." In: Encyclopaedia Iranica, vol. 8 (edited by Ehsan Yarshater; Costa Mesa, CA: Mazda Publishers, 1998), pp. 247 ff. PUBLISHED.

Broek, Roelof van den. Edition of Ps.-Cyril of Jerusalem on the Passion, cod. Morgan M 610.

Camplani, Alberto. "Una lettera festale ritrovata. P. Vindob. K 10157 e Cyr. Alex., ep. fest. 1." Augustinianum, in press (1999).

———. "Note bardesanitiche." In: Scritti in memoria di E. Teza (see below, under Proverbio) 11-43. PUBLISHED.

———. Edition of the Coptic and Syriac versions of Athanasius's festal letters.

———. Edition of the Coptic version of Theophilus' festal letter on apocryphal books and other fragments of festal letters in Coptic translation.

———. Traduzione, introduzione e note dei testi ermetici del NHC VI.

Clackson, Sarah. "Coptic Documents Relating to the Monasteries of Apa Apollo at Bawit and Titkooh in the Hermopolite Nome." Ph.D. diss., Institute of Archaeology, University College London, 1996. To be published as: Coptic and Greek Texts Relating to the Hermopolite Monastery of Apa Apollo (Griffith Institute Monographs; Oxford).

———. "Ostraca from Kom el-Nana." In: Excavations at Amarna, vol. 1, A Corpus of Late Roman Pottery, edited by J. Faiers (London: Egypt Exploration Society).

———. "An Unedited Coptic Leaf of Genesis in Cambridge University Library (P.Camb.UL Or. 1699 P i)." BASP 35 (1998) 135-143, pls. 19-20 PUBLISHED.

———. Coptic papyrological primer.

———. Edition of Coptic texts which may have been drawn up in the abbott's office at the Bawit Monastery of Apollo.

———. Edition of some of the Coptic papyri contained in British Library Or. 6201 A & B.

———. Review of Raffaella Cribiore, Writing, Teachers, and Students in Graeco- Roman Egypt (Atlanta 1996). JEA.

———. Review of K. Schüssler, Biblia coptica. Die koptischen Bibeltexte, vol. 1, Das sahidische Alte und Neue Testament. sa 1-20, Lfg. 1 (Wiesbaden 1995). BASP 35 (1998) 229-233. PUBLISHED.

———, and Terry Wilfong. New checklist of Coptic documents, to appear in the new edition of the Checklist of Editions of Greek and Latin Papyri, Ostraca and Tablets (5th ed.; estimated publication date: 2000).

Clédat, Jean. Le monastère et la nécropole de Baouît. Edited by Dominique Bénazeth and Marie-Hélène Rutschowscaya, with contributions by Anne Boud'hors, René-Georges Coquin†, and Éliane Gaillard. MIFAO 111. Cairo 1999. PUBLISHED.

Coquin, René-Georges†. "Le traité de Šenoute `du salut de l'âme humaine'." JCoptS 3.

del Francia, Loretta. Alcuni tessuti copti di acquisto recente nel Museo di Palazzo Venezia.

———. Bibliographie des tissus coptes.

de Vogüé, Adalbert. Histoire littéraire du mouvement monastique dans l'Antiquité, pt. 1, Le monachisme latin. PUBLISHED. 4 vols. Paris: Cerf, 1991-1997.

———. Les régles monastiques anciennes.

Emmel, Stephen. "The Gnostic Tradition in Relation to Greek Philosophy." To appear in the acts of the Copenhagen International Conference on the Nag Hammadi Texts in the History of Religions, September 19-24 1995.

———. Shenute's Literary Corpus (a revision of my Ph.D. diss., Yale University 1993).

Engberding†, Hieronymus. "Die koptische Liturgie." PUBLISHED in: Ägypten (see below, under Krause) 187-200.

Förster, Hans. "Neueditionen koptischer Texte aus der Wiener Papyrussammlung." APF 44 (1998) 285-298, pls. 28-31. PUBLISHED.

Frankfurter, David, ed. Pilgrimage and Holy Space in Late Antique Egypt. PUBLISHED: Religions in the Graeco-Roman World 134. Leiden etc.: Brill, 1998.

———. Religion in Roman Egypt: Assimilation and Resistance. PUBLISHED: Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1998.

Funk, Wolf-Peter. Concordance des textes de Nag Hammadi. Les codices X et XIa. BCNH, section "Concordances". Québec, Paris, and Louvain: Presses de l'Université Laval and Peeters.

———. Manichäische Handschriften, vol. 1, Kephalaia, "2. Hälfte, Lieferungen 13-14." Berlin: Kohlhammer, in press.

Funk, Wolf-Peter; Claudio Gianotto; and Pierre Mahé. Melchisédek (NH IX, 1). BCNH, section "Textes". Québec etc.: Presses de l'Université Laval and Peeters.

Funk, Wolf-Peter; Louis Painchaud; and Einar Thomassen. L'Interprétation de la gnose (NH XI, 1). BCNH, section "Textes". Québec etc.: Presses de l'Université Laval and Peeters.

Funk, Wolf-Peter, and Paul-Hubert Poirier. Concordance des textes de Nag Hammadi. Les codices XIb, XII et XIII. BCNH, section "Concordances". Québec etc.: Presses de l'Université Laval and Peeters.

Funk, Wolf-Peter; Paul-Hubert Poirier; and John D. Turner. Marsanès. BCNH, section "Textes". Québec etc.: Presses de l'Université Laval and Peeters.

Gabra, Gawdat. "The Project `Catalogue général du Musée Copte'." In: The Greek Presence in Ancient Egypt, Symposium Delphi 1988, edited by L. Marangou.

———. Das Difnar (Antiphonarium) der koptischen Kirche nach der ältesten bohairischen Überlieferung.

Gardner, Iain. "An Old Coptic Ostracon from Ismant el-Kharab?" ZPE 125 (1999) 195-200, pl. 10. PUBLISHED.

Ghica, Victor Corneliu. Critical edition of the Arabic homilies of Paris BN 4761, attributed to Shenute.

———. Critical edition of the Encomium on Revelation 7-12 attributed to Cyril of Alexandria (Pierpont Morgan Library M591; fragments Paris BN 1313 and 1317).

———. Hypertextual edition of the Arabic texts of the History of the Patriarchs of Alexandria for the "esperimento di edizione multimediale" of the Corpus dei Manoscritti Copti Letterari, Rome (Paris BN 301, 302, 4773).

Godlewski, W. The ostraca from the temple of Tuthmose III at Deir el-Bahari.

Goehring, James E. Ascetics, Society, and the Desert: Studies in Early Egyptian Monasticism. Studies in Antiquity and Christianity [10]. Harrisburg: Trinity Press International, 1999. PUBLISHED.

Grossmann, Peter. Die antike Stadt Pharan. Ein archäologischer Führer. Cairo: Archbishopric of Sinai and the Women's Convent of Fir_n, 1998. PUBLISHED.

———. "Koptische Architektur" and "Ab_ M_n_." PUBLISHED in: Ägypten (see below, under Krause) 209-267 and 269-293.

———. Corpus der frühchristlichen Kirchenbauten in Ägypten. [Several volumes are in preparation.]

———. Die Grosse Basilika und das Baptisterium von Ab_ M_n_.

———. "Krypten und unterirdische Grabräume im frühchristlichen ägyptischen Kirchenbau."

———. "Zwei christliche Bauanlagen aus früharabischer Zeit in Hulwan."

———. Preliminary reports on the excavations at Ab_ M_n_ are published regularly (annually; in English) in BSAC; major reports, covering two or three years, are to be published (in German) in Archäologischer Anzeiger.

Grossmann, Peter, and Donald M. Bailey. "Report on the Excavation in the South Church at Hermopolis-Ashmun_yn (Winter 1991)." JCoptS 3.

Guillaumont, A. Evagre le Pontique. Vie - Oeuvre - Doctrine.

Hasitzka, Monika. Koptisches Sammelbuch II (MPER 23.2; Vienna).

Hedrick, Charles W., and Paul A. Mirecki. The Gospel of the Savior: A New Ancient Gospel. Santa Rosa, CA: Polebridge Press, 1999. PUBLISHED.

Heinen, Heinz. "Das spätantike Ägypten (284-646 n. Chr.)" and "Das spätantike Alexandrien." PUBLISHED in: Ägypten (see below, under Krause) 35-56 and 57-79.

Hickmann†, Hans. "Koptische Musik." PUBLISHED in: Ägypten (see below, under Krause) 201-208.

Johnson, David W. Life of Matthew the Poor, from White Monastery Codices.

Kasser, Rodolphe (avec la collaboration de N. Bosson et H. Quecke†). Édition d'un manuscrit bohaïrique (papyrus), P.Vat. copto 9: Petits Prophètes.

———. Édition d'un manuscrit lycopolitain (papyrus) de la Fondation Martin Bodmer (Cologny/Genéve, Suisse): Acta Pauli.

——— (en collaboration avec N. Bosson). Édition d'un manuscrit saïdique (parchemin) de la Fondation Martin Bodmer (Cologny/Genéve, Suisse): Cantique des Cantiques.

——— (en collaboration avec N. Bosson). Édition de divers petits fragments de papyrus ou parchemin se rattachant à des manuscrits (coptes ou grecs) déjà publiés dans la collection M. Bodmer, Fondation Martin Bodmer.

———. Édition du manuscrit (papyrus) hermopolitain (etc.) M 636 de la collection Pierpont Morgan (New York): Hermeniae etc.

———. Étude comparée des dialectes coptes de la Moyen Égypte et du Fayoum.

———. Préparation d'un nouveau dictionnaire copte exhaustif et détaillé.

Khosroyev, Alexandr L. "Eine Bemerkung zum koptischen Adverb (au_) nteihe." Hyperboreus 3 (1997) 336-346. PUBLISHED.

Khouzam, A.F. Le Manuscrit Copte 44 de la Bibliothèque Nationale de France.

Krause, Martin, ed. Ägypten in spätantik-christlicher Zeit: Einführung in die koptische Kultur. Sprachen und Kulturen des Christlichen Orients 4. Wiesbaden: Reichert, 1998. PUBLISHED.

———. "Die Koptologie und ihre Forschungsgeschichte," "Heidentum, Gnosis und Manichäismus, ägyptische Survivals in Ägypten," and "Das Mönchtum in Ägypten." PUBLISHED in: Ägypten in spätantik-christlicher Zeit 1-33, 81-116, and 149-174.

———. "Referat der koptischen literarischen Texte und Urkunden von 1996-1997." APF 45.

Krawiec, Rebecca. "Space, Distance and Gender: Authority and the Separation of Communities in the White Monastery." BASP 35 (1998) 45-63. PUBLISHED.

Kühnel†, Ernst. "Koptische Kunst im islamischen Ägypten." PUBLISHED in: Ägypten (see above, under Krause) 381-386.

Layton, Bentley. Coptic Grammar, Sahidic Dialect. Porta Linguarum Orientalium. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz.

Létourneau, Pierre. Dialogue du Sauveur (NH III, 5). BCNH, section "Textes". Québec, Paris, and Louvain: Presses de l'Université Laval and Peeters.

MacCoull, L.S.B. "The First Appearance of Aphrodito in the Papyri." ZPE.

———. "The Isopsephistic Poem on St. Senas by Dioscorus of Aphrodito."

———. "O.Wilck. 1224: Two Additions to the Jeme Lashane-List." ZPE.

———. BM 1075: Taxation and estate management in seventh-century Hermopolis.

———. Coptic documentary papyri in the Chester Beatty Library.

———. The Coptic papyri from Apollonos Ano.

———. Further notes on the Greek-Coptic glossary of Dioscorus of Aphrodito.

Manniche, Lise. An Ancient Egyptian Herbal. 2d ed. London: British Museum Press, 1999. PUBLISHED.

Meurice, Cédric. "Les débuts de l'archéologie copte. Vision des voyageurs avant le XIXe siècle." In: Égyptes . . . (see above, under Aufrère & Bosson) 133-139. PUBLISHED.

Moorsel, Paul van. "Nubia and the Copts: On Medieval Church Decoration in the South and in the North." In: Reading in the Archeology and Culture History of the Sudan, edited by A. Osman.

———. Les peintures du Monastère de St.-Paul près de la Mer Rouge. Cairo: IFAO. [With a contribution by Peter Grossmann.]

———. Opuscula Hieremiae Dedicata. Studies on several iconographical problems in Apa Jeremiah.

Nagel, Peter. Der Tractatus tripartitus aus Nag Hammadi Codex I (Codex Jung). Studien und Texte zu Antike und Christentum 1. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 1998. PUBLISHED.

Oerter, Wolf B. "František Lexa. Zu den Anfängen der Koptologie in der Tschechoslowakei." PUBLISHED in: Akten des Vierten Internationalen Ägyptologenkongresses München 1985, edited by S. Schoske, 77-83. Studien zur altägyptischen Kultur Beih. 1. Hamburg 1988.

———. "Der Mani von Choltice." In: Ars baculum vitae. Sborník studií z d_jin um_ní a kultury. K 70. narozeninám prof. PhDr. Pavla Preisse, DrSc., edited by V. Vlnas, T. Sekyrka et al., 127-132. Prague 1996. PUBLISHED.

———. "Recherchen zum koptischen Schrifttum in Prager Museen und Sammlungen (Stand August 1998)." In: Atti XXII Congresso Internazionale di Papirologia, Firenze, 23-29 agosto 1998. Florence.

———. "Ein šine-nsa-Ostrakon (P 2017) aus dem Náprstek-Museum Prag." Analy Náprstkova muzea [Annals of the Naprstek Museum] 20 (1999) 31-38.

———. "Zur Wirkungsgeschichte des Manichäismus in Böhmen." In: Akten der 4. Internationalen Manichäismuskonferenz, 14.-18. Juli 1997 Berlin, edited by W. Sundermann et al. Berlin.

Oerter, Wolf B., and R. Pintaudi. "Koptischer Brief und griechische Getreidequittung auf einem Papyrus aus Abusir." Tyche.

Orlandi, Tito. "Koptische Literatur." PUBLISHED in: Ägypten (see above, under Krause) 117-147.

Orlandi, Tito; Hans Quecke†; and A. De Vogüé. Pachomiana coptica. Text, translation and commentary of some unedited texts by Pachomius and his successors.

Orton, David E., and Alexander J.M. Wedderburn, eds. Review of Theological Literature, vol. 1.1. Leiderdorp: Deo Publishing, 1999. PUBLISHED. [RTL "constitutes an independent selection in English translation from Theologische Literaturzeitung."]

Painchaud, Louis. "L'édition des textes de Nag Hammadi à l'Université Laval prend un nouveau départ." Studies in Religion/Sciences religieuses 28.2 (1999). PUBLISHED.

———. "Le projet d'édition de la bibliothèque copte de Nag Hammadi à l'Université Laval." Studies in Religion/Sciences religieuses 27 (1998) 467-480. PUBLISHED.

———. Review of Martha Lee Turner, The Gospel According to Philip: The Sources and Coherence of an Early Christian Collection (NHMS 38; Leiden etc. 1996). Zeitschrift für antikes Christentum 3 (1999) 142-146. PUBLISHED.

Papini, Lucia. Studio di testi inediti riguardanti S. Colluto (martirio e miracoli).

Parrott, Douglas M. Commentary of the Nag Hammadi tractates Eugnostos (III,3 and V,1) and the Sophia of Jesus Christ (III,4 and BG 3).

Pasquier, Anne. Eugnoste: Lettre sur le Dieu transcendant. BCNH, section "Textes". Québec, Paris, and Louvain: Presses de l'Université Laval and Peeters.

Petersen, Silke. "Zerstört die Werke der Weiblichkeit!" NHMS 48. Leiden etc.: Brill.

Plisch, Uwe-Karsten. "Textverständnis und Übersetzung: Bemerkungen zur Gesamtübersetzung der Texte des Nag-Hammadi-Fundes durch den Berliner Arbeitskreis für Koptisch-Gnostische Schriften." Hallesche Beiträge zur Orientwissenschaft 26 (1998) 73-87. PUBLISHED.

———. Review of Michel Tardieu and Pierre Hadot, Recherches sur la formation de l'Apocalypse de Zostrien et les sources de Marius Victorinus; "Porphyre et Victorinus": Questions et hypothèses (Res orientales 9; Bures-sur-Yvette 1996). OLZ 93 (1998) 632-634. PUBLISHED.

———. Einführung in die koptische Sprache (sahidischer Dialekt). Sprachen und Kulturen des Christlichen Orients 5. Wiesbaden: Reichert, in press.

Poirier, Paul-Hubert. "Les actes de Thomas et le manichéisme." Apocrypha 9 (1998) 263-290. PUBLISHED.

———. Édition d'homélies d'Ephrem syr., cod. Morgan M 578, 69-97 et Borgia, Cat. Zoega 253.

Pouderon, B. Athènes à Alexandrie. Études sur Athénagore et les origines de la philosophie chrétienne. BCNH, section "Études" 4. Québec, Paris, and Louvain: Presses de l'Université Laval and Peeters, 1997. PUBLISHED.

Proverbio, Delio Vania, ed. Scritti in memoria di Emilio Teza. Rome: Bardi Editore, 1998 [= Miscellanea Marciana 12 (1997)], including the following articles (among others) by the editor: "Introduzione alle versioni orientali dell'Ancoratus di Epifanio. La recensione etiopica" (pp. 67-91); "Un nuovo testimone copto del Responsum Christi ad Abgarum" (pp. 155-169, pl. 15). PUBLISHED.

Rassart-Debergh, Marguerite, ed. Études coptes V. Sixième journée d'études, Limoges 18-20 juin 1993, et Septième journée d'études, Neuchâtel 18-20 mai 1995. CBibCopt 10. Paris and Louvain: Peeters, 1998. PUBLISHED.

———. "L'art tardif en Égypte." In: ANRW.

———. Les collections romaines et coptes des Musées R.A.H. de Bruxelles.

———. Presentation des collections coptes des Musées R.A.H. de Bruxelles. Le monde copte.

Renner-Volbach, Dorothee. Eine Jahreszeit am Nil. Ein Rundeinsatz mit Seide in der ägyptischen Staatssammlung in München. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 1996. PUBLISHED. [44 pp., 10 pls.]

———. Review of Annemarie Stauffer et al., Textiles of Late Antiquity (New York: Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1995). BO 54 (1997) 702-707. PUBLISHED.

———. Die koptischen Textilien im Städtischen Museum Andreasstift in Worms. Katalog.

Richter, Siegfried G. The Manichaean Coptic Papyri in the Chester Beatty Library. Psalm Book, pt. 2, fasc. 2, Die Herakleides-Psalmen. Corpus Fontium Manichaeorum, Series Coptica 1.2.2. Turnhout: Brepols, 1998. PUBLISHED.

Richter, Tonio Sebastian. "Leib oder Leber? Zum Wort mose im demotischen P. Magical XIII, 12." ZÄS 125 (1998) 137-139. PUBLISHED.

———. "P.Ien. inv. 649: Ein Splitter vom koptischen Text der Acta Andreae." APF 44 (1998) 276-284, pl. 25. PUBLISHED.

Roberge, Michel. La Paraphrase de Sem (NH VII, 1). BCNH, section "Textes" 25. Québec etc.: Presses de l'Université Laval and Peeters, in press (1999).

Robertson-Wilson, M. "The Ragheb Moftah Collection of Coptic Music Recordings: Transcription, Transliteration, and Translation of the Texts." [These include much of the Liturgies of St. Basil and St. Gregory, and Hymns Sung on Special Occasions.] PUBLISHED: This manuscript is in the Music Division of the Library of Congress, Washington, DC.

———. "A Transcription and Motivic Analysis of Two Coptic Hymns (from the Liturgy of St. Basil)."

———. "A Transcription, Brief Musical Analysis, and Comparison of Two Coptic Hymns sung at the 12th Hour Service on Good Friday."

———. Further studies of the Holy Week music, especially that of Maundy Thursday and Good Friday."

Rosenstiehl, J.-M. L'apocalypse de Paul (NH V,2). BCNH section "Textes". Quebec: Les Presses de l'Université Laval.

———. L'histoire de la captivité de Babylone (P. Morgan Copt. M 578. Introduction, traduction et notes.

Rutgers, Leonard Victor. "Auf den Spuren eines frühchristlichen Lebensideals. Hagiographie und Archäologie im spätantiken Ägypten." Mitteilungen zur spätantiken Archäologie und byzantinischen Kunstgeschichte 1 (1998) 9-27, addenda pp. 1-2. PUBLISHED.

Rutschowscaya, Marie-Hélène. "Les arts de la couleur." Dossiers d'archéologie 226 (September 1997) 32-41. PUBLISHED.

———. "Aux origines de la collection d'art copte du musée du Louvre." In: Égyptes . . . (see above, under Aufrère & Bosson) 141-143. [Also entries in the catalog, pp. 159-319 passim.] PUBLISHED.

———. Le Christ et l'abbé Ména. Collection Solo (11). Paris: RMN-Service culturel du musée du Louvre, 1998. PUBLISHED.

———. L'Égypte ancienne au musée du Louvre. Paris: Hachette, 1997. [Pp. 216- 249.] PUBLISHED.

———. "Éypte copte." Ulysse, hors série, February 1998, pp. 85-95. PUBLISHED.

———. Égypte romaine, l'autre Egypte. [Notices dans le catalogue d'exposition.] Marseille 1997. PUBLISHED.

———. "Le legs Weill à la section copte du musée du Louvre." In: Études coptes V (see above, under Rassart-Debergh) 45-50. PUBLISHED.

———. "Le monastère copte de Baouit." Égypte, Afrique et Orient 2 (1996 [1997]) 19-24. PUBLISHED.

———. "Die neue Präsentation der koptischen Antiquitäten im Louvre." Kemet 6.1 (January 1997) 57-60. PUBLISHED.

———. "Les salles coptes." Revue du Louvre 5/6 (1997) 28. PUBLISHED.

———. "Scultura" (dans l'article "copti"). In: Enciclopedia dell'arte medievale 5:293-300. Rome 1994. PUBLISHED.

———. "Sur un fragment de peinture copte du musée du Louvre." In: Cinquième journée d'études coptes. CBibCopt.

———. "Tissus d'Égypte." In: Musée des Tissus de Lyon - Guide des collections, 12-38. Lyon: Éditions Lyonnaises d'Art et d'Histoire, 1998. PUBLISHED.

———. Catalogue des tissus coptes du musée de la Vieille Charité, Marseille.

Rutschowscaya, Marie-Hélène, and Dominique Bénazeth. [See above, under Bénazeth and under Clédat.] PUBLISHED.

Rutschowscaya, Marie-Hélène, and Anne Boud'hors. "Textes coptes du musée du Louvre." In: Musées et recherche, Actes du colloque, Paris les 29, 30 novembre et 1er décembre 1993, 151-155. Dijon 1996. PUBLISHED.

Rutschowscaya, Marie-Hélène; Dominique Bénazeth; and Maximilien Durand. [See above, under Bénazeth.] PUBLISHED.

Schenke, Gesa. [Contributions to: "Koptische Texte" (chap. 6)]. In: Kölner Papyri, vol. 8, by Michael Gronewald, Klaus Maresch, and Cornelia Römer, with contributions by Thomas Corsten, David Jordan, Roy Kotansky, Franco Maltomini, and Gesa Schenke. Pap.Colon. 7.8. Opladen: Westdeutscher Verlag, 1997. [P.Köln VIII 353: "Holztafel mit Incipits einzelner Psalmenverse" (pp. 177- 182); 354: "Über Ägyptens Sonderstatus vor allen anderen Ländern" (pp. 183- 200).] PUBLISHED.

Schenke, Hans-Martin. "Der Barnabasbrief im Berliner `Koptischen Buch' (P. Berol. 20915)."

———. "Das Berliner `Koptische Buch' (P. 20915) und seine Geheimnisse." PUBLISHED in: ZÄS 126 (1999) 61-70.

———. "Die mittelägyptischen Fragmente des Martyriums des Cyri(a)cus und seiner Mutter Julitta. Papyrus Michigan inv. 1291 vermehrt um einen Harris Papyrus aus der Birmingham Collection." Enchoria.

———. "Das sogenannte `Unbekannte Berliner Evangelium' (UBE)." Zeitschrift für antikes Christentum 2 (1998) 199-213. PUBLISHED.

Scholz, Piotr O. Kush-Meroe-Nubien, die vergessenen Reiche Afrikas. Sonderheft der Antike Welt. [Bearbeitung der Archäologie und Kulturgeschichte Nubiens.]

Schrenk, Sabine. "Spätrömisch-früislamische Textilien aus Ägypten." PUBLISHED in: Ägypten (see above, under Krause) 339-379.

Scopello, Madeleine. "Ils leur enseignèrent les charmes et les incantations" and "Le dossier des femmes dans le gnosticisme." In: Les manuscrits de Nag Hammadi, edited by Jean-Daniel Dubois (= Dossiers d'archéologie 236 [September 1998]), 24-41 and 70-77. Dijon: Éditions Faton, 1998. PUBLISHED.

———. "Les interprétations gnostiques [de Caïn et Abel]." In: Caïn et Abel. Genèse 4, 39-49, 52. Cahiers évangile Suppl. 105. Paris: Éditions du Cerf, 1998. PUBLISHED.

———. "Julie, manichéenne d'Antioche (d'après la Vie de Porphyre de Marc le Diacre, ch. 85-91)." Antiquité tardive 5 (1997) 187-209. PUBLISHED.

Sellew, Philip. Commentary on the Coptic Gospel of Thomas (NHC II,2).

———. Edition of a Bohairic liturgical text connected with the biblical Apocalypse of John (MSS in London, Vatican, Manchester, New Haven).

———. Re-edition of a Sahidic fragment of the Dormitio Mariae at Yale, P.CtYBR inv. 1788, first published by L.S.B. MacCoull in APF 35 (1989).

Severin, Hans-Georg. "Zur Skulptur und Malerei der spätantiken und frühmittelalterlichen Zeit in Ägypten." PUBLISHED in: Ägypten (see above, under Krause) 295-338.

———. Die spätantike Skulptur Ägyptens. Handbuch der Orientalistik. Leiden: Brill.

———. "Spätantikes Ägypten. Sepulkralarchitektur; Skulptur." In: ANRW 3.

——— (in collaboration with Gisela Severin). Die Bauskulptur von Abu Mina.

———. Catalogue of the late antique and early byzantine stone-sculpture of the Coptic Museum, Cairo.

———. Spätantike Spolienkapitelle in islamischen Bauten zu Kairo.

Shisha-Halevy, Ariel. Topics in Bohairic Syntax.

———. A comprehensive Bohairic Grammar (Handbuch der Orientalistik), with contributions on orthography, graphemics and phonemics by Wolf-Peter Funk.

Sidarus, Adel Youssef. "Un recueil original de philologie gréco-copto-arabe. La Scala Copte 43 de la Bibliothèque nationale de France." In: Scribes et manuscrits du Moyen-Orient. Actes des Journées de codicologie et de paléographie des manuscrits du Moyen-Orient (Paris, 15-17 juin 1994), edited by François Déroche and Francis Richard. Pro Libris. Paris: Bibliothèque nationale de France, 1997. PUBLISHED.

———. "La tradition sahidique de philologie gréco-copto-arabe (manuscrits des XIIIe-XVe siècles)." Manuscripts of the Middle East.

Smith, Mark. "Coptic Literature, 337-425." PUBLISHED in: The Late Empire, A.D. 337-425, vol. 13 of The Cambridge Ancient History, edited by Averil Cameron and Peter Garnsey (Cambridge: Cambridge U. Press, 1998), 720-735.

———. Review of Birger Pearson et al., Two Coptic Homilies Attributed to Saint Peter of Alexandria (Rome 1993). Journal of Theological Studies, n.s., 49 (1998) 840-850. PUBLISHED.

Spanel, Donald B. Text, translation and commentary of the martyrdom of Phoebammon (Morgan M 582).

Toda, Satoshi. "The Apophthegmata patrum and Evagrius Ponticus." Bulletin of the Society for Near Eastern Studies in Japan 41.2 (1998), in press. [In Japanese, with English summary.]

———. "Les disciples dans l'Évangile selon Thomas. Un essai d'analyse littéraire." Mediterranean World 15 (1998) 67-74. PUBLISHED.

———. "On the Spread of Christianity in Roman Egypt." Seiyoshigaku [Studies in Western History] 187 (1997) 39-55. [In Japanese, with English summary.] PUBLISHED.

———. "Some Reflections on the Origins of Monasticism in Egypt." Orient 32 (1997) 17-25. PUBLISHED.

Török, L. "On the Problems of the Research of Late Antique Art in Egypt." BiOr.

———. Coptic Textiles in the Collection . . . Berman, Rome: The Ahnas Sculpture.

———. Die Kunst der Ballana-Kultur. Die Apperzeption der spätantiken Kunst in Nubien.

———. Late Antique Sculpture in Egypt.

Tröger, Karl-Wolfgang. "Freiheit ohne Verantwortung? Zum religiösen Umbruch und Wertewandel in der spätantiken Gnosis." Religionen im Gespräch 4 (1996) 379-386. PUBLISHED.

———. "Mystik und Gnosis. Zur Bedeutung des Dialogs in gnostischen Schriften." Religionen im Gespräch 5 (1998) 259-266. PUBLISHED.

———. Einleitung, Übersetzung und Kommentierung von NHC VI,6 und VI,7 für die in Vorbereitung befindliche deutsche Gesamtübersetzung der Nag-Hammadi-Codizes des Berliner Arbeitskreises für koptisch-gnostische Schriften.

Turner, John D. Sethian Gnosticism and the Platonic Tradition. BCNH, section "Études". Québec etc.: Presses de l'Université Laval and Peeters.

Weidmann, Frederick W. Polycarp and John: The Harris Fragments and Their Challenge to the Literary Traditions. PUBLISHED: Christianity and Judaism in Antiquity 12. Notre Dame: University of Notre Dame Press, 1999. [The "heart" of the book (a revision of a dissertation written under B. Layton) is a critical edition and translation of an unpublished Coptic text on Polycarp of Smyrna.]

Westerhoff, Matthias. Auferstehung und Jenseits im koptischen "Buch der Auferstehung Jesu Christi, unseres Herrn". Orientalia Biblica et Christiana 11. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 1999. PUBLISHED.

Wilfong, Terry. The Women of Jeme: Gender and Society in a Coptic Town in Early Islamic Egypt (University of Michigan Press).

Witte, Bernd. "Pseudathanasianische Schrift des 8. Jahrhunderts. Zum Erzengel Michael (M 502 ff. 51v-76v)" (Habilitationsschrift).

Young, D.W. "Two Leaves from a Copy of Shenute's Ninth Canon." WZKM 88 (1998) 281-301, with 4 pls. PUBLISHED.

———. "Five Leaves from a Copy of Shenute's Third Canon." Muséon.

Zöckler, Thomas. Jesu Lehren im Thomasevangelium. NHMS 47. Leiden etc.: Brill.





We are saddened by the recent deaths of Dr. Gamal Mokhtar († summer 1998) and Prof. Dr. Paul van Moorsel († 1 July 1999). Both were charter members of the IACS, and Dr. Mokhtar was one of its first Honorary Presidents.







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